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Voices of VR Podcast, an insatiably curious, XR oral historian, aspiring philosopher. Patreon

Dec 2, 2020, 123 tweets

238/ Nov 30: Interesting exchange between @StephenAtHome & Obama.
Colbert: UFOs? Any UFOs? Did you ask about that?
Obama: Certainly asked about it.
Colbert: And?
Obama: Can’t tell you. [pause] Sorry.
Colbert: Okay. Alright. I'll take that as a 'Yes.'

239/ @Debriefmedia was launched on Nov 30 by defense & intelligence reporters @LtTimMcMillan, @mjbanias, & @MicahHanks.
They're continuing to cover the UFO/UAP beat.
McMillan teased a big UAP story breaking tomorrow, Dec 2.
Here's their mission statement:…

240/ @Debriefmedia provides an update on the UAP Task Force briefings & "two classified intelligence reports on UAP" that went viral in the IC as it included photographic evidence of a cube & triangle UFO shot from the cockpit of two F/A-18 fighter jets.

241/ @LtTimMcMillan's article goes into how some UFOs have "transmedium" capabilities of going between air & water. So Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) can also be Unidentified Submersible Phenomena (USP). Underwater reconnaissance is highly classified.…

242/ @dcexaminer's @TomRtweets confirms @Debriefmedia story on 2 UAP intelligence reports.
He suspects UFO photos from Navy jet cockpits are from either USS Dwight D. Eisenhower or USS John C. Stennis.
Confirms Navy has seen USO/USP at hundreds of knots/hr

243/ "Galactic Federation" is trending on Twitter because @Jerusalem_Post
says retired Israeli general Haim Eshed told Yediot Aharonot aliens exist, we're in contact, but the Galactic Federation says humanity isn't ready.


244/ "Pentagon’s UAP Task Force now has 180 days to provide the Senate Intelligence Committee with their unclassified report detailing The Pentagon’s current investigations into UFOs" as of Dec 28th, 2020.
The most juicy data will be in classified portion.

245/ Lots of new info on @LueElizondo's journey with AATIP (including 1st meeting), joining & departing @TTSAcademy.
Lue didn't know about videos leaked to NYT.
FOIA expert @blackvaultcom asks about gaps he's uncovered.
A historically-relevant discussion.

246/ @TTSAcademy is an entertainment company & @LueElizondo isn't an entertainer.
TTSA preferences a more dramatic story over nuanced truth.
@ChristopherKMe4 says he "bent the rules" to release videos to NYT while TTSA says they were properly declassified.

247/ Dec 20: @LueElizondo announced to @g_knapp that he, @ChristopherKMe4, & Steve Justice were leaving @TTSAcademy.
@SilvaRecord published the exchange & @MysteryWire says Lue "plans to expand UAP investigations & disclosure efforts on a global level."…

248/ Here's an in-depth profile of @LueElizondo by @billeecox, who has been "writing about UFOs for the Herald-Tribune since 2007, in a blog called De Void."
Lue has had quite a remarkable journey.
He & @ChristopherKMe4 add more context for leaving TTSA.…

249/ The next big deadline #UFOTwitter is waiting for is the unclassified report by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force that's due by June 26, 2021 (180 days from 12/28).
It's not backed by law, & comprehensive report will likely be classified.…

250/ @blackvaultcom looks into alleged UFO debris claims. NYT reported Bigelow modified buildings to house "metal alloys" & materials "recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena," but Bigelow told @g_knapp they "never had any."…

251/ @OmniTalkRadio's UFO Media Archive is amazing.

Today I caught up on the many waves of #UFOTwitter stories. Officials speaking on UFOs, UAP Task Force report due in June & Pentagon confirmed new UFO photos & videos:…

252/ 3 former intel officers have spoken on UFOs recently.
Dec 16 2020: Former Director of the CIA John O. Brennan confirmed unexplained phenomena to Tyler Cowen, which may constitute "a different form of life."



253/ Mar 19 2021: Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe confirms that UAPs have been observed w/ actions difficult to explain, he tried to get data declassified, but UAP Task Force report will hopefully declassify info so he can say more.

