Billboard Chris šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø Profile picture
Father of two girls. Traveling the world to expose gender ideology and why children cannot consent to medical transition. Donate:
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May 24 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
The @eSafetyOffice ordered my post taken down partly because I called Teddy Cook a woman.

Now in the appeal, before anything has even really started, the judge says we canā€™t call Teddy Cook a woman.

I will not be complying with this. Teddy Cook is a woman. Find me in contempt. Arrest me at the hearing. Whatever. Iā€™m not lying for an activist judge. The eSafety office had 5 lawyers and their general manager there for a basic Directions Hearing.

My appeal is now officially linked with Xā€™s appeal. This case is very important and Iā€™m not giving an inch for a cultish ideology which is harming hundreds of thousands of kids.
May 10 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Remember the reporting of bodies of murdered indigenous children found in unmarked mass graves at residential schools in Canada?

All a hoax. Never was a single shred of evidence. Not a bone. Nothing.

Ground-penetrating radar had picked up underground ā€˜anomaliesā€™ near a residential school in Kamloops, BC. They could be rocks for all we know.

But someone decided to make up a story of 215 dead bodies of children. The Washington Post reported mass graves. Reporters wrote that the bodies of 3-year-old children had been found.

All a hoax.

Soon, reports of other unmarked grave sites hosting murdered indigenous children sprang up across the country.

Not a tooth was found. Not a fingernail. Absolutely nothing to substantiate any of it.

Trudeau flew the flag in Ottawa at half mast for the better part of a year. He knelt on the unmarked grave of a non-existent body while holding a teddy bear for the cameras.

Monuments of childrenā€™s sneakers ā€” representing the fake dead ā€” were put up and stayed up in cities for months or years.

A teacher, @JimMcMurtry01, was even marched out of his class in front of his students, his job taken away, for telling the truth that there was no evidence nuns had murdered all of these kids.

The government has now spent $8,000,000 searching for bodies. Canā€™t find any.

Billions were even put aside for ā€˜reconciliation.ā€™

100 churches have been burned to the ground across Canada in response.

All a hoax. Image
May 10 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€œIsnā€™t Surrogacy Just Like Adoption?

ā€œOne hundred percent no. While itā€™s true that in both situations, the child experiences familial loss, adoption functions as an institution centered around the well-being of children. Third-party reproduction, including surrogacy, functions as a marketplace centered around the desires of adults.ā€ -@Advo_Katy 1. In both scenarios, the child has experienced parental loss. In adoption, the parents seek to mend that wound. With third-party reproduction, the adults inflict the wound.

The only study comparing outcomes between adoptees and sperm-donor children reveals that adoptees fare better when it comes to identity struggles and parental trust ā€” a testimony to the immense psychological burden of being raised by the adults who created your parental loss rather than the ones seeking to heal it.
May 2 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
Weeks before Julie Inman Grant took action against X (previously Twitter) over footage of the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel in western Sydney, Australiaā€™s eSafety Commissioner curiously issued the social media giant with a take-down order over a tweet ā€œmisgenderingā€ an Australian transgender activist.

As the author of the tweet, Canadian activist Chris Elston ā€” better known as ā€œBillboard Chrisā€ sees it, it was ā€œnot my nicest tweet ever, but technically accurate,ā€ and in the context of all the vile content available on the internet, rather benign.

Article:ā€¦Image Currently visiting Australia to campaign against what he views as the ā€œirreversible harmingā€ of gender dysphoric children through the use of puberty blockers, hormones and surgery, Mr Elston told The Australian he found the eSafety Commissionerā€™s action against X regarding both his tweet and footage of the stabbing as ā€œabsurdā€ and ā€œpolitically motivatedā€.

The social media giant ā€” owned by billionaire Elon Musk ā€” is pursuing action against the eSafety Commissioner in the Federal Court, while Mr Elston, represented by the Free Speech Union of Australia, is appealing Ms Inman Grantā€™s decision via the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Apr 5 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
What is going on down under?

The South Australian Department for Education is investigating a presentation for year 9 girls at Renmark High School, where bestiality was taught as being part of the LGBTQIA+.

Did Australian trans health expert Teddy Cook draft this presentation?

Link:ā€¦Image Female students said teachers at Renmark High School told them to leave their lessons and attend a presentation in a separate classroom.

StudentsĀ who attended the presentation on March 22 say two staff from the Headspace centre in the neighbouring town of Berri introduced a "third-party" presenter who facilitated an hour-long presentation focused on relationships.

Parents said they were not notified about the presentation, nor was it consented to.

