Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa
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Jul 21 21 tweets 9 min read
Why 9-11? 🧵

Church of Satan Founder Anton LaVey stated in "The Satanic Ritual", "Despite others' attempts to identify a certain number (666) with Satan, it will be known that NINE is HIS NUMBER. NINE is the NUMBER OF THE EGO, for it ALWAYS returns to itself." Image Mark Passio explains, "There is a property of 9 which equates it with base consciousness or ego. The additive property of 9: when you add it to anything you get the number you started with. You take any number and add 9 to it nothing changes, its like adding 0." Image
Jul 21 21 tweets 9 min read
Zionism = Communism🧵

Revelation 2:9 states, "I know thy works & tribulation & poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Image These Dark Occultists are known as the Cabal (Qahal) or biblical Synagogue of Satan. Crypto-Joos masquerding as the original Hebrews, the Tribe of Judah, but their occult corporate title is the 'Luciferian Death Cult'.

A Spiderweb of Intelligence Networks of Deceit & Blackmail.
Jul 18 25 tweets 13 min read
'The Parable of the Sheeps and the Goats' from my NEW book, "The Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa"

G.I. Gurdjieff said, "Humanity is at a standstill and from a standstill there is a straight path to downfall and degeneration. There is nothing that points to evolution proceeding." Image "Contemporary Culture requires automatons. People are losing their acquired habits of independence and turning into automatons, parts of machines. Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains. He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it." Image
Jul 18 25 tweets 12 min read
Movie Magick! 🎬 "Amazon's Fallout the TV Show": the Esoteric Breakdown🧵 (Part ONE)

The Post-Apocalyptic Movie Trope is nothing new in Hollywood. But lately, it's made a COME BACK!

From movies based on a Post-Nuclear Wasteland like "The Book of Eli", "The Road" and "Mad Max". Image Movies with plots based on Pharmaceutical Armageddon like "28 Days Later", "Contagion" & "I Am Legend" to Dystopian Totalitarian Regimes like "1984" or "V for Vendetta'.

In the past year, the Impending Nuclear/ Apocalyptic Movie Trope has blurred the lines of FICTION & REALITY.

Jul 16 25 tweets 13 min read
Lord Priapos: Is the Vatican the Temple of Priapus?🧵

As the Early Church Fathers looked to recognize the Christian God as the Universal Parent and Great Father of Mankind, the Inner Order within the Order still held on to their ancient pagan beliefs.

OLD HABITS DIE HARD. Image The Order WITHIN the Order still held onto the worship of the Phallus and Yoni, the god-child and Great Mother AND the Secretive Cult of Priapos, an occulted Ithyphallic Deity vastly important to the Ancient Mystery Cults, to some called the "Good One" AND, even, Supreme Being. Image
Jul 15 25 tweets 12 min read
The Brotherhood of Death: Skull & Bones🧵

The Order of Skull & Bones was found at Yale in 1832. This Order with many others are a prominent part in building a New World Order wlith Member like George W. Bush, John Kerry, William Howard Taft, Richard Mueller and Paul Giamatti. Image People like to forget TWO BROTHERS of the Order of DEATH actually ran against each other in the 2004 Presidential Race:

George W. Bush Jr. and John Kerry, per Magical Tradition they were given the names Magog and Gog, as they sould he destined to bring about the "World to Come".

Jul 13 22 tweets 10 min read
The Cup of Hermes: Sexual Alchemy🧵

In the Buddhist Mahayana Avatamsaka Sutra, a reference is made to the Alchemical Elixir of Life, "There exists a Hataka juice of essence. One measure of this solution can transform one thousand measures of bronze into pure gold." Image The Elixir of Life, or the Mixture of Life, is the Alchemical Magnum Opus, the Great Work of the Alchemist.

Many consider the Emerald Tablet of Hermes to be the chief exposition concerning the Alchemical Operation by which they achieve the Great Work of the Sun. Image
Jul 12 13 tweets 6 min read
9-11-01: Rockefeller's Televised Rirual Sacrifice 🧵

(A Lesson in Blood Magick)

The Patriotic and Proud America, that we all loved and cherished, ended on September 11th, 2001.

Our rights were slowly stripped away, the Technocratic, Totalitarian, Survalliance State had BEGUN. Image In Judiasm, the First & Second Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed on the the Same Numerological Date: 9-11.

The Day of Mourning, Tisha Bav, equals 911 in Jewish Gematria.

Therefore, 9-11 was the perfect date to usher in the "World to Come".


This began 33 years earlier.
Jul 10 25 tweets 10 min read
The Original of Masonry: The Druidic Connection 🧵

In the early Pantheon of great Masters Masons, one must include George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Mackey, Gerard Massey and, most surprisingly, Thomas Paine, among others. Image Paine believed and, “was convinced that the principles and aims of Masonry, if applied to the world’s ailments, would bring peace and prosperity to all nations." Image
Jul 7 21 tweets 14 min read
The Cabal's "Three Step Plan"🧵

The "Old World Order" is based on independent nation-states. The "New World Order", or One World Order", involves the elimination of the sovereignty and independence of nation-states and creation of some form of world government. Image This means the end of the United States, the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights. Most of the Cabal's goals involve using the United Nations as the vehicle to a World Government, complete with a world army, a parliament, a world court, global taxation, and numerous other agencies. Image
Jul 4 25 tweets 13 min read
The Esoteric Truth about America's Independence Day (7/4) 🧵

The Fourth of July is the one day a year in which Americans "allegedy" celebrate their Independence. But, the fact is, If you only get one day a year to celebrate your independence, you are probably NOT free at all! Every American Government Holiday has Pagan Roots. The 4th of July is not different, it is a Masonic Holiday.

