Stephen McIntyre Profile picture

Jan 12, 2021, 22 tweets

Has this guy been identified yet? He was right beside Ashli Babbitt when she was killed.

Five hours after @politicalwilli (and then me) drew attention to this guy, FBI asked for information Their timestamp is 7:59 PM Eastern (2021-01-13T00:59:40+00:00)…

The FBI poster doesn't show the arrival of this guy. He is first seen at 24:20 of Jayden X video emerging from behind police lines (as @politicalwilli explained earlier).

as he emerges from behind police lines, he started bellowing for attention.

I'll return to these details later. For now, I note that this Jayden X video , which shows rapid and "mostly peaceful" removal, is contiguous in time. The two big dude police who enter at end of prior video clear crowd.

at 37:41 of the Resistance video, the clock above doors shows 2:44 PM per Bellingcat, who (like a stopped clock) are sometime right. Ashli Babbitt shot at video 39:11 (2:46 PM) - about 15 minutes before earliest tweet. This places start of this (JaydenX) video at 2:06 (2:10) PM

this is exact synchronism of gunshot in two long videos: shooter on the left (JaydenX), Ashli on the right (Resistance). They guy who broke the window (Goose hat off) is on right, preparing to exit down stairs where police are located. Synchronism enables crossreferencing (+4:05)

one can help but note that the two primary video documents of events leading to killing of Ashli Babbitt are by Antifa sympathizer and Infowars reporter, who, by coincidence, had perspective from left and right respectively.

here's a very clear video grab showing ~2:36PM at minute 29:15 of Resistance video (equates to 25:10 of Jayden X video), just after POI enters on scene, yukking with police

Aaron Mostofsky, in the news, was in opening frame of Jayden X video (2:10 PM) already upstairs. At that moment, Infowars reporter was well below on grass, where tear gas had just been fired by police on then peaceful protestors below.

Jake Angeli (Q Shaman) arrives at top of stairs just ahead of Antifa sympathizer Jayden X. Angeli has now well known horned cap, tattoos and also dusty red backpack.

at 2:10 PM, John Sullivan, Aaron Mostofsky and Jake Angeli (plus many others) arrive on front platform of West Entrance to Capitol. Infowars is still below tear gas projectiles had been launched against crowd below.

the cops almost immediately abandon the flimsy barrier, some walk back to Capitol building, others stroll away in opposite direction. Infowars reporter was at bottom of stairs, below scaffolding, column was now on move.

jumping away from timeline, I just noticed that this grab from JaydenX video at time of Ashli Babbitt kill is shown in charge against Thomas Baranyi, who is arrested.…

is there a reason why he's arrested while Antifa sympathizer John Sullivan isnt?

Max Blumenthal thread suggesting that Sullivan was actually provocateur within BLM. Mirrors within mirrors.

John Sullivan (Jayden X) also asked same question as we're asking. At minute 48:24 on Jan 10 podcast, he asks: "This guy! Where the f... did he come from?". Then concluded that he was a plant. Seemed suspicious even to JaydenX.

why is John Sullivan (JaydenX) charged, but not Jade Sacker who was beside him the entire time?

though, in fairness, I think that prosecutions should focus on people who assaulted police attempting to hold the line, rather than people who wandered in after police had abandoned their stations. But police seem to be focusing on the latter.

new spotting of FurHat Provocateur outside

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