One of the funny things about the conspiracy theories made about "TERFs" is that they are frequently totally, bizarrely contradictory. I had to start compiling some of them, lol.
First: Gender critical women love abortion and are indoctrinating young white women into aborting male fetuses. But also, gender critical women are pro-lifers intent on removing abortion access for all women.
Zionists are all TERFs. But also, TERFs are antisemites putting coded antisemitic messages into their works on gender theory.
TERFs are fascists. But also, TERFs are tied to radical environmentalist groups that oppose the entirety of Western Civilization and explicitly call race an evil settler construct.
TERFs are coldhearted intellectuals who put intellectual theorizing over compassion. But also, TERFs are just hysterical bigots.
TERFs hate homosexuals. But also, TERFs are all man-hating lesbians who want an Amazonian society.
TERFs are conventionally attractive cis women who want to restrict womanhood to conventionally attractive cis women. But also TERFs are all ugly themselves.
TERFs are anti-sex prudes. But also, TERFs are sexual perverts obsessed with genitals.
TERFs are an outgrowth of the skeptic/ New Atheist movement. But also, TERFs are the paid minions of Evangelical Christians.
A couple more: TERF arguments are transparent and easily disproven. But also, TERFs are masters of seeming reasonable and their arguments are hard to refute.
TERFs are minor and insignificant. But also, TERFs are a powerful political lobby activating JK Rowling as a political cover for genocide.
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