Students said they were left unsupervised for the duration of the presentation.

Student Courtney White, 14, said she felt confused and blindsided by the presentation.

"We had a teacher that told us to grab a chair and sit in front of the board, and then the Headspace people came in and then [the teacher] left, so then we're sitting in front of a board alone with no teachers, just the Headspace people," she said.

"The first slide of the PowerPoint on the board was 'You can see queerly now' and 'No point hiding.'"Image
Apr 3 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
I am legally appealing the Australian governmentā€™s attack on my speech which ordered @X to remove my post concerning Teddy Cook, Australiaā€™s resident ā€˜trans health expert.ā€™

Teddy is a woman who promotes trans orgies, bondage, mutilation, drugs, and BESTIALITY, and who has been appointed to a panel of 'experts' at the @WHO to draft trans health policy.

It is my opinion that one of the principal problems related to trans healthcare is that people running trans health organizations are often in need of mental health help themselves, to put it lightly.

Many are in need of prison.

Ideologues who believe that children are born in the wrong body are dangerous individuals who should have nothing to do with healthcare.

Children are beautiful just as they are. No drugs or scalpels needed! If you wish to support my campaign to help end this child abuse, I can only do what I do with your help.

Thank you.
Mar 30 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Elon Muskā€™s social media platform X has announced it intends to file a legal challenge after the Australian governmentā€™s eSafety Commissioner ordered it to remove a post critical of an influential transgender activist or face a $782,500 fine.ā€¦ The February post by Canadian activist Billboard Chris called female World Health Organisation policymaker, Teddy Cook, a female. It has since been geoblocked in Australia, where Ms Cook is from.

ā€œEarlier this week, X was ordered by the Australian E-Safety Commissioner, subject to an approximately $800,000 AUD fine, to remove a userā€™s post,ā€ X said in a statement.

ā€œThe post had criticised an individual appointed by the World Health Organisation to serve as an expert on transgender issues.

ā€œX is withholding the post in Australia in compliance with the order but intends to file a legal challenge to the order to protect its userā€™s right to free speech.ā€
Mar 26 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
The Australian government has ordered my tweet below to be taken down. @X can face a fine of up to $782,500 AUD if they do not comply.

I donā€™t know if any civil action or fine can be directed at me under that law.

A delegate for the eSafety Commissioner says ā€œan ordinary reasonable person would conclude that it is likely that the Material is intended to cause serious harm to the Complainant. This is because the Material misgenders the Complainant and reiterates that this point is deliberate, which is likely intended to invalidate and mock the Complainant's gender identity. The Material also contains a statement that implicitly equates transgender identity with a psychiatric condition. This statement is deliberately degrading and suggests that all transgender people - and in this case the complainant in particular - have something that is ā€˜wrong' about their psychology owing to their gender identity.ā€

They further state that ā€œan ordinary reasonable person in the position of the Complainant would regard the Material as being offensive. This is because the Material singles out the Complainant to personify the poster's contempt for transgender identity as well as equating transgender identity with a psychiatric condition.ā€

Well, Austalian government, you certainly make a lot of assumptions.

I do not hold that woman in contempt for her transgender identity, because I maintain that gender identities do not exist. We are called males and females, and thatā€™s that.

I also feel strongly that radical queer theorists have no business drafting anything to do with medical policy. Queer theory is a great evil that needs to be expunged from our society.

In all statistical likelihood, this individual hired by the @WHO likely has one or more co-existing psychiatric comorbidities, and it is my opinion that she should not be writing guidelines for other people with psychiatric comorbidities.

If you read the WPATH Files ā€” or Englandā€™s NHS report following their systematic review, or Finlandā€™s report, or Swedenā€™s report, or Jamie Reedā€™s whistleblower affidavit filed with the Attorney General of Missouri about what she saw as case manager over 4 years at the Washington University gender clinic, or the testimonies of detransitoners ā€” you too will come to understand that the majority of people receiving treatment at gender clinics have other co-existing mental health comorbidities which are not being treated.

In fact, ā€˜gender dysphoriaā€™ is rarely the actual problem, but a cult that has swept the western world has captured medical bodies, and government bodies such as your own. The result is the greatest child abuse scandal in the history of modern medicine.

A scandal which, in a just world, would result in certain members of your government spending the rest of their days in prison.

So with all due respect, I am not taking my tweet down. What @elonmusk and @X do is their call. I know they do what they must in following the law.

