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Feb 24, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
One of the funny things about the conspiracy theories made about "TERFs" is that they are frequently totally, bizarrely contradictory. I had to start compiling some of them, lol. First: Gender critical women love abortion and are indoctrinating young white women into aborting male fetuses. But also, gender critical women are pro-lifers intent on removing abortion access for all women. ImageImage
Nov 7, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
A lot of leftist radfems who got involved in this fight 18 months ago are really worried that feminists' strategic alliances with conservatives might "hurt our credibility" with the left. Well, leftists were threatening to rape and kill us back in Dworkin's day too. This mentality is classic gaslighting, and honestly it's a coping mechanism. The leftists who show up with baseball bats to women's meetings are not waiting to see whether you are sufficiently politically pure to decide whether they want to work with you or beat you up.
Sep 18, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Lately I've noticed an interesting trend among trans "philosophers": they say that while they believe in sexual reproduction and secondary sex characteristics, they do not believe in a sex binary, and do not think "male" and "female" are meaningful terms to describe people. Their exact position is intended to be confusing, but they seem to be resuscitating the old philosophical position of nominalism.