254/ Apr 2, 2021: Former CIA Director James Woolsey shared a friend's anomalous UAP anecdote with @blackvaultcom, not as skeptical as he used to be about testimony on curious aircraft behavior from airline pilots after hearing from multiple UAP witnesses.

255/ June 2020, documentary filmmaker @dave_beaty used FOIA to get USS Kidd's ship logs from July 2019 to discover that their SNOOPIE (Ship Nautical Or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation) team was deployed to document UAP or drones.

256/ Using Beaty's USS Kidd tip, @thewarzonewire FOIA'd ship logs & position from 5 ships to reconstruct July 2019 mystery "drone" incursions.
Many open questions on the speed, endurance, & capabilities of these UAS.
Were they UAP?…

257/ The "drone" report inspired @g_knapp to revisit UAP photos taken by F-18 pilots on Mar 19, 2019.
On Apr 6, 2021, @MysteryWire posted the 3 new photos of the Sphere, Acorn, & Metallic Blimp UAPs. Pentagon confirmed 2 days later.…

258/ Apr 8, 2021, documentarian @JeremyCorbell shared leaked footage of a swarm of UAP pyramids shot by military personnel on USS Russell July 2019.
Pentagon would confirm via @blackvaultcom later that day.……

259/ Apr 8 2021: @JeremyCorbell shared 2 slides of UAP incursions from Office of Naval Intelligence briefings (May 1 2020, Oct 19 2019) featuring UAP photos of July 2019 USS Russell pyramids & July 15 2019 USS Omaha transmedium UAS.…

260/ Apr 8 2021: @MysteryWire's @g_knapp contextualized @JeremyCorbell's footage & slides with @thewarzonewire's drone/UAS incursion report in same July 2019 timeframe.
Probably more an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) than Unmanned Aerial System (UAS):

261/ Apr 9 2021: Pentagon confirms to @blackvaultcom the latest UAP leaks: "I can confirm that the referenced photos & videos were taken by Navy personnel. The UAPTF has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations."…

262/ After the Pentagon confirmed the authenticity of these new UAP photos/videos to @blackvaultcom on April 9, it kicked off a MASSIVE UFO media wave that's still rippling out.

@MysteryWire & @JeremyCorbell updated their articles.……

263/ Not sure if @dandrezner's WaPo "We need to talk about UFOs again" op-ed Apr 1 influenced the Pentagon's quick confirmation.
He said, "the U.S. government continues to tiptoe toward the normalization of the idea of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)."…

264/ Ever since @LueElizondo left TTSA, he's been doing *dozens* of interviews with major media, podcasters, & #UFOTwitter enthusiasts.
He did a media briefing for NYT, NBC, WaPo, Fox, NextGov, & @MysteryWire giving an update on the UAP Task Force report:…

265/ @LueElizondo tells @NicoWav it's clear "something happened" at Roswell. Details "still up for debate," but enough to merit a "deployment of people for a recovery mission" [crash retrieval], but also public affairs.
US may recovered UFOs before 1947.

266/ @LueElizondo has a lot of patience explaining why @MickWest's single-source reporting & independent UFO debunking analysis is missing context of classified footage, pilot testimony, data from Hawkeye radar, Princeton SPY-1, & possible other sensors.

267/ Well-produced @LueElizondo interview by @MiddleOfMayhem covering the 5 UAP observables, unidentified submerged objects, how religious beliefs created closed-minded taboos on UFOs, & coping with vendettas from the Pentagon.

268/ Apr 15, 2021 @Aviation_Intel made the case for "drones & balloons being the culprit for much of the recent UAP activity."…

@LueElizondo responded to this controversial thesis:

269/ @MysteryWire asked current/former Senators about the UAP Task Force.

4/14/2021: Sen. @MarkWarner talks about UFOs

4/14/2021: Sen. @marcorubio talks about UFOs

4/23/2021: @SenatorReid Interview

270/ Here's an example of a mainstream media report catalyzed by @JeremyCorbell's UAP footage confirmed by the Pentagon. @GadiNBC has been producing some solid UFO updates for NBC, & this one summarizes recent statements from former intelligence officials:

271/ @GadiNBC update on UFO incursions over restricted nuclear assets. @LueElizondo says US has "had some nuclear capabilities disabled by [UAP]."

