Colin Wright Profile picture
Evolutionary Biology PhD | CEO/Editor-in-Chief @RealLastStand | Fellow @ManhattanInst | Advisor @AtheistsLiberty | Whiskey and cats. 📧: cwright1859 @ gmail
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Jul 17 8 tweets 4 min read
I demand an explanation from the @NIH and @genome_gov as to why I was just kicked out of their public event "Exploring the many dimensions of sex and gender in the genomics era," which I had registered for in advance and was quietly attending.

About 20 minutes into Dr. Tucker Pyle's session titled "Sex and Gender in the Clinic," a window popped up stating, "The host has removed you from the webinar."
When I tried to rejoin the webinar, I was told I could not rejoin.
According to the event description, this is a "public two-day National Institutes of Health (NIH) symposium" that "brings together experts from the biological and social sciences to clarify and contextualize – but not resolve - the complexities around sex, gender, and genomics by considering them in their scientific, ethical, and historical contexts."
I was not disruptive and could not have been, even if I had wanted to, because the webinar was view-only. I did not submit any questions in the Q&A chat window either. I was just quietly watching.

I signed up for the webinar because, as a scientist involved in influencing policy on sex and gender, I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of how these concepts are being applied in medicine and genomics. If anyone should be attending this event, it's me.

The event claims to be an "interdisciplinary conversation," yet the speaker lineup consists entirely of ideologically aligned sex and gender activists who promote radical and pseudoscientific views of sex and gender.

Additionally, @TomasBogardus, an academic who has also voiced dissent from activist orthodoxy on sex and gender issues, was removed from the event around the same time I was.

This is completely unacceptable.

I demand that Eric D. Green (@NHGRI_Director), the director of the @genome_gov at the @NIH, who gave the opening remarks, explain why Dr. Bogardus and I were kicked out of the event.Image
I wrote about this event shortly after it was announced in May. See my article below for the details.…
Jun 24 6 tweets 3 min read
🚨A new study explored the most effective way to brainwash children into accepting gender ideology.

Researchers had kids watch either a story video of Jazz Jennings, who is said to have "a girl brain but boy body," or of a marker named Blue who has "a blue inside but a red outside."

They found that "a direct, realistic story was the only effective means of teaching children about transgender identities and reducing the belief in gender immutability."Image These are some excerpts from the scripts of the story videos with screenshots. The stories are nearly identical except for "boy" and "girl" in Jazz's story being replaced with "red" and "blue" for Blue's the marker's story. Image
Feb 5 7 tweets 4 min read
Racial "inequity" is literally measured, according to DEI ideology, by the magnitude of disparate outcomes between racial groups in any given context. This idea forms the foundation of Kendi's and other DEI proponents' entire worldview. They are explicit about this. To achieve racial "equity" therefore entails eliminating those group outcome disparities. Achieving equity is synonymous with achieving equal outcomes.

Mark is absurdly naive if he does not understand this yet.

I literally clicked on the first result of a Google search for "racial equity" and got this
🔗…Image Second Google search result:

"This site defines racial equity as 'the condition that would be achieved if one's racial identity no longer predicted, in a statistical sense, how one fares.'"

This is explicitly measuring equity/inequity by…Image
Feb 2 4 tweets 1 min read
Kareem is forwarding what is essentially a "racism of the gaps" argument. It's everywhere we don't look and don't understand. As soon as you look for it in a specific place and don't find it to be predictive of outcomes, it suddenly moves to a new obscure location. "You can't control for education, because education is racist!"

Okay, then demonstrate the effects of racism in education. Oh, we didn't find any when we controlled for hours spent studying.

"You can't control for hours spent studying, because racism is responsible for disparities in hours spent studying!"

Round and round we go in the CRT carousel.
Oct 31, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
The idea that the "accountability culture people weren't defending firings" and that conservatives were just "complaining about not being liked" is a COMPLETE lie.

🧵Let's take a trip down memory lane to 2020 when activists tried to destroy my career... Image In 2020 I was a postdoc at Penn State with a soon-expiring contract. I was job hunting for tenure track professorships.

