Colin Wright Profile picture
Evolutionary Biology PhD | Founding Editor @RealLastStand | Fellow @ManhattanInst | Advisor @AtheistsLiberty | Whiskey, cats, ideas. 📧: cwright1859 @ gmail

Dec 23, 2020, 30 tweets

1/ 🚨BREAKING: Lawsuit filed today against educational agencies, teachers, principal, & CEO responsible for hosting workshops requiring children to make public professions about their racial, sexual, gender & religious identities, some of which were singled out for interrogation.

2/ Educators directed the plaintiff "to reveal his identities in a controlled, yet non-private setting, to scrutiny and official labeling," and are "coercing him to accept and affirm politicized and discriminatory principles and statements that he cannot in conscience affirm."

3/ The educators "repeatedly threatened William Clark with material harm including a failing grade and non-graduation if he failed to comply with their requirements."

4/ Plaintiffs claim that the educators' "coercive and intrusive behavior compelled William Clark’s protected speech and invaded his privacy, violating his constitutional rights under the First Amendment and his due process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment."

5/ The new curriculum, based on Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality, was done stealthily: "The generic name and syllabi provided to parents remained the same," and "parents were not made aware of the ideological turn in the curriculum."

6/ The new educational sessions were not "descriptive or informational" but were "normative and prescriptive."

"Parents...were not aware of the turn towards coercive, ideological indoctrination until they began seeing the detrimental effects it worked up in their children."

7/ "The teacher’s material stated who qualified as oppressors, and who in virtue of their gender and race harbored 'inherent belief in the inferiority' of others," which "assigned moral attributes to pupils based on their race, gender, sexual orientation and religion."

8/ Plaintiff "was obliged to profess himself complicit in 'internalized privilege [which] includes acceptance of a belief in the inherent inferiority of the [corresponding] oppressed group' [and] supporting 'the inherent superiority or normalcy of one’s own privileged group.'"

9/ The education agency "Democracy Prep" encouraged radical activism against existing school policies.

10/ The plaintiff, student William Clark, has suffered "severe mental and emotional stress" resulting from the hostile environment and is "living in fear" of retaliation.

This proved justified, as he has now been suspended and accused of being a racist.



13/ COUNT III: VIOLATION OF THE FIFTH & FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT (42 U.S.C. § 1983) (Due Process: Invasion of Privacy & Equal Protection)

14/ COUNT IV: VIOLATION OF THE FIRST & FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT (42 U.S.C. § 1983) (Substantive Due Process: Establishment Clause, Family Integrity &

15/ COUNT V: Title VI Violation of 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq. (Intentional and Retaliatory Discrimination on The Basis Of Color, Race and Religion against Authority, DPAC, DPPS and Defendants in their individual capacity)

16/ COUNT VI: (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq.)

17/ COUNT VII: (Breach of Contract)

Parents were essentially fooled into approving of the new curriculum because the ideological alterations were not made apparent. The same old syllabi were used, so parents were "caught off guard."

18/ To my knowledge this is the first lawsuit of its kind. Keep a close eye on this one, as it could set a precedent and cause a lot of dominoes to start falling.

19/ What follows is a selection of class materials that the children were exposed to and expected to believe without question.

▫️Internalized oppression
▫️Internalized privilege
▫️Institutional sexism/racism/transphobia


▫️The Four "I"s of Oppression: Institutional, Ideological, Interpersonal, and Internal

▫️False "wage Gap" statistics claiming women get paid less for doing "the same job" as men

▫️It is impossible for non-whites to be racist


▫️Dichotomous thinking of "dominant" vs "oppressed" groups

▫️Publicly stating you "identity" and attaching the concepts of "privileged" or "oppression" to it

▫️Claims that different total incarceration rates = systemic racism



▫️Overview of institutions and how they oppress

▫️Encouraging children to think about their identities to empower them and fight their oppressors

▫️A list of their teacher's identities (including sexual) and the "privileged" and/or "oppressive" nature of each


▫️Breakout sessions to reflect on the privilege or oppression of their identities

▫️Racism = prejudice + power, therefore non-whites cannot be racist, by definition

▫️"Values identify what should be judged as good or evil"


▫️Culture = values + society

▫️More personal information on their teacher's identities

▫️Teacher refers to students as her "wonderful social justice warriors!"


▫️More instruction on the "Four "I"s of Oppression"

▫️A breakdown of which groups are "dominant" vs "submissive" in American culture

▫️Plenty of time to reflect on whether your identities are dominant or oppressive


▫️Calls for students to "unlearn" certain beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors (aka brainwashing)

▫️How families and religion, as well as other institutions, are oppressive

▫️Internalized oppression


▫️Ways to combat internalized oppression

▫️Interpersonal oppression

▫️Dominant groups "hate to see you rise above [oppression]—that means they have lost"

▫️Unconscious oppression



▫️Describing society as "the master's house" that needs to be "dismantled"

▫️US values and norms

▫️Ways to "fight back"

29/ The mother, Gabriella Clark (@GabsClark5), was recently interviewed on Fox & Friends.

30/ If you want to help, please consider donating to help @GabsClark5 and her son win this case.

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