Frédéric Leroy Profile picture
Agri-food scientist + CDP activist (Common sense, Decency & Pragmatism) Tweets reflect my own views

Nov 21, 2020, 9 tweets

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development @wbcsd is a very #creepy organization. Business people in expensive suits on the one hand, "stewards of God's planet" New Age nutters on the other?

This is what they'd like to have in place by 2030…

But it gets more freaky still: for 2030, the WBCSD also expects widespread use of "millions of eyes" to monitor compliance with the sustainable development goals.

#BigBrother watching over your Planetary Health...

Forget national sovereignty & governments - NGOs will be designing our public decisions. 10-50 million of them. 🤔

But don't fear, there will also be "some sort of Global Issues Forum" - what could go wrong?

And, fortunately, we'll have #celebrities to put us on the right track of eco-lifestyles. And we'll all be "service-purchasing" "One World People and Planet" kind of "empowered" yada yada ...

On the way, we'll make loads of $$$ thanks to the #FinancializationOfNature #NewDealForNature

And they have only the best planned for your future diets as well... THREAD 👇

No wonder WBCSD is one of the most central players in both the #GreatFoodTransformation and the World Economic Forum's #GreatReset

Little thread on the 'Good Life Goals' project WBCSD is involved in... Smells like doctrine.

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