Dedicated to #Persona3's Makoto Yuki & Aigis, #Aikoto | 主アイ | 主艾 | 주아이 🌸 ※ NOT Spoiler-free
👇 Check the Aikoto archive for everything Aikoto across the years:
Nov 18, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Given everything that's going on at Twitter, it seems like a good time to say that I've got Aikoto-dedicated pages on Tumblr, Discord & Reddit. Links below! ⬇️ #Aikoto
Aikoto Tumblr:
Running since 2015. Time sure flies!
Dec 20, 2020 • 51 tweets • 39 min read
#Persona3 has been adapted to 3 different mediums, so I thought it'd be nice to compare how #Aikoto was handled in each one. Which scenes from the game where adapted & how, which were cut & which inspired original scenes in each adaptation.
Thread will be updated (semi) daily!😊
‼️ I'll be focusing on the most important, canonical Aikoto moments that happen in the main timeline of FES outside of Aigis’ S-Link and of player-input.
For a more thorough list of Aikoto moments in the game, please do check this post:
Personally, I consider the manga the only adaptation that doesn't heavily lean towards Aikoto.
The funny thing about it though, is that to achieve this, it had to implement quite a few changes... that only highlight how romantic Aikoto is the game🤭
Thread incoming! ⏬
The first main change and the one that pretty much sets the tone for the differences between Sogabe's Minato and canon Leader in regards to Aigis, happens in Yakushima.
Nov 6, 2020 • 13 tweets • 10 min read
Leader smiling at Aigis (or thanks to her) throughout the games and different adaptations: A Daily Thread 🥺
Starting with: Persona 3 & The Answer 💙
Following with: Persona Q2💙
It's adorable how happy he was just talking about Aigis multiple times throughout the game 🥺
Feb 4, 2020 • 21 tweets • 15 min read
I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Leader's side of the Aikoto bond is pretty much my favorite thing!
Here are some of the moments that show how much he treasures Aigis throughout the games, drama cds, spin-offs, etc 🙌
warning: this is going to be long!
Leader in FES 1/2: Gets a heart over his head when he first sees Aigis, touches her on his own outside of her S-Link, promises her they’d stay together and find the answer together, hangs out with her during SEES’ last walk with Koro [cont]