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Escaped the root cellar to be the Town Crier.

Oct 26, 2020, 32 tweets

We may not be able to follow the money, but we *can* follow the Bag Man. This tattoo is a money laundering map to Shell Companies. This is a clusterfuck, but I will do my best. 1/

Weaponized Autists found that the tattoo is of the Finger Lakes in upstate NY, which is meaningful to Hunter because it's where his mom, Neilia, was from (born in Skaneateles, NY). 2/…

Skaneateles, LLC in news articles caught my attention. I thought it was such a strange name. I would probably go with Acme Inc or something inconspicuous for my Shell Company purposes, but to each his own, I guess. 3/…

So I started digging and found Hunter's entire Finger Lakes Capital Partners LLC money-laundering empire. 4/…

Finger Lakes Capital, LLC is associated with the following Finger Lake-named LLCs:

Seneca Lake Acquisition LLC
Honeoye Lake Acquisition LLC
Owasco Lake Acquisition LLC
Canadaiuga Lake LLC

Following this Grape Escape Keuka Lake LLC led me to Diplomat Freight Services LLC. Notice that this is designated as a FOREIGN LLC. 6/…

Diplomat Freight. Hmmmm...diplomats can ship items in a Diplomat Pouch to avoid screening by Customs. This includes shipping containers - you know, big enough to hold people or missiles or whatevs. 7/…

Some of these are incorporated in Delaware and some in New York. Some are branches of a parent LLC. I am not a forensic accountant, so anyone is welcome to dig further on this. It's a clusterfuck of LLCs, I suspect, by design. 8/

Many of these LLCs list John Rodenhouse as the Agent with a Maryland address. Who is this guy? 9/

Look at all of these wineries associated with Diplomat Freight, LLC: The Reisling Retreat, LLC; Point of the Bluff Vineyard, LLC; The Chardonnay Getaway, LLC. Is this why a bunch of Dirty Swampers, like the Pelosis, own wineries? What are they used for? 10/

Also note the UK flag because of UK directors. Remember that the UK - via FVEYs and including Australia and NZ (and Italy) - helped 'launder' the illegal spying on @realDonaldTrump. Boy, those Brits sure like to launder shit! Almost as much as Joe B! Thanks, Ally! 11/

So one of these Shell Companies - Otisco Enterprises, LLC - added a nameless officer, "Unassigned Agent," sometime between its incorporation and 4/4/2018. 12/…

This doesn't give an exact date, but I noticed - on other listings - that the date range would always (I chose random LLCs to cross-check) start on incorporation date and end on a specific but overall-random date, meaning not today's date nor date of data scraping. 13/

This indicates that those dates coincide with the legally required reporting, which means that Otisco added that unnamed officer on/around 4/4/18. Do y'all know where Hunter was on 4/4/18? 14/

Yeah, me either. BUT, I do know that, 2 years prior to that *EXACT* date, on 4/4/16, Hunter met with Obama in the Oval Office. I wonder if there is a legal window within which they have to report? Say, like, 2 years? 15/

Then Hunter is in DC getting handies and banging that cute black girl (hooker? Malia O? Both?) on 6/15/18. 16/

*Exactly* one month later, Owasco Lake Acquisition, LLC adds National Registered Agents, Inc as an officer. Gee, I wonder who it could be?! 17/…

From Hunter's Degenerate Selfie Roll, we see that he was, basically, holed up in LA/Hwood/Beverly Hills with drugs/pussy for months prior to that 7/15/18 Unnamed Officer being added to the Shell Co. I won't post them all, but here's a couple. 18/

A few of the pics show that Hunter was at Chateau Marmont for weeks on some drug/sex bender. 19/

I know this one is Chateau Marmont because of the decor. These public pics are before the hotel became a private club, so some things have changed, but, given that some pics list CM as location, and this candle thing, I think he was at CM for weeks. 20/…

This is important because it is the time leading up to that addition of National Registered Agents, Inc to the Owasco Lake Acquisition, LLC Shell Company. Let's map the timeline AND who he was with. 21/

Pics indicate that Hunter was at Chateau Marmont (and general vicinity) between 4/18 - 6/18, but he suddenly flies to DC around 6/15/18 for sex and hand-shandies. And money laundering. 22/

After being in the DC area for a day or two, he is back in the LA area on 6/18/18 and boning his SiL, Hallie, by 6/22. But someone was with him in both LA and DC around that time, and it wasn't Hallie. It's worse than his dead brother's widow. 23/

These dates are confusing. Stay with me here. Hunter is flying between LA and DC a lot in this 1 week of 5/22/18 - 5/29/18. Again, here he is at Chateau Marmont. 24/

And here he is in DC/Maryland area on 5/26/18. Who is that in the bathtub? 25/

I suspect it's the same female that he is seen 9 inching at Chateau Marmot on 5/22/18. 26/

Many think this is SiL, Hallie Biden, or a minor. Nah. It's a Chinese BGY (chinese version of an Epstein-esque sex blackmail operation) asset. This one: 27/

Again, look at the hat in both pics: 28/

Do y'all know who that is? Why, it's Liu Yifei, none other than Disney's Mulan. 29/

So, to recap, Hunter is smoking meth or heroin and 9 inching Mulan *right* before he goes to DC and takes him with her, which is when that Agent is added to his Shell Company. 30/

If this is correct, it explains why Mulan made those pro-China comments against the people of Hong Kong and why Disney dgaf about filming next to concentration camps. They are ON THE TAKE to not gaf about CCP shenanigans. 31/

This entire thread explains a lot of stuff 32/

1. Trump's fingers while drinking water (Finger Lakes, exceptionally clean drinking water source)
2. More evidence of entertainment industry used as money laundering vehicle
3. Map & Key (tattoo and laptop pics)

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