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Happy Indian. Oracle, Microsoft Certified Programmer. Astrologer. Views personal, RT & Likes≠ Endorsement. DM for reading. Right to Centre. सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः

Feb 28, 2021, 60 tweets


Long Thread: How to read Panchang (calender/app).

You will learn to see Tithis, Nakshatras, Yogas, Panchak etc. after reading this thread.

Click on this tweet to load full thread.

RT this tweet so that others can also learn. Knowledge only increases if you share it.


What do you need?

1. Purchase any Panchang in calendar format if you already haven't one. Wont cost over ₹25.

2. If you can't buy it because of being not in India, download Drik Panchang from Play store. Search and an app by name Hindu Calendar will come up. Install it.


If you're based out of India or want to check/change location set in app, tap on three dots on Top Right in Drik Panchang app. In screen that follows, go to Geo Location option. Either enter City Name or manually enter coordinates. You can enter nearby city too. See images.


I have used Delhi as my location.

In my region, lunar month ends with Purnima, so in image, you can see I have selected "Purnimanta". If it ends with Amavasya in your region, select Amavasyanta (or, Amanta) by tapping Purnimanta. It will shift lunar month by 15 days.


Now with above settings, open app afresh. You will see today's date in Green box. Once you tap any date, a new screen will open up with more details that we'll understand later on. For now, see 3 tabs : 12 hour, 24 hour and 24 Plus. These indicate timing. You can tap each.


Reproducing 2nd image of 5th tweet again. 12 Hour selected.

In row of Tithi you can see Pratipada upto 11:18 AM IST. In row immediately below it, see Dwitiya. So, Pratipada (1st Lunar Tithi) ended at 11:18 AM. After that, for remaining 28 Feb, Dwitiya will be in progress.


On the same screen, you can see in the row of Nakshatra that Poorva Phalguni written with time of 9:36 AM. That is ENDING time. So Purva Phalguni Nakshatra ended at 9:36 AM and after that, for remaining 28 Feb, the next Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni will be in progress.


Before proceeding ahead, know what exactly is today's Nakshatra.

The Nakshatra in which Moon transits (in easier words, travels) on a particular day is Nakshatra of that day. If your Nakshatra is Krittika, then at your birth time, Moon was transiting in Krittika Nakshatra.


Against Karana, you can see Kaulava Karana and time of 11:18 AM mentioned against it. Just like Tithi and Nakshatra, it is ENDING time. So Kaulava Karana ended at 11:18 AM. Thereafter, Taitila Karana from 11:18 AM - 9:58 PM. For remaining 28 Feb, there'll be Garaja Karana.


What is a Karana (करण)? It is half of one Lunar Tithi. A Tithi has two Karanas.

What is a Tithi? In easy language, when degreewise difference between Sun and Moon crosses 12°, new Tithi comes. So a Karana changes when degreewise difference b/w them exceeds 6°.


In second last row, you can see Krishna Paksha in progress. Each Paksha has 15 Lunar Tithis. Fifteen Tithis upto Purnima (Full Moon) is Shukla (शुक्ल/उजाला) Paksh. Fifteen Tithis after Purnima, upto Amavasya (No Moon) when size of Moon decreases is called Krishna Paksha.


In green rectangle at top, you can see Krishna, Pratipada, 2077 Vikrama Samvata, rectangled for ease.

So at today's sunrise, Pratipada (or Prathama or 1st Lunar Tithi) of Krishna Paksha ,Phalguna was in Progress. In LAST row, you can see Phalguna month for Purnimant.


Vikram Samvat is one of the calendars followed in some parts of India. It's official calendar of Nepal. Its 2077th year is in progress. So at today's sunrise,

1st Tithi
Kaulava Karana
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Krishna Paksha
Phalguna Maas
2077 Vikram Samvat

were in progress.


Now enough of mobile app. Let's have a look at calender on today's date zoomed in. See images.

You can read Purva Phalguni and time 9/35 mentioned in it. It's ending time of this Nakshatra. Also read Ekam and 11/18 time. These times are ENDING & in 24+ format. Same as app.


In today's date, you can read Phalgun Krishna 1 written. It's Tithi at Sunrise (अरुणोदय). Ekam is synonym for Pratipada (or 1st Lunar Tithi). You can also see 2077 Vikram Samvat mentioned in blue background.

So what's for rest of 28 Feb? We'll have to flip to 1st March.