[Me: UAP/nuclear connection has previously been reported by Robert Salas, Charles Halt, & Robert Hastings.]

272/ Apr 26 Pentagon spokesperson told @GadiNBC @LueElizondo "had no assigned responsibilities for [AATIP]."
@SenatorReid "As one of the original sponsors of AATIP, I can state as a matter of record Lue Elizondo's involvement & leadership in this program."

273/ Apr 30: @NewYorker did the best modern history of UFOs I've seen a mainstream publication do. 13k words that break down lots of UFO taboos & stigmas while contextualizing cultural shifts since @lesliekean's Dec 2017 NYT piece.…

274/ Biggest news in @NewYorker's UFO piece is @SenatorReid saying he heard that "Lockheed had some of these retrieved [UFO] materials," but the Pentagon denied him the security clearance he'd need to see it. He previously denounced similar claims by NYT.

275/ @NewYorker Radio Hour Podcast gives a 34m history of UFOs with lots of archival clips (see @OmniTalkRadio's annotations below).
@lesliekean connects past to present.
Good quotes by @johnpodesta, @SenatorReid & @ChristopherKMe4.…

276/ May 3 2021: Department of Defence Inspector General announced it will be evaluating "the extent to which the DoD has taken actions regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)."
This should be pretty big news.



277/ @Debriefmedia's @LtTimMcMillan
& @mjbanias report on DoD IG's UAP evaluation prodded by Senate Armed Services Committee.
Won't cover public affairs chaos, but will "promote the economy, efficiency, & effectiveness" of DoD ops.…

278/ @ezraklein NYT op-ed interviewing people on alien/UFO reactions including @AgnesCallard, “I guess my preferred reaction would be for the knowledge that someone was watching to inspire us to be the best examples of intelligent life that we could be.”…

279/ @ChristopherKMe4 & @LtTimMcMillan have both pointed to the Department Of Energy as a place where exotic technologies could be kept secret, especially with breakthrough energy.
@BrettTingley wrote a ~6k-word article explaining DoE's history & secrecy:

280/ @60Minutes doing a big report on UAP this weekend.

They released a preview video + article with the title: Former Navy pilot says flight crews observed UFOs off Atlantic Coast "every day for at least a couple years"…


281/ @JeremyCorbell leaked another UAP video:…

“I can confirm that the video was taken by Navy personnel, and that the UAPTF included it in their ongoing examinations,” said Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough…

282/ 28m @JeremyCorbell interview on new UAP footage from USS Omaha on 2019-07-15 by @g_knapp

I wish we could getting this type of evidence & transparency directly from sources will fullest context.

@MysteryWire's video summary:

283/ Both times Corbell & Knapp leaked footage, other outlets got Pentagon to confirm footage was shot by Navy personnel & UAPTF is investigating, but they're not sharing any final conclusions.
Could be drones, UAS, or UAP/UFO.
@blackvaultcom's timeline:

284/ @Pogue did a segment on UAP for @CBSSunday Morning w @lesliekean on UAP incursions, Avi Loeb on his Oumuamua Interstellar hypothesis, & SETI's @SethShostak who's skeptical of Navy UAP, but also hasn't seen full context of data.

285/ @60Minutes segment recaps UAP story w/ DoD's AATIP program & @LueElizondo, @ChristopherKMe4 confirms UAP go beyond US capabilities, 3 Navy pilots on UAP incursions captured on radar/FLIR & eyewitness encounter, & @marcorubio on the June UAPTF report.…

286/ More F/A-18F pilot eyewitness testimony on @60Minutes
Overtime featuring Cmdr. Dave Fravor & Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich (speaking on-the-record for first time) about their Nov 2004, USS Nimitz, Tic-Tac UAP encounter, which has lots of radar confirmation.…

287/ 4 of 7 Tweets on @60Minutes UAP segment.

Elizondo: USG says UFOs are real

Elizondo on 5 observables

Hard to spoof UAP IR + radar returns

Military ignoring what could be spies

288/ 3 of 7 tweets on @60Minutes UAP segment

Pilot eyewitnesses say UAP exceed US capabilities.

