Thread; biosecurity is one of the most practical solutions to improving the health of the animals on your farm and thus reducing the need for antibiotics #EAAD2020 #EuropeanAntibioticAwarenessDay #WAAW2020 #AMR
Biosecurity refers to practical measures to prevent an infection entering a farm, within a farm, and within an area/region. Healthy animals have improved welfare, improved efficiency and improved productivity. Biosecurity is cost effective! #EAAD2020 #WAAW2020
Biosecurity doesn’t start on your farm, but at your country’s borders. These are my shoes being disinfected by @agriculture_ie at @DublinAirport after being on an Italian pig farm. Did you know if you’re in contact with livestock abroad you must declare this at our borders? #EAAW
On your farm, Biosecurity starts at the gate, ensure you’ve a secure perimeter fence to prevent any unwanted visitors! #EAAW2020
Try to limit deliveries as much as possible, ensure any hauliers who visit your farm have detailed cleaning and disinfection logs for their vehicles and that they understand the importance of #biosecurity
Have you a visitor protocol on your farm? Have a visitors book for any visitors to sign and ensure they know your rules!
On pig farms visitors and staff must shower in and shower out to prevent bringing in any pathogens that could cause any illness
Subdividing your farm into sections ensures groups of animals of the same age stay together, no risk of transfer of pathogens between groups. This is called biocontainment! #EAAD2020 #EuropeanAntibioticAwarenessDay
Make sure you have adequate bird and rodent control on your farm and that they have no access to animals. With regards to pigs, birds and rodents can spread the likes of ASF, Bordetella, Brucella, Clostridia, E-coli, Ery, Lawsonia, Lepto, Pasturella, Rotavirus, Salmonella & Strep
Hygiene is very important especially with young animals like piglets and calves. Pens should be washed, dried, disinfected and dried between batches of animals
Disinfectant footbaths will help prevent the spread of pathogens within your farm 🦠
Develop a biosecurity plan specific to your farm with your veterinarian and review it annually to keep your animals healthy and happy
So to conclude, biosecurity improves animal health & welfare, leads to lower antibiotic use, lower treatment costs, lower antimicrobial resistance & improved productivity! #EAAD2020 #EuropeanAntibioticAwarenessDay
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