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Fellow @amrenewctr "His passion for understanding left-wing ideology was a constant inspiration to keep digging, keep thinking, and keep pushing" -Chris Rufo

Jan 6, 2021, 21 tweets

Trump supporters who stormed the capitol think polite debate accomplishes nothing and thag they will be ignored. So they are now resorting to other means.

I wonder where they got that idea?

When Bret Kavanaugh was sworn in protestors swamred the Supreme Court and pounded the doors.

They didn't get in, but not for a lack of trying

In 2017 there were 5 people shot, and congressman Steve Scalise almost died, when a gunman with a list of Republicans opened fire at a practice for the congressional Republican Baseball team.

The mayor of Portland held a press conference *3 days ago* to discuss the lawlessness and violence Antifa had brought into his city.

Now, don't misunderstand me. I am NOT condoning the violence. In fact I have already stated that we must bring in the troops to deal with the Trump supporters who have stormed the capitol.

Order must be restored and the seditious rioters prosecuted.

That said, the elite media class of academics, influencers, celebrities, and *journalists* who make up the #resistence, spent all summer saying "riots are the language of the unheard," as a way of excusing and justifying violence, vandalism, and riots in the streets

This is an intentional strategy. The book Beautiful Trouble tells radical leftists to shift the overton window (the limit of acceptable opinion) ro the left by "amplifing and echoing the voices of those who take a position a few notches more radical than what you really want."

Here Oberlin college professor Jenny Garcia explains "when there’s violence, protests can make it a more salient issue and provide greater pressure on elected officials and candidates," and how that pressure created by violence is used as leverage by woke political activists.

This is all extremely well thought out.
Alex Hundert defended "a diversity of tactics" (a euphemism for using violence) in Rabble Magazine. He explicitly says committing to non-violence is "dogmatic" and "stifles debate" about which tactics are ok. rabble.ca/news/2010/03/d…

What did people think would happen when Trump supporters figured out what was going on? They were going to go do the same thing.

None of that justifies what happened today. As I said earlier the trrops should be sent it, capitol stormers arrested, and law and order restored.

The people who amplify the voices of fringe radicals to shift the debate and using violence at protests to create political leverage act as though this all came out of nowhere when Trump was elected.

Nonsense, those same people been teaching this to their activists for years

If you want to know how bad it is here is a story:

In 2017 after Donald Trump became President, a group of activists organized "The Women's March," which was covered in the media with positive coverage leading up to and following the March....

The organizors of the women's march then decided to organize a general strike called "a day without a woman.

One of the women who helped organize "a day without a woman" and helped write the manifesto calling for "a day without a woman" was Rasmea Odeh.

Rasmea Odeh is a convicted terrorist. In fact, she gave an interview with the Journal of Palestinian studies in 1980 where she admitted she was part of the 1969 Jerusalem Supermarket bombing that killed two people.

But it gets worse...

At the 1972 Olympics in Munich, a group called "Black Steptember" took 11 Israeli olympians hostage. They demanded the release of 234 prisoners, many of them convicted terrorists.
There were attempts to free the hostages but they didn't work...

During one of the rescue attempts there was a mistake. The kidnappers became aware of the attempted rescue, so they decided the kill the hostages. All 11 Israeli's which included athletes, coaches, and other members of Israels olympic delegation were murdered.

Guess what...

The Black September terrorists had a list of 234 prisoners (many who were convicted terrorists) they wanted freed in exchange for the lives of the Isaeli olympians. One of the names on the list was...

Women's March activist and "Day Without a Woman" organizer, Rasmea Odeh

When Odeh's terrorist ties were made public many activist groups and media people defended her, saying that she was being targeted for political reasons and not, you know, being a terrorist.

What Trump supporters did today was awful and those who vandalized and broke into the senate amd capitol ought to be punished to the full extent of the law. Troops must be sent to stop the Trump supporters if nothing else works. As I said earlier:

But spare me the absolute nonsense about how this is new and different. Woke activists have pushed this exact form of politics for years now. It's wrong either way, and I've said that from the beginning of this account. Buut don't pretend any of this started with Trump.

One last thing:

Trump people get your act together and stop this. Don't wave a blue
lives matter flag or a your thin blue line flag and then go the capitol or senate buildings and assault police officers. That is just a pile of nonsense and baloney.


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