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Dad: A human male who protects his kids from gender ideology. Traveling the world to stop child transition one conversation at a time.

Feb 19, 2021, 7 tweets

Another fantastic piece from The Economist.…

3000% increase in a decade.

All of these gender clinics have long wait lists. More clinics are coming to get rid of those and there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of children in line.

England alone had 4600 on a wait list.

Think about that.

In Canada, it’s recommended girls as young as 10 and boys as young as 11 get their puberty blocked.

The Endocrine Society recommends opposite-sex hormones as young as 13.

No clinical trials. None. Zero. Nada.

Do you know what that’s called when you give these puberty blocking drugs to children?

Child experimentation.

Skip this tweet in the thread if you get queasy.

This drug is used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Sorry if that sounds harsh. It’s just what it is. They even did a clinical trial, using it on pedos.

With 4 out of 5 kids, the dysphoria just goes away if you let them grow up naturally.

Not so with puberty blockers. And virtually all kids on puberty blockers go onto the opposite-sex hormones. 98% did, in the Tavistock study.

And for those 98% of kids, the end result is often sterility.

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