@intel_jakal Profile picture
Have been contemplating online retirement for a while, just waiting for a few predictions to pan out. Looking forward to days of fishing and relaxing.

Feb 13, 2021, 6 tweets

@FinTelegram In your #itradefx article I see you were able to confirm #pradexx as their payment processor. I looked at the sub-domain uiservices.pradexx.com checking its IP address provides a pretty interesting list of other 'brands'


@FinTelegram I see #pradex and their dodgy partners are still spinning up new reskins of their scammy sites. Keep an eye out for #ftspaysolutions #kopayment #payotop #securepayment3d

The four mentioned 'rebrands' have been added since the beginning of March 2021.

meanwhile a number of the 'flagged' #pradexx sites have been taken offline including #nextpayway

Great to see that $ISX subdomain for Nextpayway is still operational even though their scammy client has taken the site offline....I'm guessing one of the 'refresh' brands will appear as an ISX client sometime soon.

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