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Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Mar 10, 2021, 17 tweets


1/ If you know about the Vatican, you likely know they’re guarded by these Cirque du Soleil-looking motherfuckers

Why the Swiss?

Once you see the Swiss are the “clean business front” for all the most powerful dirtbags in the world, it makes sense

2/ Before I go on, please revisit this tweet in the “Mothership Swiss Thread” I’ve started to see what kind of dirtbags I’m talking about

“Laundering evil” is the Swiss Business

They pretend they’re all Alps, yodeling, & Heidi, but take a gander: 👇

3/ The Swiss Guard was established in 1506 under Pope Julius II

In short, they’re the Pope’s bodyguards & the Pope is their “Ceremonial” Commander in Chief

They’re not only the Secret Service, they are the De Facto Army of the Pope

Odd since Switzerland has no State Religion

4/ The Swiss Guard alsobswears fealty to the Sacred College of Cardinals in the Pope’s absence

So who was this Julius II?

Jesus, that’s telling:

“the Warrior Pope or the Fearsome Pope, he chose his papal name not in honour of Pope Julius I but in emulation of Julius Caesar”

5/ It gets better:

Machiavelli describes him as “the ideal prince” & Erasmus suggested JII *would storm heaven upon being denied entry*

Remind you of anyone else? 👹

He also made the Vatican more flashy by commissioning the Sistene Chapel ceiling to be painted

6/ I’m tired: more later. But as you can see, this is a hell of a thread to pull so far

7/ Pope JI was the Archbishop of Avignon & Ostia & came to power during a shitton of War - specifically the Italian Wars, involving


& his motto was “free Italy from the barbarians”

So we can understand his interest in having a military

8/ He also had an illegitimate daughter, who was no shrinking violet

In fact she was heavily involved in negotiating peace for the Papal States & in correspondence with the Medicis

She was influential in many courts throughout Europe

9/ Now remember that name, the Medicis - I maybe coming back to them - but for now I’ll share what @DamonRiddle3 pointed out awhile ago: the Swiss guards wear the Medici colors

They were a massive banking dynasty, but that’s another rabbit hole. But I feel we’ll see them again

10/ Here’s my question though: WHY the Swiss guards?

Why not the Italians?

My guess: flip your expectations. Can 135 men protect you from a military seige?


Can they keep a bunch of old, robed perverts in line?

Oh yes they can

11/ Look at the case of John Paul II (who I suspect was like Reagan - a white hat surrounded by swamp creatures)

Do you really think they only *just* decided to take Papal Security seriously in 1981?

It was just 500 years of fucking around in foppish clothes then - “Whoops”?

12/ Regardless, to understand Swiss Guards, you have to understand Swiss Mercenaries

If you look back at Julius II (& know European history) you know that Popes historically are ball-deep in warfare

Swiss mercenaries serves whomever paid - & the Vatican is all that’s left. Odd.

13/ Remember above when they said the pope is the “ceremonial” head?

That’s inaccurate.

They are the Holy See’s personal army

But again: I suspect this is the tail wagging the dog.

Vatican City has gendarmes, which is the territory’s Security Force

SG=Papal Army

14/ None of this answers:

why is a guy worth millions (who heads an org worth billions-to-trillions)

Being guarded by the only remaining Swiss Mercenary group on earth?

It’s either a quaint tradition, despite removing the Palantine & Noble Guards (NOPE)

or Money & Control

15/ The Truth is, no one has a *reason* why it’s still the Swiss Guards

As you’ll recall, this is part of a series on the Swiss & I reckon they’ll feed into each other

Right now I believe they are there to control the Pope & the Bank

To be continued...

16/ Aha, there it is

1832 loan to the “Holy See” - NOT The Bank, notice, but the Holy See

Which is a separate entity from Vatican City

Vatican is powerful

Think the R0ths want to keep them from getting TOO powerful?

Where’s the R0th Group headquartered?


17/ Hey that’s funny... news today:

The Vatican is looking dead-ass broke

I mean, this isn’t including the most presumed hidden assets

But frankly I assume that Patriots have seized and frozen everything

& the Vatican may be in real trouble

Rockin’ 🎸

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