Alex Dalassio Profile picture
By trusting your Inner Senses you'll find true Knowledge, your Salvation and a Light for others to follow. 1 Timothy 4:16

Feb 16, 2021, 6 tweets

I was wondering how the agenda 30 would be fully executed. "You will own nothing and be happy". Well, many of you should know by now that according to the World Bank, COVID-19 is a “project” that is planned to continue until the end of March 2025. An end in sight then or not.

Introducing SPARS, the new coronahoax that will arrive on your screens in the autumn of 2025, we'll have the summer off. The SPARS hoax 2025 2028. A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators was a simulation at The Johns Hopkins University, back in October of 2017.

In this simulation (yeah right), they chose the name SPARS, based on the city where it first appeared (St. Paul), but they will probably go with a different name when the time comes.
Basically the covidhoax will never go away, unless we do something about it.

In this new, Grey scenario, the coronahoaxus will mutate later this year and affect animals in the South East, which ça va sans dire, will be destroyed. We’ve already seen this many times in the past, with various plandemics. Rounding up animals in poor countries and sacrificing

them to stop an alleged virus mutation results in poverty and famine in those regions, and only God knows how many human deaths. In the 2017 simulation,a vaccine called COROVAX (and which is also called CORAVAX once in the paper) is proposed as the solution to stop the pandemic.

In the next threads:
The financial extermination. The higher and lower liturgies of the Grey rituals. The real reasons for the injection. The real nature of the soul. The simplest mind-control technique. Empty human vessels. Genetic mutations and more.
Good night.

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