Josh Wolfe Profile picture
Co-Founder @Lux_Capital | Trustee @SfiScience Santa Fe Inst | Chair @CiPrep Coney Island Prep (Brooklyn) | Co-Founder of Carson, Quinn & Bodhi w/ @ltwolfe

Jan 30, 2021, 20 tweets

1/ For years, a friend (“RD”) and I trade examples we find of
“Nominative Determinism”—

—when someone’s name possibly maybe influenced what they ended up doing in their career (or otherwise and most probably just hilarious coincidence)...


2/ Or...”Catherine Counts” who does statistcal quantiative work (but should have obviously focused on feline population numbers)...

3/ Or “Rosaline Brewer” the first woman + african american COO at....Starbucks.…

4/ Or firefighter from Sun Prairie, Wi... “Les McBurney’🔥👨🏼‍🚒

5/ Or fast-food franchise guru “John Hamburger”

6/ Or on more somber serious note, “Les Payne” who helped highlight pain of inequality + racial injustice

7/ Or this illustrators artist name “Cyan Daly”...from this Washington Post piece

8/ The Chief Commercial officer prepared to do commerce + send accounts payables out... “Bill Ready” (via @bznotes

9/ The fraudulent chiropracter...Jeffrey Kimberly SPINA

10/ Tom Kitchin - Chef...

ht @raymondfdf

11/ “Clare Lane”—traffic reporter.

ht @beenbenn

12/ I mean...vasectomies. Dr. Richard “Dick” Chopp...

ht @ozyurtcu

13/ Jeffrey Housenbold - on OpenDoor board

14/ Dog named “Trigger” who accidentally shot is owner in foot. ht @zacktrak

15/ The CEO of MEAT co Smithfield is “Dennis Organ”

ht @RMac18

16/ Climate scientist...”Betsy Weatherhead”

i mean did she really even have a choice growing up?

ht @tlancaster50

17/ Male fertility doc... Eric Seaman

ht @JPQ

18/ Joe Fast...naturally.

ht @McCreadieWill

19/ Nintendo President and veiled villain...

Doug Bowser.

ht @mattiebellis + @2112Power

20/ Laywer “Sue Yoo”...

with a hilarious story from friend @peterlattman when he was at @WSJ

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