UAP seen by trained witnesses + radar data

Rubio on UAP stigma has prevented Congress from asking questions:

289/ It's interesting that @60Minutes didn't mention @tomdelonge in their story at all.
@TTSAcademy was an umbrella group for @LueElizondo & @ChristopherKMe4, but now they have more freedom to act beyond the entertainment constraints & embargoes of TTSA.

290/ If you're still getting caught up on the UFO / UAP story, @ddeanjohnson's thread is an excellent primer w/ lots of FOIA-requested documentation, history of Congressional briefings on UAP, & SSCI directive for a public report on UAP by UAP Task Force:

291/ @GadiNBC on July 2019 USS Omaha footage leaked by Corbell the morning after the @60Minutes UAP piece.
Important concluding point that the best data on UAPs is classified as it comes via military sensors, which means it can only be seen by Congress.

292/ Fmr Director of Natl Intelligence James Clapper told CNN, "I don't know why we haven't been more transparent about [UAP] in the past... In my former capacities, I didn't insist on more transparency with respect to this issue."…

293/ Round up of late-night comedians reacting to @60Minutes piece on UAP on Monday night.

Fallon wasn't great

Kimmel always delivers on UFOs

Corden got some good quotes from Obama

294/ There's not a lot novel investigative work by the mainstream media that's producing evidence to push UAP story forward. Still lots of sensationalism.
@strategic_doubt has done FOIA data-driven stories & wrote a media critique:…

295/ In Feb, @blackvaultcom deconstructed sensationalist claims by Bragalia.

Original hyperbolic article:…

Deconstruction Part II

Train wreck of an interview:

296/ @60Minutes reaction video by veteran UFO researchers.
They cover a WIDE range of unsubstantiated hypotheses on what's happening & why including a robust UFO cover-up by Air Force.
Lots of unverifiable hearsay, exotic cosmologies, & wild speculation.

297/ On the skeptical side, @MickWest continues to try to debunk any UAP footage:…

@JasonColavito & @keithkloor see the UFO coverage as a media echo chamber catalyzed by a small group of UFO enthusiasts.……

298/ Op-ed on Dogmatic Scientific Orthodoxy & lack of open-minded interest in ‘Oumuamua's anomalies by Astronomer Avi Loeb, who faced a lot of stigma for his ET hypothesis. The philosophy of science is impacted by sociological taboos on topics like aliens.…

299/ Producer @grahammessick gives a shout out to those who helped out on the @60Minutes UAP piece including witnesses, #UFOtwitter reseachers & journalists. The story has crossed the chasm into the mainstream, but most of best UAP evidence is still secret

300/ UFOs trending on Twitter after Obama's comments on Corden Mon. + responses to @60Minutes UAP piece + social media buzz + new waves of mainstream media picking up on USS Omaha footage Pentagon confirmed UAPTF is investigating.
More context in thread 👆

301/ There's been an unprecedented amount of coverage on UFOs/UAPs since the 60 Minutes piece aired last Sunday that it's been hard to keep up.
May 17 @ChristopherKMe4 labeled the lack of DoD action on UAPs over many years a "massive intelligence failure."…

302/ Catalyzed by Mellon calling UAP a massive intelligence failure BBC Newsnight interviewed author of New Yorker's UAP article Gideon Lewis-Kraus on how UFOs are 1 of 3 main options: secret US military tech, foreign adversary, or other-worldly ET tech.

303/ UAP could be prosaic man-made tech or hallucinations, but on Oct 5 2020 @Berlinghoff_R laid out other ufological metaphysics options including ET hypothesis, cyptoterrestrials, mentally-induced, extradimensional, interdimensional, or ultraterrestrial.

304/ Regarding UAP debris, @LueElizondo told Tucker Carlson on May 19, "The [U.S.] government is in possession of exotic material & I'll leave it at that... There's enough uniqueness about it where it demands additional analysis, additional expertise."…

305/ May 19: "How will intelligence community UFO report deal with the true unknowns?"@TomRtweets doesn't take ET off table as sources said "no element of the U.S. govt or private sector (such as Elon Musk) has vehicles that can do what these UFOs can do."…

306/ May 19 NBC's @denisechow & @GadiNBC recapped UFO history starting with 2004 Nimitz encounter, AATIP dates from 2007-2012, & then the Dec 2017 NYT article.
They link to the New Yorker, which has a bit deeper historical context.…

307/ UFO researchers get frustrated when media puts the origin point for the UAP story at 2004.
AATIP didn't investigate historical cases without additional empirical data.
Watch this clip of James McDonald & ask what the Air Force has to say on UAP today.