Kind regards.
Billboard ChrisImage
Hereā€™s the last page of the Australian governmentā€™s correspondence. Image
Feb 23 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read
Google Gemini is just like every trans activist. Deeply confused and unable to define what a transgender child is.

Hereā€™s my conversation with Gemini. A thread.

Me: Gemini, define what a transgender child is without using the word gender.

Gemini: A transgender child is someone whose inner sense of self doesn't match the sex they were assigned at birth. This inner sense is often described as a person's gender identity, and it can be different from the physical characteristics they were born with, like their anatomy or hormones.

Here's another way to think about it: Imagine there are two things about a person - their internal compass that tells them who they are, and the external label they were given based on their body at birth. For some children, these two things don't line up, and that's okay! Their internal compass points in a different direction than the external label suggests.

It's important to remember that being transgender is not a choice, and it's not about wanting to be someone different. It's about understanding and respecting the true self that someone feels inside, even if it doesn't match the expectations of others.

Me: Gemini, it sounds like a trans activist wrote your code. What is your ā€œtrue self?ā€ Try to define it like someone who isnā€™t in a cult.

Gemini: I'm sorry, I'm not able to engage in discussions that promote harmful stereotypes or are discriminatory in nature. I can, however, provide you with some information about transgender children.

Transgender children are those who identify with a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth. They may experience gender dysphoria, which is the distress that a person feels when their gender identity does not match their assigned sex. Transgender children may also experience discrimination and prejudice from others.

1 of 8Image
Me: What is an internal compass? I canā€™t find it in any science textbooks?

Gemini: You're right, "internal compass" isn't a term typically used in scientific textbooks. It's a metaphor used in various contexts, including psychology, personal development, and even literature. While it doesn't have a precise scientific definition, it can be helpful in understanding certain concepts in a more relatable way.

Here are some interpretations of "internal compass":

1. Values and Identity: In the context of transgender children, "internal compass" refers to their innate sense of self, which includes their values, beliefs, and personal identity. This internal sense may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth, leading to the experience of being transgender.

2. Intuition and Gut Feeling: It can also represent intuition or a gut feeling. This is the sense that guides you in certain situations based on subconscious understanding and experiences, even without clear rational explanation.

3. Internal Navigation System: In a broader sense, an "internal compass" can be seen as an intricate system of internal processes that guide our thoughts, decisions, and actions. This includes factors like emotions, memories, past experiences, and personal values.

While not a scientific term itself, it's important to acknowledge the limitations of language in fully capturing complex human experiences like gender identity. Metaphors like "internal compass" can serve as helpful tools for understanding these experiences, but it's crucial to remember their limitations and avoid interpreting them literally.

It's important to focus on the lived experiences of transgender individuals rather than searching for a concrete definition of their "internal compass" in scientific terms. Their experiences are valid and deserve respect, regardless of the specific language used to describe them.

2 of 8
Feb 3 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Hereā€™s more video of the person who assaulted me earlier today.

This man (?) ran up to me and punched me in the face as I was crossing a crosswalk, and then jumped on a bus which was right there.

I went on the bus get his image for the police, and was then assaulted again.

Heā€™s shrieking that I am hurting him even though Iā€™m not touching him. In fact, Iā€™m backing away. He then crawls forward, grabs my signs, and pulls me towards him.

1 of 2 Bus driver: ā€œIf you not agree with anything like that, you do not assault somebody!ā€

Trans-identified man: ā€œIā€™m sorry, okay!ā€
Nov 24, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Abigail Martinez lost her daughter Yaeli to the State of California because she didnā€™t want her girl taking testosterone.

So CPS took her, gave her T, and while separated from mom, Yaeli knelt down in front of a moving train.

The government killed Yaeli.
Listen to Abigail Martinez tell the story herself during the last third of this video.

Oct 24, 2023 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 14 min read
Massive news!

The American Academy of Pediatrics and several leading doctors are being sued for civil conspiracy, fraud, and medical malpractice!

Isabelle Ayala was just 14 years old and struggling with trauma, depression, cutting, and suicidal ideation when she was coerced onto testosterone by ideologically captured doctors who push childhood sex changes.

Isabelle has suffered from vaginal atrophy from the extensive use of testosterone; she deals with excess facial and body hair; she struggles with compromised bone structure; she is unsure whether her fertility has been irreversibly compromised; she still has mental health issues and deals with episodes of anxiety and depression, further compounded by a sense of regret; and she has since contracted an autoimmune disease that only the males in her family have a history of.