Enclosed is page of March 2021 and zoomed in is March 1. You can see Uttara Phalguni 7/36 and Dwitiya 8/35 written.

So Dwitiya Tithi will end on 8:35 AM and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra will end at 7:36 AM on 1 March. I repeat, the timings are ENDING times. Let's see app.


When you click 1 March in Drik Panchang app, it confirms data of calendar.

You can see Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra ends at 7:37 AM and Dwitiya Tithi at 8:35 AM. But since at Sunrise, Dwitiya will be in progress, it will be Arunodaya Tithi for this day.


Many Panchangs follow 24+ system to indicate END timings. Learn that too. In March 2021,concentrate on 14th March. See image.

The end timing of Uttarabhadrapad Nakshatra is mentioned as 26/13 that is 26:14. But there are only 24 hrs in a day. What's it then? Read on.


Reproducing image of #18.

26:13 means the day will end at 24:00 and remaining 26:13 minus 24:00 = 2:13 will be of the next date that is 15 March. So the Nakshatra Uttarabhadrapad will end at 2:13 AM on 15 March.

Tap 14 March in app to confirm it. Shows ENDING time 2:20 AM.


For better understanding, tap 24 Plus in app (see rectangled in image). You will then see ENDING timing of Uttarabhadrapad Nakshatra as 26:20+ means the day on display has ended and it will move to next date by 26:20 - 24:00 = 2:20 hrs. So it will end of 2:20 AM on 15 March.


The timings of Nakshatra can be different by some minutes in different sources.

Moon roughly transits in one Nakshatra for about or over 24 hours. So confirm timings from more sources online to be sure. Not dealing with reasons of difference in this thread.


If you want to do more practice or 24 Plus format, you can study Tithi ENDING timings of 8-12 February 2021 and Nakshatra ENDING timings of 18-21 February 2021. A zoomed and full image of February 2021 is enclosed herewith for your help.

It's very important - don't ignore.


Why Nakshatra and Tithi are important? Both of them constitute a very important part of Muhurt and certain works are permitted/avoided in certain Nakshatras and/or Tithis. So, one must be aware of both. I will take this part later in this thread. Some other things first.


For basic knowledge, there are 27 Nakshatras in Vedic Jyotish. Each Nakshatra is further subdivided into 4 equal quarters/Charan (पद). Each Charan is known by letter. This determines initial letter of baby's in Naamkaran Sanskar. Moon transits in each Charan for about 6 hrs.


Now we will see how you can make optimum use of Nakshatras for Muhurt purposes.

Pushya Nakshatra is considered the most auspicious Nakshatra and it counterbalances all othet evil effects of transit/natal chart or Panchang. It is good for every work/event EXCEPT marriage.


So whenever you find Pushya Nakshatra in progression on a particular day, you can start any type of work, do shopping of costly things (they'll generally not get damaged soon), start learning new skill, do Bhoomi Poojan etc. India got independence in this Nakshatra.


This was just an example.

How are Yogs formed? When certain Nakshatra falls on a particular day, a certain Yog will be formed. For example, Guru Pushyamrut Yog. Read image.

It will fall on Thursday only. So you can make its best use too. We will see more examples of Yogas.


Before learning Yogas further, we should understand Vaar in a refined manner and must know when Yoga would begin or end.

Vaars: Ravivaar to Shanivar.

In Jyotish analysis, Any Vaar starts with Sunrise and ends with sunrise on NEXT day. Read upcoming examples carefully.


Check Panchang of 24 February 2021. It was Wednesday and Pushya Nakshatra started at 1:17 PM (see rectangled part) and 2nd image shows that it ended at 1:17 PM on 25 Feb (Thursday).

Since 25 Feb was Guruvaar accompanied by Pushya Nakshatra , when did Guru Pushya Yoga start?


Pushya Nakshatra was operational even when Thursday normally started at midnight, but did Guru Pushya Yoga became operational in midnight itself? No. Guruvaar hadn't begun then.

Guruvaar started with sunrise and its timing can be seen in image enclosed herewith. Read on.


So once Guruvaar started accompanied by Pushya Nakshatra, Guru Pushyamrut Yog became operational. But was it for whole day? No. Only until 1:17 PM (that is when Pushya Nakshatra ended as seen in image).

Guru Pushya Yoga on 25 Feb was ftom Sunrise to 1:17 PM IST.


How to verify this and become more confident?