I posted the following tweet (left) citing the well-known "social contagion" hypothesis by Lisa Littman in her work on ROGD. See Littman's paper on the right.
Sep 26, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
🚨BREAKING: The American Anthropological Association the Canadian Anthropology Society have cancelled the panel "Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby: Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology" scheduled to take place at their annual conference.

The reasons given for the cancellation was that the panel conflicted with their values, compromised "the safety and dignity of our members," and diminished the program's "scientific integrity."

They claimed the ideas the panel was planning to advance (i.e., sex is a real and scientifically important biological variable) would "cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large."

The AAA and CASCA have vowed to "undertake a major review of the processes associated with vetting sessions at our annual meetings" to ensure that such discussion panels about the reality and importance of sex will not be approved in the future.
Image The panelists responded to the sudden cancellation of the scheduled panel discussion, expressing their disappointment that the AAA and CASCA "have chosen to forbid scholarly dialogue" on this topic.

They also firmly rejected the "false accusation" that "to support the continued use of biological sex categories (e.g., male and female; man and woman) is to imperil the safety of the LGBTQI community."

The panelists say the suggestion that the panel would compromise “…the scientific integrity of the programme” is "particularly egregious," noting that, on the contrary, "the decision to anathematize our panel looks very much like an anti-science response to a politicized lobbying campaign."

Finally, the panelists claimed that the AAA's and CASCA's attempt to chill future debate on this topic represents a "declaration of war on dissent and on scholarly controversy" and a "profound betrayal of their stated commitment to "advancing human understanding and applying this understanding to the world's most pressing problems."

Aug 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
NEW YORK TIMES: "Pediatric gender medicine is a nascent specialty, and few studies have tracked how patients fare in the long term, making it difficult for doctors to judge who is likely to benefit."

TRANSLATION: Hormonally and surgically transitioning children is completely experimental, and claims that such interventions are "life-saving" are not based on any reliable data.
"And conservative lawmakers in more than 20 states have taken the draconian step of banning or severely restricting gender treatments for minors."

Apparently it's the laws putting age limits on irreversible and often sterilizing hormones and surgeries that are "draconian," not the procedures themselves that, as the author admits, have no evidence of benefit. Right...
Mar 27, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
The Univariate Fallacy

This is one of the most common and effective fallacies of our time, and it works by concentrating on a single variable while ignoring all else to deceive people into accepting a distorted picture of reality.

1/ Thread 🧵… 2/ Importantly, there are two versions of the UF that you should know. One version is blatantly applied across many issues and is used to invent/exaggerate group differences, while the other is applied more narrowly to reduce or eliminate appearance of real group differences.
Mar 22, 2023 25 tweets 8 min read
My article debunking a "multimodal" model of sex is now free for everyone.

But here's a 🧵 covering the basics...

1/ Activists are attempting to debunk the notion that male and female represent real and discrete biological categories in humans.… 2/ They believe that categorizing people as male or female is not only biologically incorrect but also harmful and oppressive.

Now, many activist scientists have been attempting to provide an imprimatur of legitimacy to these radical and anti-scientific beliefs. ImageImage
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I decided to try a keto diet for a month to see how I like it. Today is day 10. Here's my experience so far.

Short 🧵:

In the first 4 days I dropped 5-6 pounds, which is likely water weight. Weight hasn't dropped more. Despite eating calorically dense fatty foods and eating when I'm hungry, I'm actually eating under 2000 calories a day because each meal is very satiating.

I notice a big difference between eating carbs and going carb free. The difference is the impact on hunger levels.
Feb 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/🧵I was inspired to pursue science at a young age by amazing scientists like Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, etc. They taught me the importance of the unbiased search for truth. They never mentioned DEI, and for good reason—it's antithetical to rigorous science. 2/ I wanted to be a university professor because I wanted to do good science in addition to teaching and inspiring future generations of curious students about the natural world.

