Levi fulfilled his Promise to Erwin 💚💜٩(🥝‿🥝)٩ Profile picture
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Feb 9, 2021, 39 tweets

Unpopular opinion but I think Lebihans fans are right.

The eruri fandom is the most delulu fandom in snk. I know we were right about Levi's motivations, the promise etc, but we still are delusional fucks unlike their fandom.

Here is a thread proving it.

I'm sorry but its true

Imagine treating your theory~ as facts and brag about it to just get trashed later by Isayama and reality

Erwin did not die in Midnight Sun Squad


Our Fav is the Beast Titan Theory🔥

These galaxy brained points in our favor that totally looked plausible

Erurus were sure Erwin did not die after midnight sun even when we saw him die.

These were eruru's proofs:

When Eruris were convinced Erwin wasn't dead after Midnight Sun and that he would Eat Zeke.

Beast Titan Erwin theory

When we thought Erwin was going to survive and date Levi based on this random art.

Look at who was the center of Levi's thoughts hours after Han.s died in front of him. It wasn't ERWIN, poor man died 4 years ago only was in the group pic, while Levi talked to Han.s and remembered HER the most in particular while the he was portrayed as just another soldier

When we were 100% sure Erwin would come back as the new Beast Titan after eating Zeke even when he died in front of us on screen

When we thought Erwin and Levi would get married bc of the meaning of their names

Beast Titan Theory

Forgot they also said their already dead fav~ would inherit both the beast and flying titan .🤣🤣🤣🤣

Beast Titan Theory that would change Levi's character FOREVER!!!

Aged like yogurt in the Sahara desert

They thought their theory would become true in chapter 135 because of ~parallels~

Jean Grey who?


Mysterious Flying Titan

October 2020

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