Ari Berman Profile picture
Author: Minority Rule, Give Us the Ballot & Herding Donkeys Voting rights reporter: @motherjones Speaking:

Jan 22, 2021, 9 tweets

Senate Dems represent 41 million more Americans than GOP but Mitch McConnell wants 21 small state GOP senators representing less than a quarter of population to be able to block laws supported by huge majorities of Americans with filibuster…

This is how undemocratic US Senate is:

-15 states with 38 million people elect 30 GOP senators

-California with 40 million people elects 2 Dems

-By 2040, 30% of America will elect 70 senators. 70% of America will elect only 30

-Senate split 50-50 but Dems represent 41 million more people

-majority of SCOTUS justices appointed by presidents who lost popular vote & confirmed by senators representing minority of Americans

-GOP legislatures hold power despite winning fewer votes b/c of gerrymandering

Violent mob that stormed Capitol represented extreme version of longtime GOP strategy: a blatant disregard for will of the majority

Unprecedented attempt by Trump and his allies to overturn election results is prelude to new era of GOP minority rule

“In the 87 years between the end of Reconstruction and 1964, the only bills that were stopped by filibusters were civil rights bills" writes @AJentleson

Filibuster is Jim Crow remnant that McConnell now wants to use to preserve white GOP minority rule

Trump tried to throw out millions of Black votes & GOP already doubling down on voter suppression in states like Georgia

This is why Dems need to get rid of filibuster to restore Voting Rights Act & make it easier to vote

"the unprecedented attempt by Trump & his allies to overturn the election results is mere prelude to new era of minority rule, which not only will attempt to block agenda of a president elected by an overwhelming majority but threatens the long-term health of American democracy"

“the GOP has dropped any pretense of trying to appeal to a majority of Americans. Instead, it caters to a conservative white minority that is drastically overrepresented in the Electoral College, the Senate, and gerrymandered legislative districts”…

How to reverse GOP minority rule:

-abolish Electoral College

-statehood for DC & Puerto Rico

-kill filibuster

-expand voting access & pass constitutional right to vote

-restore Voting Rights Act

-end gerrymandering

-expand the court

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