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Dedicated to #Persona3's Makoto Yuki & Aigis, #Aikoto | 主アイ | 主艾 | 주아이 🌸 ※ NOT Spoiler-free 👇 Check the Aikoto archive for everything Aikoto across the years:

Dec 20, 2020, 51 tweets

#Persona3 has been adapted to 3 different mediums, so I thought it'd be nice to compare how #Aikoto was handled in each one. Which scenes from the game where adapted & how, which were cut & which inspired original scenes in each adaptation.

Thread will be updated (semi) daily!😊

‼️ I'll be focusing on the most important, canonical Aikoto moments that happen in the main timeline of FES outside of Aigis’ S-Link and of player-input.

For a more thorough list of Aikoto moments in the game, please do check this post:…

#1 Fateful Reunion at the Pier

The scene made it to the 3 adaptations! 👏 Leaders' interest in Aigis was nicely portrayed in both, the movies & the musicals, despite Sakuya not trying to "woo" her. The manga opts for a more indifferent Minato instead & cuts Aigis running away ⬇️

#2 "I have found you."

The chase scene is missing from all 3 adaptations. The manga removes it altogether, while the movies & musical rework it so that Aigis has an action-filled introduction instead. The hug & her declaration are always there, though! 🥺

Interestingly enough, the movies and musicals didn’t come up with their takes out of nowhere. In fact, Aigis was canonically present that night in the game! So they basically just merged both scenes into one and added some shadows to showcase Aigis' fighting style 😂

I can’t mention this scene without praising the musicals and Touch my Heartstrings, the Aikoto duet that perfectly summarizes their relationship from both sides 🥺

#3 Meet Aigis
Ikutsuki introducing Aigis is only absent from the manga. The movies adapt a short version of the scene while the musicals expand on it, with a hilarious scene between Aigis & a sheepish Sakuya (plus Ikutsuki making sure that a jealous Yukari wouldn’t interfere 😂)

#4 Five minutes early

This scene isn't in the musicals & manga, but the movies do adapt it and it’s just as funny as it was in the game! Or even funnier, since they have Aigis try to wake him up when he goes back to sleep 😂

Only downside is that we don't get to see Makoto saying whether Aigis can stay there or not, since the scene is cut short after she asks if it's acceptable 🤭

#5 Aigis goes to school

Aigis declaring her devotion to Leader to the entire class only makes it to the movies, with a few minor differences. Namely, Toriumi has less lines… and Aigis chooses her seat herself 😂

#6 Aigis watches over a sick Makoto

This scene sadly doesn’t make it to any adaptation 😔 Though the manga does feature Aigis checking in on Minato, it’s an entirely different scene that takes place the morning after.

However, P3M#2 pretty much pays homage to this scene as Aigis slips into Makoto's room to check in on him when he's acting weird 🥺

#7 Aigis' Will & Leader's Trust

While very close to the game, there’s one big difference in the manga: looking at Minato isn't enough for Aigis to break out of Ikutsuki's control before Koro breaks the remote.
Meanwhile, the movies & musicals add some extra scenes & dialogues ⬇️

In the movies, Ikutsuki gets to control Aigis a 2nd time before Koro takes the remote, but she tries to resist.

Also, Aigis collapses in all three adaptations, so Makoto & Sakuya go hold her up while Minato just checks on her.

#8 Aigis wants to share rooms

It was only implied in the games but the movies not only pick up on it, they also deliver a hilarious sequence that ends with Makoto laughing for the first and only time in the movies 🥺

#9 You’re Special to Me

Sadly, this scene is only adapted in the manga😔shame we didn't get to see it in the movies & musicals.
All the dialogues are there, but while in the game Aigis talks to Leader face to face, in the manga Aigis just speaks to him through the door.

My apologies for the quality of the scanlation, I translated these way back when the the P3 manga hadn't been licensed yet 🤭

#10 Being There for Aigis

Leader’s concern for Aigis is conveyed beautifully in all three mediums 🥺
The dialogues also stay true to the game, aside from some reorganization (the musical quotes the Aigis vs Ryoji cutscene, for example).

After they confront Ryoji, the musicals even include Mitsuru trying to raise Sakuya's spirits by telling him that they'd be taking Aigis to the Kirijo lab and that she would be fine 🥺💕

🌸Extra: Asking about Aigis
In the game, Leader’s concern about Aigis’ stay in the lab is shown through a dialogue with Mitsuru. The movies & the musicals take this and let Makoto & Sakuya pay Aigis a visit instead. 🥺

#11 Reassuring Aigis
When Aigis comes back to the dorms and apologizes to Leader, all three of his dialogue options show that he thinks Aigis did the right thing 10 years ago🥺
This is kept in all three adaptations, as Makoto, Sakuya & Minato reassure her that it’s not her fault.

#12 The Almost Confession

Aigis doesn’t understand her own feelings, but she knows that “Death” isn’t the reason why she wants to be by his side🥺
The musical leaves out this dialogue. Meanwhile, the manga adds Yukari listening in to Aikoto's conversation🤭

Special thanks to @PopPengy for the pictures of the English manga! 🙏💕

#13 Leader’s and Aigis’ Promise

The manga for the most part sticks to the dialogues and chooses. Meanwhile, the movies & the musicals deliver a new take on this scene all while keeping Aikoto’s promise to stay together in the future & find the answers. Together. 🥺

The manga actually merges this scene with Rank 9 of Aigis’ SLink, though it keeps Aigis from actually confessing & her relationship with Minato from progressing. It also focuses their promise on the upcoming battle with Nyx, rather than on Aigis' desire to stay together.

