World Health Organization (WHO) Profile picture
We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information.

Jan 4, 2021, 24 tweets

We are all being exposed to a huge amount of #COVID19 information ℹ️ on a daily basis, and not all of it is reliable.

Here are 7⃣ tips for telling the difference and stopping the spread of misinformation.

🔝 tips to identify #COVID19 misinformation or disinformation:

1⃣ Assess the source 📇

Who shared the information with you and where did they get it from? Even if it is friends or family, you still need to vet their source.


🔝 tips to identify #COVID19 misinformation or disinformation:

2⃣ Go beyond headlines 📰

Read more than just the headline of an article, they may be intentionally sensational or provocative – go further and look at the entire story.


🔝 tips to identify #COVID19 misinformation or disinformation:

3⃣ Identify the author ✍️

Search the author’s name online to see if they are real or credible.


🔝 tips to identify #COVID19 misinformation or disinformation:

4⃣ Check the date 📅

Ask yourself these questions: Is this a recent story? Is it up to date & relevant to current events? Has a headline, image or statistic been used out of context?


🔝 tips to identify #COVID19 misinformation or disinformation:

5⃣ Examine the supporting evidence 🔍

Credible stories back up their claims with facts – for example, quotes from experts or links to statistics or studies.


The 🌍 is overloaded with #COVID19 misinformation

❗️ Before you share a post or an article, CHECK trusted sources like WHO & natl. health authorities

❗️ If you believe the information is false or misleading, this is how you can REPORT it on #socialmedia:

The World Health Organization and @Wikimedia Foundation expand access to trusted information about #COVID19 on @Wikipedia

The collaboration is part of a shared commitment from both organizations to ensure everyone has access to critical public health information surrounding the #COVID19 pandemic


Through the WHO-@Wikimedia collaboration, people everywhere will be able to access and share WHO infographics, videos, and other public health assets on Wikimedia Commons, a digital library of free images and other multimedia.

Since the beginning of the #COVID19 pandemic, WHO has taken steps to prevent an “infodemic”— an overabundance of information & the rapid spread of misleading or fabricated news, images, & videos.

Here are 7 tips for stopping the spread of misinformation:

WHO uses social media to communicate 📡 vital health information to millions of people around the 🌎🌍🌏. Are you following us yet on these platforms 👇 ?

To fight #COVID19 misinformation, WHO has collaborated with @Twitter, @Facebook, @instagram, @LinkedIn, @Snapchat, @tiktok_us, @Pinterest, @YouTube to direct people to WHO or national health institutions when searching for coronavirus information ℹ️.

WHO and @Viber fight #COVID19 misinformation with interactive chatbot in multiple languages

Once subscribed to the WHO @Viber chatbot, users will receive notifications with the latest news & information on #COVID19 directly from WHO.
Users can also learn how to protect themselves & test their knowledge on coronavirus through an interactive quiz that helps bust myths.

The WHO @Viber chatbot is freely available in English, Russian and Arabic with more than 20 languages to be added.

Join the WHO Viber service:

When you are using @Facebook, check you’re getting the latest accurate public health advice by:

👍 Liking or following the WHO page:

👍 Visiting #COVID19 information hub:

When you check your @instagram feed and stories 🤳, look for WHO's latest advice on how to stay safe from #COVID19!

Follow us here:

.@LinkedIn isn’t only for finding jobs!

Follow WHO and you’ll get the latest updates from the public health world & how to stay safe in a workplace:…

For news on #COVID19, check also the LinkedIn editorial page:

Tiktokers, follow WHO to keep up-to-date how to protect yourself & others from #COVID19

During #COVID19, what's more important to pin 📌 and save than accurate public health advice?

Pinners, don't miss the WHO board @Pinterest

Have you subscribed to the WHO @Viber community?

📲 If yes, share our #COVID19 stickers:

📲 If not, join us here and receive public health and #COVID19 updates in your inbox:…


ℹ️ Get the latest accurate information about #COVID19 with WHO @Viber interactive chatbot in multiple languages 👉


ℹ️ Get the latest information about #COVID19 from trusted sources via WHO WhatsApp service

Start by typing ‘hi’.


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