Mahmoud Gamal Profile picture
#Geopolitics, #Military Observer, keeping eyes on #MENA

Jan 17, 2021, 11 tweets

ISIS released a new 25~min video last week on the its active branch in Egypt's Sinai peninsula (Wilyat Sinai group)

The video is mainly focusing on IED operations, sniper attacks & targeting locals cooperating with the military and security forces.

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The video begins with IED operations as usual then sniper attacks

The main problem that can't be ignored and leads to heavy casualties in terrorists sniper attacks is the failure of soldiers to adhere to discipline, wear the full combat gear & poor adjustment of their fire


Lack of resources, supplies & equipment caused big problems to the group that struggled them to expolit on the simple & available local resources from Sinai in attempt to show that they are still active on the ground despite their losses.


1) mounting heavy machine guns on motorcycles due to the lack of SUVs

2) using a craft copy of an AH.50 Sayyad Anti-material rifle (captured by army later)

3) Introducing new man-protoble launcher made locally by the group to compensate the lack of RPGs & AR launchers


The New Improvised Recoilliess Projectele Launcher which is actually adapted to fire Mk-118 submunitions dispsned from Mk-20 cluster bombs dropped by the EAF F-16 jets

The last photo is for the launcher after being captured by army troops few months ago in Northern Sinai


Attacking army outposts using light mortars

These attacks took place in mid'19 only as they were targeting army combat outposts near Sheikh Zweid city.

It appears clearly how these army COPs were improved by installing JESCO Chinese-made barrier system/sand bags.


Quite interesting footage here showing clearly one F-16 fighter jets conducting dive bombing maneuver to drop an unguided bomb (probably Mk-82) on terrorists hideouts

Also the AT-802U COIN aircraft & Mirage-2000 fighter jets were spotted in the video.


The group managed to play on the point of attacking locals cooperating with the security services by releasing footage for execution of civilians who were kidnapped previously & conducting a raid on a house of a local bedouin who was accused of working with the military.


The failed suicide attempt on army troops in Laqtiya village Eastern Bir al-Abd city using a poorly camouflaged SVBIED

This attack took place last August where army troops thwarted it without falling any casualties as per security sources


The video is one of the weakest ISIS-Sinai propaganda materials within the last 3 yrs, it only focuses on limited terrorist operations, also it includes alot of footage for old attacks.

It's worth noting that this video is the first for the group since Sept.19


Finally concluding the thread with this shot from the video which shows a bravely army soldier evacuating his injured friend under terrorists fire.

"Never Leave a Man Behind"


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