308/ UFOlogy is *deep* rabbit hole w many degrees of conspiracy.
Researcher @GrantCameron gave many accurate predictions on what @tomdelonge was going to do in his March 2017 book "Managing Magic."
He recounts some of that history in this May 19 interview

309/ Oct 11 2017 @tomdelonge announced To The Stars w/ @ChristopherKMe4 & @LueElizondo who said, "We are also planning to provide never before released footage from real U.S. government systems."

310/ Sometimes videos in this thread get deleted.
Here's a mirror of a video I saw immediately after seeing the TTSA press conf in Oct 2017 featuring @GrantCameron on @tomdelonge

Original posted Jul 11 2017:

311/ The Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (@ExploreSCU) seeks "evidence-based answers to UAP/UFO questions" & is asking that "more information regarding this subject should be released so that it can be
properly analyzed by the scientific community."

312/ @Astro_Wright says SETI assumes "alien tech follows the laws of physics as we know them" while UFOlogy assumes "*violations* of those laws."
Kuhn says anomalies lead to paradigm shifts.
Perhaps UAP use Alcubierre drives with exotic matter or energy.

313/ Oct 11 2017 @tomdelonge says Puthoff's equations "crucial to potentially understanding the [UAP] technology observed."
JBIS "Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering" vol.63, p.82-89 (2010)…

314/ Alcubierre's "The warp drive: hyper-fast travel within general relativity" allows "motion faster than the speed of light as seen by observers outside the disturbed region" assuming exotic mass or negative energy density.…

315/ I recorded an interview with professor Matthew Szydagis talking about the Physics of UAP/UFOs after hearing him speak at the @ExploreSCU Conference.
We talk about Alcubierre Warp Drives, Dark Matter, & potential Paradigm Shifts in Science. #UFOTwitter

@ExploreSCU 316/ Excellent @WisdomRebel interview w Integral philosopher @sesbjornhargens on exopolitics & UFOs/UAP sensemaking frameworks emphasizing pluralistic "integrative meta-science" to deal with high strangeness paradoxes beyond Western naturalism:

317/ @sesbjornhargens says UAP combines inner & outer experiences. Suggests switching between phenomenological bracketing (knowledge limited by direct experiences) vs ontological flooding (pluralistic approach to multiple ways of knowing beyond naturalism)

318/ June 25 2021: UAP Task Force report is due today.
Catching up on UFO news since May 16 60 Minutes report to update my timeline a bit since there's been a ton of news articles, but not much new empirical data.
@bobofango86 posted a historical timeline:

319/ This is a good recent UAP timeline by @SicCoP1 that focuses on the classified UAP/UFO briefings that Congress has received with lots of FOIA document excerpts + many statements from Congressional reps who have been taking the UAP incursions seriously.

320/ The most exhaustive timeline of UAP/UFO media articles has been maintained by @OmniTalkRadio, who has been swamped trying to keep up with a deluge of daily UAP news.
His 2021 spreadsheet highlights important articles in green:…

321/ June 3, 2021. NYT previewed UAP Task Force Report due today & said "vast majority of more than 120 incidents over the past two decades did not originate from any American military or other advanced U.S. government technology."…

322/ @Debriefmedia's @LtTimMcMillan is publishing a 4-part series digging into some historical UFO cases & UAP history.
6/23 1964 case…
6/24 2015 Gimbal…
6/25 Fmr SecNav Mabus & Elizondo…

323/ @MysteryWire's @g_knapp previously reported on briefing slides from UAP Task Force & gives a sneak peak of what he expects will & will not be in report due today.
120+ UFO reports aren't US, may be China/Russia (but not likely)…

324/ 5/26/21: Politico's @BryanDBender reported @LueElizondo filed a complaint to the DoD IG for a "coordinated campaign to discredit him for speaking out."
His lawyer Danny Sheehan says IG eval is also about digging into how the Pentagon has handled UFOs.…

325/ Video by NYPost's @MiddleOfMayhem unpacks how the Pentagon's contradictory & changing statements on UAP & Elizondo's role in AATIP led to the DoD IG complaints filed by @LueElizondo.
Shows Elizondo's IG complaint cover letter.