Research and teaching, I couldn't imagine a better career.
Feb 16, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
1/🧵Most people simply haven't been exposed to the biological fact that males and females are defined according to the relative size of their gametes. It's just not something most people learn on their own, and so they have this naive idea that it's based on overall body shape. 2/ They don't know the difference between primary & secondary sex organs, or what secondary sex characteristics are. It's not their fault they don't know this (I don't know plenty!), but then woke humanities professors who are similarly ignorant about it validate this ignorance.
Jan 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ 🧵When I worked at Bayer, they got around regulations on "genetically modified" pesticide biologics by performing so-called "encouraged evolution" to achieve a desired mutation. Similar to how Pfizer is performing "directed evolution" to avoid calling it "gain of function." 2/ But these "encouraged" or "directed" "evolution" methods are actually more dangerous than straightforward genetic modification, because the mutations are not precisely targeted. They mutate the ENTIRE genomes with mutagens and what they produce is much more unpredictable.
Jan 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Short 🧵:@elonmusk, many users report experiencing dramatic and permanent loss of reach for tweets following short Twitter lock-outs. This happened to me too following a short lock-out, even though I won the appeal. Is this a typical shadow ban, or something else? 2/ My engagement has been flattened since August of last year immediately after I won my appeal for a tweet I got locked-out for. Followers throttled too. I used to always gain between 100-200 followers a day, now I regularly lose followers. Gained only 110 in last 30 days. Image
Jan 17, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
1/ 🚨BREAKING: New documents reveal shocking surge in trans-identified students in Davis, CA schools.

Over 6% of Davis students identify as neither male or female, and this doesn't take into account the students who identify as the opposite sex.

🧵⬇️… 2/ Data from a YouthTruth survey administered to all DJUSD 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grade students from 2016 to 2021, reveal that rates of trans identification in Davis schools soared far above the national average.

4 percent of 10th–12th graders identified as transgender.
Nov 16, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵THE BIOLOGY OF SEX: I have been committed to publishing articles on @RealLastStand about the biology of sex to help educate the public and counter activists' assault on biological reality.

This is an essential thread of the best articles you should read to be informed. What Are Sexes? | @zaelefty

This is an eminently clear a concise introduction to what sexes are and what they aren't. This is essential reading to form your foundational understanding of the biology of sex.…
Nov 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵I asked gender "experts" during a workshop for parents on how to support their "trans/nonbinary" kids how they define "boy" & "girl."

"I did an undergrad and a masters in Gender Studies, and like, I don‘t know if I could even tell you that... I don’t know, that’s a hard one." I then asked these experts how they can expect children to understand these concepts if they can't even comprehend them?

Their answer? That’s because the REAL experts are the children themselves! And adults are perpetually engaged in a “process of unlearning” their biases.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There is no 3rd gamete beyond sperm and ova, and thus there is no third sex. An individual who could produce both sperm and ova would be both male and female, not a new 3rd sex.

Hilda is an activist with a very tenuous grasp of basic biology pushing an agenda. An individual's sex is defined by the type of gamete their primary sex organs have developed to produce. There are only two types of gametes, and therefore there are only two possible sexes. Simple.
Oct 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I'm seeing activists increasingly claim that I am not actually an evolutionary biologist. This is odd, since my doctorate has the word "evolution" on it, and my dissertation and other research specifically focused on studying natural selection in the lab and field. To be as precise as possible, I am an evolutionary behavioral ecologist, which is a subfield within evolutionary biology. I've published nearly 30 peer-reviewed papers on the topic.

So yes, I am an evolutionary biologist.
Oct 9, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Check out my latest (and first!) piece in the @nypost!

"Given that so many people are now buying merchandise & paying for journalism online, inserting politics into payment processors is a good way to make an already polarized society split at its seams."… The best way to support my work right now is to subscribe to my Substack publication Reality's Last Stand, where you'll read the best articles on the sex and gender debate, and stay up-to-date on the latest news. Your support is truly appreciated!
Sep 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Looks like the woke mob is coming after Donorbox now.

Here is @mmfa accusing me of being a "failed spider biologist" while linking to a biologist who isn't me, and accusing me of "maligning & demeaning trans people" on my Substack without providing any examples.

A+ journalism. The featured article on my Substack right now is actually authored by a trans woman. How demeaning of me to provide a platform for her voice!