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Omna Tigray is a nonprofit focused on educated advocacy + economic development. Join our global movement to stop the genocidal war on Tigray.

Feb 18, 2021, 10 tweets

A Genocide starts with words, ostracizing & marginalization.

For centuries, Tigrayans + other ethnic *minorities (*socially, politically + economically) in Ethiopia have endured racism, cultural destruction, political + economic oppression, land grab + state-sponsored violence.

This has happened generationally.

This conflict isn’t merely against a political party — it is against the Tigrayan people. It is collective punishment based off centuries of systemic oppression.

Menelik II strategically gave away northern Tigrayan territories as a bargaining tool to the Italians. He also gave parts of western Tigrayan territories to Begemeder.

Haile Selassie banned modern education after the 1st Woyane rebellion & blocked aid resulting in famines.

The Derg also blocked aid to Tigray during the 1984-85 famine in #Ethiopia, targeting civilians in hopes of eliminating any political opposition from the Tigrinya-speaking population. Around 1.2 million people died in the country.

Tigrayans have held pride in their history and identity that goes back to the Aksum civilization.

However, there have been persistent efforts to degrade Tigrayan identity and history. Anti-Tigrayanism has been veiled in anti-TPLFism over the past 3 decades.

Since unelected PM Abiy Ahmed was appointed, a relentless propaganda campaign was launched against the TPLF, equating them with Tigray and people of Tigray.

Ahmed managed to inflict collective punishment against Tigrayans all over Ethiopia without any pushback.

There are reports of widespread ethnic profiling of Tigrayans in positions of power, as many Tigrayans were branded as TPLF members and supporters. For example, several Tigrayan employees at @flyethiopian have been placed on leave.

Racism against Tigrayans has culminated in the ongoing genocide occurring in Tigray, as the region is closed off with numerous reports of war crimes against civilians and a looming famine as hunger is being used as a weapon of war.

Anti-Tigrayan racism must be stopped. The gruesome + brutal deaths of Tigrayans have been encouraged + celebrated by Ethiopian gov officials + civilians in country & abroad. We must acknowledge the existence of racism + speak out against hate speech + racism against Tigrayans.

Listen to Tigrayans, amplify their voices + their platforms, join their movements. Learn more via the resources below.

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