326/ 6/4/21 @LtTimMcMillan: "June UAP report is unlikely to meet the lofty expectations some may have, as an unlikely dark horse, the Inspector General’s Office may end up playing the most significant role in this whole UFO saga."…

327/ @ScolesSarah summarizes the skeptical take on UAP criticizing the media "some coverage has lacked the nuance that the current evidence warrants" & says they're just uncritically recycling the same sources & story while the DoD contradicts itself.…

328/ 5/28/21 FOIA expert @blackvaultcom reports DoD destroyed @LueElizondo's emails & "it appears there may be no adequate authorization that can be cited for this destruction to have taken place."
Perhaps DoD IG eval will explain.…

329/ Debunker @MickWest says "mundane explanations exist for all of these [UAP] videos"
He's not a scientist or subject matter expert.
His "explanations" are unverified hypotheses via single-source reporting that don't account for classified radar data.…

330/ @alpha_check does a brilliant job using a F/A-18 flight sim to deconstruct some of @MickWest's UAP "explanations."
Shows how pilots have a lot of additional context via Link 16 network sensor fusion.
May 4:
May 30:

331/ 5/26/21: WaPo op-ed from @haqqmisra & @ravi_kopparapu who argue "Without robust, credible data mined by mainstream scientists, UAP studies will always be viewed as fringe science."
Hopefully the scientific community can get access to quality UFO data.…

332/ 5/28/21 @BryanDBender did a great 6.4k-word piece tracing the historical evolution of these latest UAP stories, which contextualizes @tomdelonge's early role.
Don't miss the ~13-min video embedded in the story…

333/ #UFOTwitter is breathlessly waiting for the UAP Task Force report to drop.
@LtTimMcMillan posted an "Incoming" GIF at 1:38p EDT.
@SomewhereSkies says we'll hear something between 3-5p EDT.
Whether it's out or not, I'm joining @LuAngeles' livestream:

334/ @marcorubio has released a statement on the UAP Task Force report: military eye witnesses "encounters with unidentified aircraft that had superior capabilities" have been ridiculed, report is a first step, still lots to be done to understand it.…

335/ The unclassified version of the UAP Task Force Report is now available via @ODNIgov. #UFOTwitter…

336/ @politico on the UAP Task force report, "virtually all of the 144 sightings of unidentified flying objects documented by the military since 2004 are of unknown origin."
One balloon +143 remain unidentified.
Some quotes from current & former officials.

337/ Big news: OUSD(I&S) will formalize mission of UAPTF across military departments, combatant commands, ODNI, other interagency partners to "make improvements in processes, policies, technologies, & training to improve our ability to understand UAP."…

338/ DepSecDef Hicks' memo for OUSD(I&S) to take over UAPTF:
Synchronize collection, reporting & analysis on UAP
Figure out how to secure military air space
Spec goals, logistics, staff, & timeline
Interagency collabs
Report on UAP observations within 2wks…

339/ Highlights from @LtTimMcMillan's UAPTF story:
USAF started gathering data Nov 2020.
Significant collab with FAA's data
Rep Carson wants public hearings.
Sen Warner just the beginning.
Sen Schiff says more classified briefings.…

340/ Great "Bullet-point TL;DR of [UAPTF] report" by reddit user -irradiated-.

Really sticks out that "we may require additional
scientific knowledge" to "successfully collect on, analyze, & characterize" some UAP + "pending scientific advances" to grok.…

341/ @EthicalSkeptic breaks down UAPTF Report to 8 main points including UAP are real & warrants further investigation + there's still "sociocultural stigmas" via "social [fake] skeptics" to overcome.
Claims folks like Shermer & West "lost this argument."…

342/ I love these @EthicalSkeptic definitions:

"Real skepticism" suspends judgment…

"Social skepticism" is activist-minded, weaponized fake skepticism…

"Debunkers" dismiss evidence without scientific inquiry…

343/ @AgnesCallard says that believing truths & avoiding falsehoods are two separate algorithms & knowledge requires dialectical collaboration by both credulous believers & skeptical doubters.
Closed-minded debunkers contribute to sociocultural stigmas.

