Christiaan Triebert Profile picture
Visual Investigations at @nytimes. Previously with @Bellingcat, @Airwars. DMs open.

Feb 14, 2021, 24 tweets

At least six people providing security for Roger Stone participated in the Capitol attack, our new Visual Investigation shows. Here's how the guards (all Oath Keepers) went from guarding Trump's longtime confidant to standing inside the Capitol on Jan. 6:…

Mr. Stone, a convicted felon who was pardoned by Mr. Trump, has a long history as a self-proclaimed “dirty trickster” political operative. On Jan. 5 and 6, Oath Keepers provided security for him, something he himself confirmed.

We combed through hundreds of videos and photos and drew on research from @CTExposers to visually identify Mr. Stone's guards on Jan. 5 and 6. — from that group, these six entered the Capitol during the insurrection.

Here's how. On Jan. 5, Mr. Stone made two public appearances in D.C. in support of Mr. Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud. In the afternoon, he spoke in front of the Supreme Court. Five of the six Oath Keepers we’re tracking can be seen in this video.

The Oath Keepers are a far-right, anti-government militia — and there's plenty of footage to visually identify them around Mr. Stone on Jan. 5 and 6. Here's another video from that same event in front of the Supreme Court.

That evening, on Jan. 5, Mr. Stone speaks at the “Rally to Save America” at Freedom Plaza, proclaiming that “we will win this fight or America will step into a thousand years of darkness.” Several of the Oath Keepers we're tracking are seen besides him, wearing VIP lanyards.

There are plenty of videos of Mr. Stone at this “Save America” rally on Jan. 5, especially in the Parler dump, such as this one, which @jenvalentino noticed.

After his speech and stage appearance at the rally, Mr. Stone is escorted back to his hotel, the Willard InterContinental. Again, he is flanked by several of the Oath Keepers that would end up in the Capitol less than a day later.

The next morning, on Jan. 6, Mr. Stone is spotted outside his hotel, a block away from the White House, in this video first surfaced by @jsrailton and @ABC. Mr. Stone is guarded by three individuals linked to the Oath Keepers, including one that we''ree tracking.

This is the last time Mr. Stone is seen on Jan. 6 in any footage we reviewed. However, it's worth pointing out that —on Gab, Telegram and Twitter— Mr. Stone continues promoting speeches and rallies that he says will happen near the Capitol that afternoon. But he never appears.

His security detail, however, can be tracked throughout the day. Here's a part of the Oath Keepers group, at around 11:15 a.m., near the Washington Monument.

Three hours later, at 2:17 p.m., Mr. Stone’s security team is spotted at the Capitol. One of them, Guard 6, can be seen taunting Capitol Police officers in riot gear, who are trying to protect the building.

Not much later, all six guards of Mr. Stone we tracked can be spotted inside the Capitol. Here's № 1, who drove Mr. Stone around in the golf caddie a day earlier, and № 3, in the hallway between the Rotunda and the main entrance on the eastern side.

And here are № 2 and № 4, who were both providing security to Mr. Stone the night before, in that same hallway between the Rotunda and the Capitol's main entrance on the east, as the police tries to clear the building.

Individual № 5, who also provided security for Mr. Stone on Jan. 5, can be seen here in the Rotunda, where he met up with fellow Oath Keepers, including two that have been charged with conspiracy, we know from our earlier reporting:…

And individual № 6, who was seen earlier taunting Capitol Police officers, is also spotted inside the Capitol. He was identified by both national and local media as an Oath Keeper from New Jersey:…

In an online statement, Mr. Stone said he “saw no evidence whatsoever of illegal activity by any members” of the Oath Keepers, and that if there was, “they should be prosecuted.”

This Visual Investigation was a team effort by @btdecker @_stella_cooper @dwtkns @arielle_designs @markscheffler @haeyoun @zaynman @sjalfano — reviewing hundreds of visuals and drawing upon earlier analyses of @CTExposers. Read our full piece here:…

We're continuing to examine the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Feel free to reach out with tips and/or suggestions (DMs are open). You can see all of the previous Visual Investigations into the insurrection on our landing page:…

* Newburgh is in New York State, not New Jersey.

Last but not least, it's worth pointing out that, after they exited the Capitol, all six individuals who provided security to Roger Stone on Jan. 5 and 6 gathered around Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers:

For those keeping a close eye on time (we have a timeline spreadsheet with over a thousand entries), this is around 2:47 p.m. (not 2:17 p.m.).


The Department of Justice is examining communications between Roger Stone and right-wing extremists who breached the Capitol, to determine whether Mr. Stone played any role in a plan to disrupt Congress.…


Roberto Minuta, one of Stone's guards that entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, has been arrested and is currently appearing in federal court. “Why aren't you going after BLM and Antifa,” Roberto apparently asked agents. More in @alanfeuer's thread:

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