Clayton Hickman Profile picture
Colourisation artist (DMs open for commissions), designer, ex-DWM editor, wrote for SJA on TV, did most Dr Who DVD covers, very judgmental of TARDISes

Nov 30, 2020, 28 tweets

Starting tomorrow is my 2020 Twitter #TARDISInteriorAdventCalendar

40+ restored & remastered TARDIS set photos over 25 days, covering 25 seasons of Old Testament #DoctorWho. Includes 10 new colourisations and a bunch of previously-unseen images.

It’ll be quite nice, honest 👍

Day 1:
Season One
#DoctorWho and An Unearthly Child

Day 2:
Season Two
#DoctorWho and the Chase

Day 3:
Season Three
#DoctorWho and the Daleks’ Master Plan

Day 4:
Season Four
#DoctorWho and the Tenth Planet

Day 5:
No TARDIS interior photos from Season Five, so we’ll skip on to #DoctorWho and the Mind Robber (which was the last story from the S5 recording block so *almost* counts)

Day 6:
Season Six
#DoctorWho and the War Games

Day 7:
No TARDIS interior scenes in Season Seven, but we do get the final appearance of the original 1963 console in #DoctorWho and the Inferno

Day 8:
Season Eight
#DoctorWho and the Colony in Space

Day 9:
Season Nine
#DoctorWho and the Time Monster

Day 10:
Season Ten
#DoctorWho and the Planet of the Daleks

Day 11:
No TARDIS interior photos from Season Eleven, so genius @themindrobber has CG modelled the set seen in #DoctorWho and Death to the Daleks! 😍

Plus here’s Nick, Jon & Katy at the opening of the Science Museum’s BBC VFX Exhibition in Dec 1972

Day 12:
No TARDIS interior scenes in Season Twelve, so we’ll skip on to #DoctorWho and the Planet of Evil

Day 13:
Season Thirteen
#DoctorWho and the Pyramids of Mars

Halfway through! And if you’ve enjoyed it so far, or any of my past colourisations/restorations, I’d hugely appreciate it if you’d consider bunging me a small tip🙏

Day 14:
Season Fourteen
#DoctorWho and the Masque of Mandragora

Day 15:
Season Fifteen
#DoctorWho and the Image of the Fendahl

Day 16:
Season Sixteen
#DoctorWho and the Stones of Blood
(Photo © @kevinjondavies)

Day 17:
Season Seventeen
#DoctorWho and Shada (1979)
#DoctorWho and Shada (2017)

Day 18:
Season Eighteen
#DoctorWho and Logopolis

Day 19:
Season Nineteen
#DoctorWho and Castrovalva

Day 20:
Season Twenty
#DoctorWho and Mawdryn Undead
#DoctorWho and the Five Doctors

Day 21:
Season Twenty-One
#DoctorWho and the Awakening

Day 22:
Season Twenty-Two
#DoctorWho and the Mark of the Rani

Day 23:
Season Twenty-Three
#DoctorWho and the Trial of a Time Lord...being promoted on Blue Peter 😉

Day 24:
Season Twenty-Four
#DoctorWho and Time and the Rani
#DoctorWho and Delta and the Bannermen

Day 25:
Season Twenty-Five
#DoctorWho and the Greatest Show in the Galaxy
(Photo 2 © @MarkAyresRWS)

Merry Christmas!🎄❤️

(And RIP in pieces magnificent Malcolm Thornton TARDIS set 😢)

And that’s it for my #TARDISInteriorAdventCalendar 2020!

If you’ve enjoyed these 48 painstakingly-restored #DoctorWho pics, including 12 new colourisations, I’d hugely appreciate a small tip to make the past few months of Photoshop toil worthwhile! 😘

Thanks to everyone who’s liked/retweeted/commented/been nice to me over the past month. Special thanks to Peter Ware, Gav Rymill, Si Hodges, Rhys Williams, Kevin Davies, Mark Ayres, Stuart Manning & several other nameless benefactors for all their help, kindness and generosity 😘

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