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By trusting your Inner Senses you'll find true Knowledge, your Salvation and a Light for others to follow. 1 Timothy 4:16

Dec 4, 2020, 8 tweets

ORT. Final chapter. Atto XXI.
In order to contextualise my most recent threads, I believe is necessary to expand on my theory about the nature of our reality and the purpose of our existence. Sounds pretentious, doesn't it?
You can stop reading now, it's going to get really weird

My theory is based upon my extensive research and personal experience. I am one of those people who clearly remember a different reality from the one we are experiencing. This phenomenon is known as Mandela Effect or more appropriately Consciousness Shifting. Many are affected.

The fact is if you are not, you won't see any difference. Is it because you belong to this reality, this vibrational level or is it because the veil has not been lifted yet? I am aware of what the received narrative is about the ME, they are false memories... We are loonies.

I could write quite the long list of discrepancies between the two realities, from geography to anatomy, logos, popular culture, history, religion, architecture, semantics, spelling but if you know, you know if you don't know you won't want to know. Actually there's more than two

Imagine, waking up in a different world. Noticing that irrefutable first discrepancy and then more and more, what would you do? Would you doubt yourself? Would you start questioning your sanity? Probably you would begin by confiding with your nearest and dearest, but what if...

They don't see it, what would you do then? Would you try and convince yourself you are misremembering? Maybe it's the stress maybe you didn't really know how it was. I mean if it is just you then you must be wrong mustn't you? Easier to pretend is just a momentary lapse of reason

Yes, it is always easier to choose the wider, illuminated path, to conform, to follow the many and believe in the received narrative and wisdom. Why rock the boat, right? You would not be able to, once you truly see you cannot unsee. Now you have a choice to make, keep or share.

To be continued.
Good night.
Try to imagine what it will be like to go to sleep and never wake up… now try to imagine what it was like to wake up having never gone to sleep.” Alan Watts

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