344/ The UAPTF report was preliminary in scope, but it's already started a deeper process of gathering more institutional support, which hopefully helps mitigate sociocultural stigmas & leads to more evidence & potentially some fundamental paradigm shifts.

345/ Statement from @LueElizondo on UAPTF report leans deeper into the ET Hypothesis:
It's not secret US tech.
Doesn't seem to be allies or enemies (at least so far).
No terrestrial explanations (yet).
ETH hasn't been eliminated.…

346/ June 24: @ChrisKMellon posted "Don’t Dismiss the Alien Hypothesis" saying it's "not classified U.S. aircraft" & "seems improbable" to be Russia or China.
Calls for scientists to be cleared to study UAP.…

Mellon's UAPTF reaction

347/ @TomRtweets notes no mention of UAP/nuclear connection in UAPTF report, which he & others have previously reported [likely due to the classified nature of an alleged connection].
Also notes "CIA was not a party to the report."…

348/ Dec 17, 2019: @TomRtweets previously reported that the UAP/nuclear connection was one of the "real reasons the US government is so secretive about UFOs."
Sobering anonymous accounts on UAP superiority over our nukes & tech.…

349/ 6/25 @LtTimMcMillan reported a pretty astounding claim that the Navy may have tried to "'coax' UAP into showing up" by using their nuclear powered ships as a lure, but that the specific details were classified.
Fits what @TomRtweets has also reported.…

350/ UFO researcher @RichDolan parses UAPTF report "bureaucratic jargon" & finds most UAP are solid & technological + "cannot be attributed to US military or industrial technology, nor that of foreign adversaries... You do the math."
Highlights five points…

351/ On @SpacedOutRadio @BobMcGwier_N4HY's source: classified UAPTF briefing w National Security Council, National Security Advisor & Congress had a 70+pg report, 14 videos & "40 minutes of science fiction movies. We were all gobsmacked."
(h/t) @TheUfoJoe

352/ 6/14 #Disclosure lobbyist @SteveBassett dropped some deep context & history in this debate with @RichDolan.
TTSA & UAPTF report makes sense if the goal is to produce public hearings for a "Public Relations Extraction Process" to end the Truth Embargo.

353/ @SteveBassett's argument that the UAPTF report was designed to lead to public hearings changed my mind, especially as that seems like the next logical step as @RepAndreCarson calls for public hearings.…

354/ @SteveBassett also provided a lot of context for how his #disclosure activism in part led to @johnpodesta's famous Feb 13, 2015 Tweet expressing regret over not securing "#disclosure of the UFO files."
[note that Podesta44 now redirects to Deese44]

355/ @SteveBassett also explained @johnpodesta tagged @maureendowd because she skeptically reported on Air Force's new cover story for Roswell in June 1997 as Col. John Haynes tried to explain alien bodies in 1947 were from crash test dummies from the 50s.…

356/ 5/24 UFO lobbyist @SteveBassett: "The Disclosure event is coming & it's the biggest event in human history... It's almost impossible to measure it."
If ETH is true & UAPTF hearings lead to #disclosure, he's spot on.
If ETH is false, UAP are prosaic🤷‍♂️…

357/ @SteveBassett said his UAP media archive 1000+ articles now, & that he's reading them all.
My assessment is that he's tracking the political rhetoric & deconstructing the 60k foot strategy better than anyone else right now.

358/ @SteveBassett to WaPo's @AshleyRParker: "The American people may hear from their govt the biggest truth, ever relayed, in a formal way to the human race... Now if you’re going to start truth-telling, to regain trust, why not start with a big one?"

359/ Attn: #UFOTwitter UAPTF is moving into a political phase towards hearings now.
@SteveBassett points out it was WaPo bureau chief @AshleyRParker who wrote the June 1 piece on how UFOs are the most bipartisan issue right now in agreement to investigate.

@SteveBassett @AshleyRParker 360/ Interesting to see @EricRWeinstein do some truth of reconciliation in admitting he was wrong for being a staunch UFO skeptic, he apologizes, commits to listening more, & thanks the patriots & scientists who reached out to give him an early heads up.

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