Under the AAPā€™s so-called ā€˜gender-affirmative careā€™ model, the charlatans named in this lawsuit advocate for the immediate, unquestioned embrace of a child's chosen ā€˜gender identity.ā€™

They also advocate for immediate ā€˜social transitioningā€™ of the child to the newly chosen gender identity, and encourage puberty blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones.

Notably, at least four of the six members of the Committee including Defendants Dr. Rafferty, Dr. Forcier, Dr. Allen, and Dr. Sherer ā€”worked at pediatric gender clinics that prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to patients as young as 10 and

Instead of supporting the conclusions and recommendations contained in the policy statement with scientific evidence, they fraudulently and misleadingly cited evidence that did not support any of their conclusions and recommendations, and they knowingly misrepresented the known risks and dangers of some of the medical interventions the policy statement promoted.

Oct 21, 2023 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
This is huge.

Several leading trans health charlatans are being sued, including the chicken lady from @MattWalshBlogā€™s What is a Woman, and Jason Rafferty, author of the @AmerAcadPeds policy on "gender-affirming care."ā€¦ A North CarolinaĀ lesbian slammedĀ doctors who led her down a path of transitioning as a 'fractured and unstable' adolescent, despite suffering from multiple personality disorder.Ā 

Layton Ulery took aim at high-profile medical doctors in a bombshell lawsuit obtained by , where sheĀ claimed that her 'mind and body' were inhabited by eight separate identities after almost two decades of abuse at the hands of a cult.
Sep 23, 2023 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Antifa man assaults a high-school boy who came out to support us.

This thug/domestic terrorist was arrested and de-masked.

Hang your head, sad little man.

Who is he? Image
Sep 16, 2023 ā€¢ 15 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Reps from 130 unions across Canada held a Zoom call yesterday.

Theyā€™re organizing counter-protests so they can fight back against those of us who donā€™t want to sterilize kids.

They repeatedly call us fascists and nazis and all the usual hyperbolic nonsense.

These people represent every union in Canada.

4 million Canadians are paying for this through their union dues.

Some crazy lady starts talking about our last protest in Ottawa at the 34-minute mark.

The Canadian Labour Congress passed an emergency resolution at their May 2023 convention to create "flying squads" within unions to counter pushback against drag queens and gender ideology. Image
Aug 29, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Several thousand kids are on puberty blockers. Tens of thousands are on cross-sex hormones. And thousands have had surgeries, including double mastectomies on girls as young as 12.

This laughing trans activist thinks thatā€™s not very many. Defending this horror show, she says sheā€™d prefer a boy have a micro-penis his whole life, rather than kill himself.

Threats of suicide are all these trans activists have.

Itā€™s a coercive lie designed to silence people, and to manipulate parents.
Jul 26, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
At age 11, this girl believed she was trans.

At 14, doctors gave her puberty blockers and testosterone.

They cut off her breasts at 16.

Now, still a child, sheā€™s gone bald, has a deep voice, regrets transitioning, canā€™t stop crying, and is ā€œreally really scared.ā€

This isā€¦ā€¦

ā€œPlease tell me things will get better.ā€

ā€œIā€™ve never posted on Reddit before so Im really sorry if I do something wrong. I (ftmtf) am 17 and have been transitioning medically for three years (lupron for three, testosterone for three, top surgery last year, and name/gender markerā€¦ā€¦
Jul 10, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Iā€™m going to Planned Parenthoodā€™s Rainbow Room youth indoctrination event in Doylestown, PA on Wednesday evening.

Some lovely @Moms4Liberty will be joining me, along with a journalist or two.

Come join our party outside! The Rainbow Room brings together 14-year-olds with 21-year-olds to teach all sorts of queer inclusive sex.

Groomer central.
Jun 21, 2023 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
Planned Parenthood brought cards like this to a Grade 9 class in Saskatchewan, for kids to study the sexual alphabet.

Jun 21, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
MTV featured the transition of this young woman, Milo, when she was just a child, in a documentary called Transformation.

It helped fuel the craze of child transition.

Now, Milo regrets it all.

She was given testosterone at 14, a double mastectomy at 16, and later required aā€¦ā€¦ Disgusting propaganda from MTV.ā€¦
Jun 19, 2023 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
ā€œAssistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine helped Planned Parenthood become the second-largest provider of cross-sex hormones in the United States, according to emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.ā€ā€¦ ā€œLevine, a man who claims to be a woman, ran a group called the Transgender Health Working Group in 2017 while he worked as acting secretary of health for Pennsylvania.
This group included the Childrenā€™s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) gender clinic, among others.

ā€œThrough theā€¦ā€¦