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By trusting your Inner Senses you'll find true Knowledge, your Salvation and a Light for others to follow. 1 Timothy 4:16

Oct 27, 2020, 19 tweets

The entire manufactured coronavirus crisis is one giant, occult ritual from start to finish, divided up into four mini-rituals, each with the distinct occult purpose of initiation and transformation of the world and its people into a new global order.

So, let’s start by examining the four distinct, but interrelated, occult rituals that make up this massive global occult ritual initiation ceremony:
Ritual mask wearing.
Have you ever wondered why, in Revelation 17:5, Babylon is called “Mystery, Babylon”?

You already know that the word “Babylon” means “confusion.”  But what does the word “mystery” mean?  Here’s what the Strong’s Concordance tells us: Musterion — From a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth); a secret or “mystery” (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation

into religious rites.”
Quite interesting, isn't it? Most countries including the United States, are now forcing their citizens to wear face masks over their mouths on a mandatory basis, ostensibly to help stop coronavirus infections.This, even though numerous medical experts,

including the Surgeon General of the United States, have openly stated that wearing masks has no beneficial effect whatsoever against coronavirus.What’s more, numerous medical experts have attested to the fact that face masks can even be dangerous to one’s health in that they

curtail clear thinking (and even consciousness) by trapping carbon dioxide in the chamber of the mask, forcing you to re-breathe it over and over, thus depleting your blood of fresh air and the life-giving oxygen component it contains.So why are the powers-that-be,

globally, forcing their citizens to wear these face masks, if the masks simply don’t work against coronavirus, and might very well be dangerous to your health?  The answer should not surprise you. Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.  According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:“A form of disguise or concealment usually

worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being.”In other words, the wearing of a mask represents an occult transformation a human alchemy, if you will, from one role to another.  From one manner of being, to

to another.  Indeed, in this case, from individual sovereign under our Creator to collective subject under the member of the EL ite. You see, the masking ritual is specifically designed to reverse the order of hierarchy set in place by the Creator Himself.

In the hierarchy of your heavenly Father, you are a sovereign representative of His Word on this earth.  And your job is to speak His Word, on His Sovereign behalf to others.In other words, He’s the King, you’re a Prince of His kingdom, and your job is to carry

His Word to others so they too can get on board with it and return to the Father eternally through Jesus Christ  As it’s written regarding our primary duty as Christians:Preach the word; be instant in season,out of season;reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine

In short, your job is to teach your Father’s Word.  And you must be ready and willing to do so at all times. As such yomust always remain unmasked because your job in your earthly role as one of His faithful representatives is to speak and explain His Word to others. And to do so

you must open your mouth.  You cannot be muzzled.  You cannot be masked.Wearing the mask is a powerful occult symbol indicating your submission to another power other than the Creator who gave you the direct commission to preach His Word to the world

So, in the Creator’s hierarchy, you’re a sovereign representative of His Word on this earth.  And your job is to spread that Word to as many others as possible in the course of your adult lifetime.  But in the hierarchy of the ritualists, it’s quite the reverse.

The entire point of occult ritual mask-wearing is to hammer home to your subconsciousness — until it becomes completely true in your daily life — the idea that things are no longer the same, and will never be the same again.Masks hasten the suppression of ego

to help facilitate the death of the old identity before the identification with, and the manifestation of, a new identity. It’s an initiation into a new order. But it’s also a transformation of the self into a new position in that new order.

Under the sway of the occult ritualist, you, being mouth-masked, are no longer the person you used to be.  You’re no longer a designated mouthpiece of the Creator on this earth. You’re suddenly demoted and re-assigned to the position of obedient subject.

Symbolically, you become a serf in the new order. That’s your new role, your new identity as represented by the wearing of mask.
The wearing of the mask is simply part of the initiation ritual used to visually and psychologically signal your consent to this new arrangement.

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