Eric Topol Profile picture
physician-scientist, author, editor. Ground Truths:

Nov 28, 2020, 5 tweets

This will go down in history as one of science and medical research's greatest achievements. Perhaps the most impressive.
I put together a preliminary timeline of some key milestones to show how several years of work were compressed into months.

There are several points noteworthy related to this timeline:
1. Moderna had a head-start, so why didn't their Phase 3 trial finish first?
Part of #OperationWarpSpeed (OWS), they were requested to slow down enrollment to get better minority representation…

2. 3 scientists led the way
Katalin Karikó, worked on a mRNA vaccine for ~30 years, was demoted from @PennMedicine d/t losing her grants, went to @moderna_tx…
and the husband and wife team @BioNTech_Group…

3. The 5 days from sequencing the virus to design of an mRNA vaccine, relayed by Tony Fauci in our conversation

4. Whose idea was OWS and when did it kick in?
Peter Marks @US_FDA… @SharonLNYT
It was announced May 15th…

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