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seven plus five~ a:sm in 🇵🇭🇰🇷

Feb 13, 2021, 82 tweets

A bts au where HS is a student who failed majority of his subjects in high school so the counselor offered to help him graduate. 6 top ranking students were assigned to tutor HS to help him pass all his subjs in exchange for a glimmering letter of recommendation for college

Will start posting tomorrow! 🤓

📚 After Class Lessons - a college bts au

- my first socmed au
- i try to squeeze my brain to fully write this
- crack and fluff
- never know if romance will bloom 👀
- interactions will be appreciated 🥺


Character Profiles

- sophomores in college
- hoseok as a performing arts major
- yoongi as a psych major, minor in advanced math
- namjoon as language and literature major
- seokjin as business and economics major
- namjin are roommates in their flat

Character Profiles

- jimin as an ethics major
- taehyung as fine arts major
- jungkook still has an undeclared major but is taking all pre-requisite science courses
- they all live in one flat paid by seokjin’s dad
- vminkook are childhood friends

Notes 2:

- i changed the setting to college instead of high school to have a more freedom with the schedule and such in between classes
- other than that the main plot still remains!
- time stamps and hair color don’t matter
- lastly, hope you enjoy reading! ><

📚 1 - The beginning


📚 2 - 5 brains and a jimin


📚 3 - A dangerous combo


📚 4 - Spit coffee and intentional stomping


📚 5 - Where are you?


📚 6 - Meeting the brains


📚 7 - Asscheduling


📚 8 - A whole softie


📚 9 - The right answer for you


📚 10 - And so it begins


Updates will continue after Hobi Day! ☀️ Thank you to those who are enjoying so far :(

📚 11 - First Session


📚 12 - Fellas


📚 13 - the great monopoly incident


📚 14 - Game night’s backstory


📚 15 - How to fix this mess


I think that’s it for today/yesterday because it’s 2am here and i should sleep soon (again). Thank you for tuning in! Don’t hesitate to drop any suggestions/questions on my cc heh

📚 16 - Finding an outlet


📚 17 - Movies, blankets, and board games


📚 18 - Disgusting


📚 19 - Everybody loves Queen


📚 20 - A forgotten priority


📚 21 -Alone with the ivory keys


📚 22 - 10/10 indeed


📚 23 - A fight for superiority


📚 24 - What just happened


📚 25 - A quick detour


📚 26 - Yoongi’s spot


📚 27 - Flashcards


📚 28 - Fine morning it is


📚 29 - Unanimous voting


📚 30 - Seokjin sees all


📚 31 - The first markdown


📚 32 - Kirk Nunchuk


📚 33 - Who doesn’t?


📚 34 - Series of questions


📚 35 - Smeared ink


📚 36 - Reassurance


📚 37 - Someone’s favorite


📚 38 - Namjoon’s predicament


📚 39 - New technique


📚 40 - Between two friends


📚 41 - A little bit of hopekook


📚 42 - Seokjin’s herbs


📚 43 - Science movie


📚 44 - Someday


📚 45 - Starting to look up


📚 46 - Time to pack


📚 47 - Bottle cap bathroom


📚 48 - Blanket run


📚 49 - Ours


Updates will resume tomorrow 🤓

📚 50 - Paparazzi


📚 51 - My taste


📚 52 - It’s going down


📚 53 - Sweet treat


📚 54 - Grocery pun


📚 55 - Elsa


📚 56 - Can’t call dibs


📚 57 - Decipher


📚 58 - Resemblance is uncanny


📚 59 - Cute since birth


📚 60 - Yoongi is a softie


📚 61 - Little Hobi


📚 62 - Sike


📚 63 - Home to Holly


📚 64 - Conservation


📚 65 - Little Seok


📚 66 - Confessions


📚 67 - A breather


📚 68 - Pick on Park day


📚 69 - The wholesome word


📚 70 - Our dear Min Yoongi


📚 71 - Father


📚 72 - Hyung


📚 73 - What he wants he gets


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