CB_Arolygu / RC_Survey Profile picture
Arolygu ac Ymchwil @RCAHMWales. Treftadaeth archaeolegol ac adeiledig Cymru. / Survey and Research @RCAHMWales. Wales's archaeological & built heritage.

Feb 25, 2021, 7 tweets

The exciting Neolithic discoveries in the Preseli hills of Pembrokeshire and the #stonehengelostcircle have recently made the news. Let us look at another intriguing monument contemporary with this landscape of tombs, stone circles and quarries, the Banc Du enclosure. 1/6⤵️

2/6 The Banc Du Neolithic enclosure occupies the summit of a low hill at the western end of the Preseli Ridge. It was discovered from the air by @RC_Survey and surveyed by us in 2005. It has the title of being the first dated Neolithic enclosure in Wales.⤵️

3/6 The #earthwork remains are slight and comprise an inner and outer enclosure defined by low banks and shallow ditches built in sections with gaps between. This form of monument is often termed a Causewayed Enclosure.⤵️

4/6 In 2005 geophysics and a small excavation was undertaken by Profs. Timothy Darvill and Geoffrey Wainwright for their SPACES project. C14 dates from the fill of the ditch indicate the initial silt had accumulated around 3650BC and the middle fills 3000–2600BC.⤵️

5/6 The exact function of Banc Du is unclear. Causewayed enclosures have often been interpreted as meeting places that drew together dispersed social groups, perhaps for markets, ceremonies, and rituals.
📷Orsett, Essex © Essex County Council/Frank Gardiner

Sorry, this image should have been included above - it's too nice to leave out! #earthwork detail.

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