The Desi Science Page Profile picture
We aim to promote science, curiosity, rationality, philosophy, critical thinking, scientific skepticism & sentientism/humanism. Against quackery & pseudoscience

Mar 4, 2021, 16 tweets

A voyage of self-discovery!

"God did it!"

Heart of science ❤️

Ask courageous questions 🌐

On the importance of teaching the scientific method:

(h/t @Thinkingpowers )

Sagan on humanity and the world

'Humble' by Carl Sagan.
Edited by @HashemGhaili.


“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe” - Carl Sagan 🌌


(via @saganism_ )

We are the local embodiment of a cosmos grown to self-awareness.

The origin of life:

Carl Sagan on science:

One earth is all we have 🌏

(words by Carl Sagan)

"We wish to pursue the truth no matter where it leads. But to find the truth, we need imagination and skepticism both" - Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan on thought


#Sagan (via @

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