Ari Berman Profile picture
Author: Minority Rule, Give Us the Ballot & Herding Donkeys Voting rights reporter: @motherjones Speaking:

Feb 4, 2021, 14 tweets

GOP has already become party of Marjorie Taylor Greene at state level, introducing wave of new voter suppression laws based on unhinged conspiracy theories

This is huge scandal that should be getting as much attention as Trump’s plot to overturn election…

GOP voter suppression plans:

-roll back every aspect of mail voting

-end automatic & Election Day registration

-pass onerous new voter ID laws

-allow GOP legislatures to overturn will of voters

-gerrymander Electoral College results

Dems have a clear choice: they can get rid of filibuster to pass John Lewis Voting Rights Act & For the People Act to stop GOP voter suppression

Or they can allow GOP to undermine democracy for next decade

The stakes couldn’t be higher

On first day of Black History Month Georgia Republicans introduced NINE bills to make it harder to vote, including ending automatic voter registration, no-excuse absentee voting & mail ballot drop boxes. This would be one of worst voter suppression laws ever passed

Arizona Republicans have introduced 34 BILLS to make it harder to vote, including ending mail voting, purging list of voters automatically receiving mail ballots, cutting # of polling places in Maricopa County from 100 to 15 & allowing GOP legislature to overturn will of voters

Pennsylvania Republicans have introduced 14 BILLS to make it harder to vote, including ending no-excuse absentee voting, which all but 2 Republicans voted for, throwing out mail ballots for minor errors & gerrymandering the courts so they can’t strike these laws down

106 bills introduced in 28 states already this year to restrict voting access finds @BrennanCenter

That's 3x as high as last year

"These bills are unmistakable response to the unfounded and dangerous lies about fraud that followed the 2020 election."…

“Republicans are taking their assault on voting rights to the next level—trying to accomplish through legislation what Trump couldn’t with litigation. These efforts are the most concerted attempts to roll back voting rights since the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965”

I can’t stress this enough: Democrats now have the power to stop GOP voter suppression by passing John Lewis Voting Rights Act & For the People Act

But if they keep anti-democratic filibuster & do nothing they’ll allow GOP to undermine democracy for next decade & beyond

In 2015 white election board members in majority-Black town of Sparta GA tried to purge 20% of Black voters from rolls & sent police to serve them summons

GOP state rep defended it

He's now chair of House "election integrity" commission designed to make it harder to vote

Marjorie Taylor Greene has been kicked off committees but her big lie conspiracy theories are already being weaponized by state level Republicans to steal the next election through a wave of new voter suppression laws after their last coup failed…

.@staceyabrams: "Democrats in Congress must fully embrace their mandate to fast-track democracy reforms that give voters a fair fight, rather than allowing undemocratic systems to be used as tools and excuses to perpetuate that same system"…

.@marceelias notes that in 2013 North Carolina Republicans passed sweeping voter suppression law that court found targeted Black voters "with almost surgical precision"

"It's almost like Georgia is picking up where North Carolina left off"

165 bills introduced in 33 states already this year to restrict voting access, finds new data from @BrennanCenter

That's 4x as high as last year

19 in AZ
14 in PA
11 in GA
10 in NH

GOP responding to record turnout by trying to massively suppress votes…

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