Meanwhile, the movies choose to merge this scene with Aigis’ resolution from December 30.

Speaking about the movies! I believe Junpei noticing the mood between Aikoto was most likely based on the Drama CD Moonlight, where a very similar scene happens🤭

and *choices 😆
special thanks once again to @PopPengy for being kind enough to share pictures of the manga! 🙏💕

#14 Trying to make the most of this moment
Koromaru's last walk features SEES hanging out and "trying to make the most of [that] moment"... and for Aigis and Leader, that meant staying together and petting Koro🥺 but this moment sadly didn't make it to any adaptation.

The closest thing is one of the skits featured in the movies' Stage Dramas, but Aigis seems to be with Koro & the rest of SEEES in it while Makoto watches over them all from a little further away.

Makoto laughing thanks to Aigis is A+, though 🥺

#15 Strength

When she sees Leader fall, Aigis gathers herself and tries to get up, saying that she’ll never give up 💪
But since the fight against Nyx goes differently in each adaptation, this little moment doesn’t make it to any of them.

That said, the musicals do have a little moment that is very similar to this one, including Aigis' quote. 🥺
Meanwhile, the movies feature Aigis fighting off the shadows to protect Makoto from the ones attacking him.

#16 “No! Don’t Go!”
Aigis desperately begging Leader not to go is present in all three adaptations. 🥺

#17 This World that Gave Birth to You
This line is sadly missing from the NA translation, but it's present in every adaptation except for the movies, which chooses to give Aigis a different line.

The order Aigis shows up in also changes in each one. In the game, she is the last SEES member to speak, followed by the surprise (Shinji's soul). In the musicals, Ken & Shinji speak after Aigis. In the manga, Koromaru & Shinji. Lastly, in the movies they reverse Shinji & Aigis.

Note: Indeed, the NA translation actually missed the first line of Aigis' quote. So if we keep their wording, the full translation would be: "This world that gave birth to you, I absolutely won't allow it to be destroyed!" 🥺

#18 The One I Cherish
Aigis lamenting her lack of strength and not being able to protect Leader, “the one [she] cherishes”, is also present in all three adaptations.

It’s worth noting that the translation featured in FES leaves out Aigis saying Leader is the person she cherishes 😔 "Why… Why am I so powerless…? Can’t I protect the one I cherish…!?"

#19 “Please! Let us hear your voice!”
Sadly, Leader casually replying right after Aigis begs him to let them hear his voice is absent in all three adaptations, since Ryoji is the one who replies in the movies, the musicals and the manga 🥺

#20 Leader reacts to Aigis’ tears
This glorious scene is missing from all adaptations 😔 While the manga is the only one to show Leader returning to SEES, it writes out the way she is singled out and how emotional Leader gets when he sees her cry🥺

#21 Getting his memories back
Leader possibly starting to get his memories back when he sees Aigis is not outright stated in the game. However, the movies and even the manga choose to go this route 👀

#22 Knocking on his door
Aigis going to Leader’s room was included in both, the musicals and the manga. The movies chose to handle their reunion differently… but beautifully🥺

#23 Rooftop Scene
We all know this scene by heart and it'd be too long to cover it all, so I'll just briefly go through the main differences between each adaptation and the game!

Starting by the obvious: one of these things is not like the others 👀⬇️

The manga keeps pretty much all of Aigis' dialogues, except the ones where she thanks Leader. However, the scene itself is completely different from how it is in the game; from them sitting back to back, to Minato not wiping her tears away, to him standing up to greet SEES. ⬇️

The movies shorten Aigis' monologue, so I highlighted the bits they kept. The biggest difference is that Aigis doesn't cry here, so Makoto wiping her tears away is sadly missing and only shown in a special illustration. Lastly, unlike the game, Makoto gets to see SEES arrive. ⬇️

Lastly, the musicals! While Aigis' monologue here is the shortest of the bunch, they more than make up for it by including a fantastic tribute to Memories of You and by nailing the tone of the scene. Out of the adaptations, this one covers the ending most faithfully. ⬇️

🌸To summarize, the Rooftop Scene has 4 distinct Aikoto Moments: the lap-pillow, Aigis "confessing" & promising she'll always be by his side, Leader wiping away her tears and "falling asleep" on her lap with a smile on his face. The musical is the only one that covers them all.

#24 Memories of You
I can’t wrap up this thread without Memories of You. The manga makes no reference to it, the movies have Aigis saying she’ll never leave Leader; but the musicals go above and beyond, and have Aigis literally serenading Sakuya 🥲

#25 I’ll Never Leave You
Aigis’ promise to Leader, shown in both her S-Link and in Memories of You, is actually included in the movies! It's this that inspired the beautiful Aikoto scene where Makoto hugs Aigis.

Extra: The Evoker
In The Answer, we find out Aigis kept Leader’s Evoker after the events of the main game. While no adaptation covers The Answer, the Movies pay homage to it by including a scene where Aigis gets Makoto’s Evoker.

And it's a wrap! It took 1 year, but I've finally finished this thread 😂 As mentioned before, I only focused on the most important Aikoto moments from the game. The full list is here:…

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