Open Panchang of 25 Feb 2021 and tap on Guru Pushya Yoga (underlined in image). Then you will get list of Yoga, again select Guru Pushya Yoga.

On final screen you'd see timings of Guru-Pushya Yoga for 2021. Check timings of Feb.


Let's see one more example which will amply clear things.

Open Panchang of 27 January 2021 and remember to check 12 Hour tab. Observe that Punarvasu Nakshatra ends at 3:49 AM on Jan 28 and Pushya begins. 28 January was Thursday. But did Guru Pushya Yog start then itself? No.


Now open Panchang of 28 January. Guruvaar began with sunrise whose timings can be seen as 7:11 AM. At this time, Pushya Nakshatra was also in progress, so Guru Pushya Yoga became operational. But when did this Yog end?

With sunrise? No.
At midnight? No.

Let's understand.


Guruvaar started with sunrise on 28th and as per our concept, it ended "just before sunrise" on 29th that was Friday. Now see in image until when Pushya Nakshatra continued. See image. It ended at 3:51 AM on January 29. Until then, both Pushya and Guruvaar were operating.


Time to verify again?

Open Panchang of 28 January and tap on Guru Pushya Yoga (underlined in image). Then in list of Yogas, again select Guru Pushya Yoga. You'll see list of Guru-Pushya Yoga for 2021. You can see that it was operational from 7:11 AM Jan 28 - 3:51 AM Jan 29.


Now there's little homework for you. India got freedom on 15 August 1947. That was Friday.

Exercise: Prove that India got independence in Guru Pushya Yoga.

Write explanation in a copy and upload pic.

Hint: On the main screen of Drik Panchang app, tap date. Change year.


To understand some more Yogas, we will need to know classification of Lunar Tithis.

Tithis are classified into five types:

1) Nanda: 1,6,11th Tithis
2) Bhadra: 2,7,12th Tithis
3) Jaya: 3,8,13th Tithis
4) Rikta: 4,9,14th Tithis
5) Poorna: 5,10,15th (Purnima/Amavasya) Tithis.


Siddha Yog.

As the name suggests, it is a benefic Yog to start some work, provided transit chart of that period is also strong. Only checking Siddha Yog will be insufficient, transit chart chart should support event. We will learn What constitutes Siddha Yog in next tweet.


Nanda Tithis (1/6/11) on Shukravar(Friday)
Bhadra (2/7/12) Tithis on Budhvar(Wednes)
Jaya (3/8/13) Tithis on Mangalvar(Tuesday)
Rikta (4/9/14) Tithis on Shanivar(Saturday)
Poorna Tithis (5/10/15) on Guruvar(Thursday)

constitute Siddha Yog.

Do not forget when Vaar start/end.


Next Yog is Amrit Siddha Yog.

As name suggests, a work undertaken in this Yoga will be accomplished and successful but while making use of this very good Yoga, the transit chart should indicate a strong rising rign, appropriate for type of work undertaken.


Amrit Siddha Yog is formed when

Hasta Nakshatra falls on Ravivar (Sunday)
Mrigashira on Somvar (Mon)
Ashwini on Mangalvar (Tues)
Vishakha on Budhvar (Wed)
Pushya on Guruvar (Thurs)
Revati on Shukravar (Fri)
Rohini Nakshatra on Shanivar (Saturday).


Next is Sarvaarth Siddhi Yog which includes Amrit Siddha Yog stated above. It is also a very benefic Yog, and its efficacy can be increased by combing it with Siddha Yog mentioned in Tweets numbered 39 and 40 of this thread above.

Now let us understand an inauspicious Yog.


Now let us see one type of Vish Yog. Vish is Hindi word for venom. Since this Yog is not good, new and auspicious works should not be commenced under this Yog.

The other reason to take up this Yog will be evident in next or next to next tweet. But let's see how it is formed.


Vish Yog is formed when:

4th Tithi falls on Ravivar (Sunday)
6th Tithi falls on Somvar (Mon)
7th Tithi falls on Mangalvar (Tues)
2nd Tithi falls on Budhvar (Wed)
8th Tithi falls on Guruvar (Thurs)
9th Tithi falls on Shukravar (Fri)
7th Tithi falls on Shanivar (Saturday).


Tweet #45 says 2nd Tithi on Budhvar is inauspicious Vish Yog, but Tweet #39 says 2nd Tithi on Wednesday creates benefic Siddha Yog.

