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Job: Data-Driven Strategist. Side Job: Commentator on US Politics/Economics. Gig: MC & Speeches. Created: #EconomicStressIndex.

Jan 7, 2021, 14 tweets

Many Cons spent the day comparing a punched out window at the capitol to cities burning from lefty riots.

Two years ago, Libs blocked lawmakers from going in/out of elevators (remember the @JeffFlake moment?), and roamed in restricted areas.

It was during the Kavanaugh hearings. The Hill was essentially stormed but PD did not drop tear gas and shoot and it was cheered on by MSM.

Photos of Capitol buildings in the US being overrun and under siege by lefty Dems over the last decade.

Those things were covered as great activism, and Cons did not attack it as anti-democratic since media didn’t cover it as such. Cons whine about media but parrot media.

“A throng of protesters pushed past a police line, storming up steps to pound on the doors of the U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday after the Senate confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.” - NBC, Oct 2018.

I don’t recall Cons/GOPers flipping out about democracy being crushed by this👆🏼👇🏼

WHOA! “US Capitol Police communications director Eva Malecki said that... 293 people were arrested for unlawfully demonstrating.” - CNN
That’s Oct 2018 when Lefties sieged Senate buildings. Did Bush 43/Cons attack it as OMG gasp we are dying?

In Sep 2020, AP updated its rules saying that “focusing on rioting and property destruction rather than underlying grievance has been used in the past to stigmatize broad swaths of people.”

Odd. I did not see APers spending Wed addressing the concerns of the protesters.

FOOTAGE of inside the Capitol Hill under siege.


Flashback to how real riots (not two punched out windows) were covered a mere few months ago via @AliVelshi

Demcoracy itself was attacked in Nov 2011 and you didn’t even know about it.

BTW everyone violates Twitter rules be mere use of it. The decision whom to pull is just political. No idea why they even need to give an excuse.

“More than 200 youth activists, flanked by Rep.-elect @AOC flooded House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office this morning urging Dems to act more decisively on climate change.” - Politico 11/13/18.

Did the FBI arrest those attackers for illegal entry or whatever they got?

"I want to tell you, Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch, you have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." - @SenSchumer, March 2020.

Justices don’t run for office, so what does he mean?

In May 2020, POTUS Trump was rushed to the bunker of the WH because seditious traitors were trying to storm the place. It was an attack on our democracy but the DOD needed to apologize for using too much force and Trump was mocked for being in the bunker.

Mere 7.5 months ago.

Tell me what an attack on democracy looks like!

This (storming/occupying a capitol building) is what an attack on democracy looks like.

Video of the WI Capitol in 2011 when democracy was still permitted in America.

Over the last 4 years, major media normalized violence done by the Left. This, wrongly, led people on the other side to conclude that they too can do it.

It’s not about a double standard. It’s about a standard created by media and elected Dems.

cc @LEBassett
H/T @johncardillo

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