Daniela Gabor Profile picture
Professor of Economics/MacroFinance. Critical macrofinance, central banks, repos, shadow banking, WallStreetConsensus https://t.co/YGZItchHwL https://t.co/XPNo2sR5Gm

Jan 29, 2021, 15 tweets

quite remarkable how often @FT reads like a PR rag for Blackrock


first 5! paras of this piece - Larry Fink, the green man, worried to see climate crisis marks in all the pristine places he flies to in his private jet

look journos of the world, this is how you greenwash Blackrock:

Step 1: set out the scene, the personal detail of the man in charge who really cares.
Step 2: note the fiduciary duties of the financial capitalist, which conflict with the personal beliefs of the green man

Step 3: skeletons in the closet? frame them as skills-development, necessary to drive the green revolution.

Step 4: speaking truth to power, in happy coincidences.

Step 5: remind us that this is a revolution made in central banking circles, name-check Minsky but in the same sentence with 'opportunity' in green asset classes

*ok, this is a long piece, and am betting w myself whether I will find the word greenwashing mentioned at least once*

Step 6: The ESG Revolution, still no greenwashing.

Step 7: yes, sure, Blackrock has a terrible record on climate, but Larry promised to do better!

oh look @YannisDafermos @JoMicheII - Wall Street Climate Consensus

Conclusion? Larry Fink is a green hero. Plus some other stuff, but first a hero.

But in the green circles I move in, different from the FT's, we know Larry Fink is a carbon financier.

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