#Geopolitics, #Military Observer, keeping eyes on #MENA
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Oct 24, 2024 • 32 tweets • 27 min read
شهدت البحرية المصرية في السنوات الماضية طفرة غير مسبوقة في التطوير والتحديث، مما مكنها من أن تصبح الذراع الطولي الفعلي للدولة، قادرة على حماية المصالح المصرية والدفاع عنها على كافة الاتجاهات الاستراتيجية. وبفضل هذا التطوير، تستطيع البحرية حالياً الوصول إلى أي تهديد أينما كان.
تطوير القوات البحرية لم يكن رفاهية، فهي مسؤولة عن تأمين سواحل بطول 3000 كم بالإضافة لتأمين المياه الاقتصادية وما تتضمنه من حقول الغاز والمصالح المصرية في البحرين الأحمر والمتوسط بخلاف تعزيز الأمن البحري وتأمين قناة السويس التي يمر من خلالها نحو 12% من حجم التجارة العالمية.
Feb 18, 2024 • 13 tweets • 9 min read
For first time, Egypt's Ministry of Defense declassifies hundreds of material and documents dating back to October 1973 War, amongst are combat operations inner reports, troops posture, intel records, detailed info on Egyptian military planning for the war, and a situational assessment of Israel’s home front during the war.
Egyptian military intel situational assessment on Israel’s home front during October 1973 war:
- Around 75% of Israelis fit for military service were called, which impacted the country's economy
- 99% of construction works halted
- an almost complete collapse of the supply chains of goods and consumables
- an increase in average oil prices by 50% and in electricity by 30%
- a blockade imposed on Israel from Bab al-Mandab Strait
- internal political disputes
- investigations and deep military disputes
Sep 12, 2023 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
High-level military delegation led by the Egyptian Armed Forces Chief of Staff arrives in Benghazi to establish a joint mechanism with the LNA for relief and rescue operations.
Egyptian Armed Forces Chief of Staff meets the #LNA Commander Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi. #Libya #StormDaniel
Mar 26, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
New HQ of Egyptian Military Academy at the strategic command in the New Administrative Capital.
More Pictures of the New Headquarters
Mar 7, 2023 • 20 tweets • 15 min read
Egypt's New Delta Artificial River which extends for about 170km long
The Project is one of three main water resources of the New Delta agriculture development project aimed at reclaiming & planting over 2.8 million feddans in the western desert.
Egypt's New Delta project is located in Western desert, along Dabaa highway which was established in 2016 to connect Cairo with Northwest coast
This MEGA project depends on three main water resources for irrigation, which are: recycled wastewater, underground water, and Nile.
Sep 5, 2021 • 32 tweets • 27 min read
Egypt's New Administrative Capital
- Central Business District (CBD)
- The Egyptian Parliament Building
- People's Square and the Government District
- Egypt's Islamic Cultural Center and Misr Mosque
The People's Square, the largest of its kind in the world. It will be destined for hosting official events & military parades.
The People's Square includes the tallest flagpole in the world & the Unknown Soldier Monument which built in the Ancient Egyptian architecture style.
Jul 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Not True
• The construction of Dabaa nuclear station infrastructure is currently ongoing
• Rosatom Director General inspected Dabaa site last week to follow up on the ongoing works
• The concrete parts of first nuclear reactor will be built within the next few months
This FAKE News was published by the MB funded media outlet/website "Alaraby UK" which has a long history of spreading fake news on Egypt to serve their political views.
Jun 5, 2021 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Ethiopia's ambitions to have a naval power ~ Thread
Initially, Ethiopia is a landlocked country, so it will need to have enough capabilities & resources to lease an abroad military base in one of East/Horn of Africa countries in order to revive the navy again.
Background: Following the Ethiopian Civil War in 1991, Ethiopia lost its coast including the vital port of Assab, leaving it landlocked after the declaration of Eritrea independence that forced Ethiopia to transfer its naval capabilities to station at the Yemeni ports.
May 9, 2021 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
Egypt's Octagon in the New Capital
It's not limited to an Army HQ only, but also an Integrated Strategic Command Center through which all the vital institutions of the state will be managed under any circumstances.
The Octagon will be an iconic symbol of the New Egyptian State.
The State Strategic Command Center extends over a total area of 22,000 acres and it includes 13 zones, each one has its own specific role.
The Center's key element is the Octagon which is composed of eight outer octagon-shaped buildings, with two more main buildings at its hub.
May 7, 2021 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
ثأر القوات للمسلحة لشهداء الوطن #الواحات
قامت القوات الجوية في أعقاب هجوم الواحات بتتبع العناصر الإرهابية التي نفذت الهجوم وقامت بالقضاء عليهم وكان من بينهم قائد المجموعة الإرهابية المعروف بإسم الشيخ حاتم ، وهو الضابط السابق بالقوات المسلحة عماد الدين عبدالحميد رفيق درب الإرهابي هشام عشماوى
١) العقيد أحمد فايز
٢) العقيد محمد وحيد حبشى
٣) العقيد أحمد جاد يوسف
٤) المقدم أحمد عبدالباسط
٥) المقدم محمد عبدالفتاح
٦) الرائد كريم فرحات
٧) مساعد أنور الدبركى
Mar 29, 2021 • 18 tweets • 14 min read
#Breaking: According to Updated Satellite AIS tracking, #EVERGIVEN has been refloated successfully. #suezcanel
Update: photos confirming the refloating of #EVERGIVEN, the #SuezCanal lane is expected to be opened in front of navigation traffic within the next few hours.
Feb 8, 2021 • 35 tweets • 31 min read
Aerial view of some of Egypt's New Administrative Capital Projects
Government District & the People's Square
New Opera House, Arts & Culture City
Central Business District
Egypt Parliament Building in the New Administrative Capital.
Jan 23, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
President al-Sisi orders the state services in cooperation with the armed forces & CSOs, to start implementing the Egyptian countryside development project, which destined to develop around 1500 villages across Egypt with an estimated cost of up to $32.7 billion.
The project of developing the Egyptian countryside villages aims mainly to improve infrastructure as electricity & sewage networks, providing natural gas to homes, improve urban planning, road networks, develop government services, educational facilities & sewage water stations.
Jan 17, 2021 • 11 tweets • 7 min read
ISIS released a new 25~min video last week on the its active branch in Egypt's Sinai peninsula (Wilyat Sinai group)
The video is mainly focusing on IED operations, sniper attacks & targeting locals cooperating with the military and security forces.
Thread 1/11
The video begins with IED operations as usual then sniper attacks
The main problem that can't be ignored and leads to heavy casualties in terrorists sniper attacks is the failure of soldiers to adhere to discipline, wear the full combat gear & poor adjustment of their fire
Jun 20, 2019 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
تحسن قدرات قوات إنفاذ القانون خلال الفترة الماضية منذ بدأ العملية العسكرية الشاملة سيناء-2018 في مواجهة مخاطر العبوات الناسفة والألغام ضمن عمليات مكافحة الإرهاب بسيناء
نتج عن هذا تقليل نسبة خسائر قوات الجيش والشرطة إثر عمليات تفجير العبوات الناسفة إلي أقل مستوي خلال عام 2018
أولاً إجراءات مكافحة العبوات الناسفة في الحروب الغير تقليدية تبدأ بتدريب الأفراد علي التعامل مع العبوات الناسفة داخل مراكز التدريب - تجهيز القوة المشاركة بالوسائل المناسبة وإمدادهم بالمعلومات الاستخبارية - التشويش علي شبكات الإتصالات والإشارات اللاسلكية ثم تفكيك العبوات المتفجرة