Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Mar 19, 2021, 21 tweets

The 3 PriMEs, Tria priMA or 3 Mothers of the Alchemical Process, the Great Work: Sulfer, Mercury, & Salt/ Soul, Mind, Body☯️

He who does not kNOW the Sulfur knows NOTHING, & can accAUMplish NOTHING, nEITHER of mediCINE, nor of PhiloSOPHIA & of the Secrets of Nature. (Paracelsus)

Sulfur represents the Soul of ALL MATTER & SENTient Beings. Sulfur is exPRESSed thROUGH CONsciousness & EX-PAN-SION of Thought & PERCEPTION. Proper-TIES include Dryness, Heat, the Male Polarity, EVApoRATIOn & disSOLUTION. Refer to Chart Below to See How the Tria PriMA Interact.💥

Sulfur in One's Body is a 🗝️ cAUMponent in making Proteins. Sulfur Amino Acids play a VITAL Role in the METAbolism. Sulfur, present in ALL Living tISSUES, Bodily Fluids & the Skeletal Structure, the 3rd most Abundant MINE-RAl. To Ancient Greeks, Sulfur is the 'Psyche/ Psychi'. 🏵️

Pysche, the Soul of Man & is the 'LINK' BEtWEen Sulfur, the Cosmic Fire & the “Logos,” the Divine Thought/ Will or Universal Mind. In Hebrew, the Soul is known as 'Nephesh' meaning 'Living Being'. It is the 🌈 Bridge that Connects the Body (Salt) with Mind & Spirit (Mercury).👇

OVER & INNER-ST-AND-ING the Importance of Sulfur’s PreSENCE in ALL CREATuREs & RAW Materials is FUNdaMENTAL in ALL TRUE (Inner) alCHEMical Works. Sulfur is the 🔐 to unlocking the INNER worKINGs (& Realms) of the Soul, the Higher Self & Consciousness, the Gate to the Unknown.🏦

“The Wings of Mercury, the 'Messenger of the Gods', ELEVATES US to the world of the gods.”
- Samael Aun Weor

Mercury is the FOUND+AT+ION of Alchemy & the Great Work. Mercury the Feminine, Omnipresent Spirit of Life (Prana). Mercury was the Act of Transmutation Personified.

Mercury (or Quicksilver) could Transcend Liquid and Solid States &, the Cycle of Life & Death, forming a 🌈Bridge between the Body & Soul, the Higher Self. Mercury is a SYMBOL/ Sigil of the Intellect, I+MAGI+NATION, mORAL judgMENT(E) & the Higher Mental & Psychic AbiliTIES.☝️ ⚕️

Mercury was personified as Hermes, Thoth, Enoch, METAtron & Zarathustra, serving as the 🌈 Bridge between the Creator & the Created, the All Seeing Eye, the Spirit of Truth & Unrelenting Kundalini Energy HIDDEN from Mankind but REVEALed in Different Mythologies by the gods.☀️🐍🌛

Hermes comes from the Greek “Herma” meaning 'Heap of stONEs' or 'Boundary Maker'. Hermai stONEs were placed at CROSSroads, Temples, borders, and boundARIES. Hermai stONEs symbolized ProtectION, Divine Blessings & Sexual Energy.

Hermaphrodite = Hermes/ Aphrodite (Goddess of Love)

'He dreamed & behold (Jacob's) LADDER set up on the Earth & the top of it reached Heaven & behold the angels of God ascending & descending. Behold, the Lord stood above it, I am the God of Abraham & God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest to thee will I give it & to thy seed'🌈

Like the Allegory of Jacob's LADDER, Mercury/ Hermes is the art of transmutation personified, the Surrending of One's Ego For the All. It is Mercury’s passive feminine divine nature that allows one to transforms their life & live more in Harmony with the Laws of Nature.

Mercury represents the Sexual Waters of Creation &sPINA(E)L Fluid, that brings the carnal desires into submission of the Divine Mind/Will. Innerstanding the Principles of Mercury (Mind/ Spirit) & finding balance between its feminine passive force, & how the Soul/ Body Interact.

Understanding the Feminine Passive (Omnipresent) Nature of Mercury when balanced & in Harmony with Sulfur’s (Soul) active masculine force, within his or her Salt (Fixed Matter/ Body), he/she will become the Philosopher’s stONE, turning the Spirit/ Soul/ Body from Lead to Gold.👁️

There must be something strangely sacred in SALT. It is in our TEARS and in the SEA.
- Kahlil Gibran

Finally the last of Tria priMA, Salt represents Earth, the body, and Fixed Matter. Salt represents lower consciousness and is often identified with self-knowledge and wisdom.

Salt is a constrictive force & displays characteristics of condensation and CRYSTallization. Salt is the substance of all things physical, the fixed principle of all. The human body does not produce salt, yet salt is one of the most important minerals needed for us to function.🌼

Sodium or salt enables the transmission of nerve impulses around the body. Salt regulates the electrical charges moving in & out of the cells. Salt is essential for the contraction of muscles and is fundamental to the operation of signals being sent to and from the brain. 🧠🔐👇

Salt has been used in Rituals since the Ancients. Salt, was said, to protect one from evil spirits and the evil eye. Salt was so important to the people of Rome that the Roman soldiers were paid in Salt. Strangely, the word SALARY comes from the Latin root word, “Salis".🐍

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, & to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” - Matthew 5:13

Salt is 🗝️ to the dissolving the EGO. The pain and bitterness that comes with spiritual growth is connected to the purifying principles of salt. Salt is the highest exaltation of matter, that has been achieved through the union of opposites - the transcendence of all ignorance.

Salt (Body) is the essential element in creating the philosopher’s stone, allegorically turning One's Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul from Lead to Gold, like the Sun Above Us, the Microcosm joins the Macrocosm when it is in perfect harmony with Sulfur (Soul) & Mercury (Mind/Spirit).🌈

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