So if 2nd Tithi falls on Budhvar, what would happen? Dilemma.

Muhurt Chintamani says that benefic (good) Yog prevails over malefic (bad) Yog.


Let us briefly understand that for Muhurt purposes, certain weekdays (Vaar), Nakshatras and Tithis are preferred or avoided for certain purposes.

Example: Rikta Tithis (4/9/14 Lunar Dates), Tuesday, Saturday and Amavasya should be avoided for litigation purposes.


For Muhurt purpose of starting a business, apart from strong transit chart:

👉 Best: Thursday. Then prefer Wednesday/Friday.
👉 Favoured Tithis: 2, 3, 5, 7, 10
👉 Favoured Nakshatras: Pushya, Hasta, Chitra, Uttara Phalguni, Uttar Ashadha, Uttara Bhadra.

Leo rising best.


For Muhurt purpose of opening establishment, avoid Aquarius rising, no malefic in 8/12th House:

👉 Prefer Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Avoid Tuesday.
👉 Prefer 2,3,5,7,10,12,13 Tithis. Avoid Rikta Tithis (4,9,14).
👉 Prefer Rohini, U.Phalguni, U.Ashadha, U.Bhadra.


Muhurt for routine shopping:

👉All weekdays except Tuesday.
👉Avoid Rikta (4/9/14) Tithis.
👉Rohini, Uttar Phalguni, Utter Ashadha, Uttara Bhadra, Ashwini, Pushya, Hasta and Abhijit.
👉All Ascendants except Aquarious (Kumbh).

You might be unable to judge other factors.


Arranging funds:

👉 Prefer Swati, Shravana, Shatbisha, Ashwani and Pushya. Avoid Krittika, Moola, Punarvasu, Dhanishta or the Janma (birth)
👉 Avoid Moon+Saturn or Moon+Mars in kundali of that time.
Avoid inauspicious & Rikta Tithis.

Read Next tweet too.


Arranging Funds:

Tuesday, Vriddhi Yoga, Sankranti days (Solar ingress), Amrit Yoga formed by Sunday and Hasta Nakshatra are strictly avoided for taking loans because issues arise in repayment of loans taken during such periods.


Muhurt for Interview:

👉Prefer Sunday, Wednesday or Thursday. Saturday is inferior to them but works.
👉Mrigashira, Pushya, Uttar Phalguni, Anuradha, Shravana, Shatabisha Nakshatras
👉Avoid Rikta Tithis (4/9/14)
👉 Fixed Rashi in Ascendant is preferred.


In some parts of India, Chaughadiya (चौघड़िया) is also seen that tells us auspicious time during each weekday. As the name specifies, it is 4 Ghadis long, that is about 96 minutes (approx. 1.5 hrs). It is chiefly used for judging time for traveling purposes.


Choghadiya are of two types: Day and Night.

Time from Sunrise to Sunset is divided by 8 to find duration of Day Choghadiyas, and then from sunset to next sunrise is divided by 8 to find out duration of Night Choghadiyas. There are 7 types of Choghadiyas.


7 types of Choghadiyas:

Udweg - owned by Sun. Bad
Amrit - owned by Moon. Good
Rog - owned by Mars. Bad
Labh - owned by Mercury. Good
Shubh - owned by Jupiter. Good
Char/Chal - owned by Venus. Medium
Kaal - owned by Saturn. Bad

Sequence of Choghadiya on weekdays is fixed.


If a work is commenced in Good Choghadiya and that time is very good according to Muhurt too (calculated after judging transit of Grahas, Tithis, Nakshatra and Vaar), then success is guaranteed in that work. Travel should be started in Good Choghadiya.


How to see Choghadiya (चौघड़िया) timing from Drik Panchang app?

👉Tap three lines on Top Left corner (see circled part).
👉Then select Choghadiya Muhurta (rectangled part).
👉Then on final screen, you will see Choghadiya timing for current day.

Check out images for help.


In some cases, you can take part of qualities of Nakshatra on a particular day. For example, if a sick person starts taking medicine when Moon transits in Shatbhisha, then the person gets cured sooner than expected.

Try finding imp. events of 23-09-2018 and 16-01-2021.


If you can't find Muhurt or have high malefic influence in transit chart, then for Muhurt purpose of any good work except marriage, you can look for Pushya Nakshatra. It counterbalances all negative influences. Guru Pushya, less frequent, is even better, except for marriage.

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