Why is celebrayed on July 4th? July 4th can be written 7-4. The Seventh English Letter is G and the Fourth English Letter is D.

Therefore, 7-4 equals G-D.

Jun 29 14 tweets 6 min read
S.E.X. = The Key to Masonic Symbolism 🧵

Sex is a Sacred Sacrament. The Seed is Sacred. The Womb is a Portal from the Spiritual to the Material. Sex should be treated as a Holy Act. The Highest Act of Creation is Procreation.

ALL Symbols are Sexual in Nature. Image Theodor Reuss in "Mysteria Mystica Maxima" states, "The science of Sexual Magick (Tantra) is the key to the development and the underlying secret of ALL Masonic symbols. It is certain that the sexual question has become the most burning question of our time." Image
Jun 26 17 tweets 6 min read
"The Original Sin of Spilling the Cup of Hermes" 🧵

Let's be completely CLEAR, the ORIGINAL SIN of our first parents was the crime of SPILLING the Cup of Hermes, "scientifically" known as spilling the semen. Image Animalistic Fornication is the reason man was exiled from EDEN.

When man returns to the starting point, that is when he re-establishes the sexual system of Eden, the sacred serpent Kundalini will again rise victoriously in order to convert us into Gods. Image
Jun 23 16 tweets 7 min read
Dionysus: Prototype of Christ? 🧵

If Christianity did not spring forth naturally from Judaism, like the early Church Fathers state then from where did it come?

If you look into the Dionysian Mysteries, we may find our answer.

The Cult of Dionysus was the Cult of Souls. Image The gospel according to St. John describes the first miracle of Jesus, the changing of water into wine. By this miracle Jesus is associated with Bacchus or Dionysius, the vine-god. Exoterically, Bacchus was a symbol of the grape; Esoterically, of the sun and the divine soul. Image
Jun 17 13 tweets 6 min read
In a recent interview, Disgraced Disney Star Orlando Brown mentioned a spot in the Human Body (in the Anus) that if touched (via Sodomy) can make the person act like an ANIMAL.

Sounds crazy, right?🧵 Image The Former Child Star was implying that the unsuspecting person (VICTIM) could and would act almost as a Slave if not prepared for this massive amount energy (Inner G) to be released.

The Sphincter is where the Root Chakra resides, Coiled like a Serpent in the Base of the Spine. Image
Jun 9 25 tweets 13 min read
"The Light & Dark of Sexual Alchemy & Magick, the Holy Science of the New Aeon"🧵

"Sex Power is God Power!"

Tantra is the Highest Level of Esoteric Knowledge in Yoga. Tantra is the SECRET Teachings in Buddhism but can be found in Vedic Hinduism, Zen Christianity and MORE! Image The word “Tantra” literally means a Technique or a Technology. This is an Inner Technology. A Technology of the Mind, Body and Soul. The compulsive and cyclical nature of the body and mind render themselves a barrier for higher possibilities or the Higher Realms.

Jun 8 21 tweets 14 min read
In 1781 English General George Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington.

Cornwallis predicted the Fate of USA saying, “Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government." 🧵 Image "That government they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, & they will all be under the all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Masonry.”

It's claimed Washington had 33 Generals. Image
Jun 7 6 tweets 4 min read
Alex Jones has "allegedly" had to sell off INFOWARS (& Personal Assets) to pay for $1.5 BILLION in legal damages to Sandy Hook families.

Let's discuss "Alex Jones" before we declare this a "sad day for TRUTHERS".

Jones is Controlled Opposition, a Zionist Plant. 🧵
Most are familiar with the MASONIC axiom from 33° Grand Master Albert Pike, "Whenever PEOPLE need a HERO, WE shall supply him."

This ideology is, also, found in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition."
Jun 5 16 tweets 6 min read
HOMUNCULUS: "The Mystery of the Artificial Man"🧵

"Paracelsus, among others, refers to mystery of the creation of artificial human beings. Such creatures were called homunculi and usually are described as crystal-like in appearance and as produced by art rather than by nature." Image Manly P. Hall continues, "By art is understood philosophical discipline as contrasted to nature which accomplishes the same ends more slowly by the gradual process of evolution. The homunculi were said to be born within eggs of glass. Their food was the universal medicine." Image
Jun 1 16 tweets 8 min read
Raising the Christos🧵

Mary & Joseph cross the Jordan to Bethlehem, where they have a son, Jesus, the Immaculate Conception. At 33, JESUS has 12 Disciples & travels to Golgotha where he is crucified between Two Thieves & reunited with G-d.

We know the story but what's it mean? Image The Allegory of Christ's Journey encodes the Ancient Wisdom of Raising the Christos, the Christ WITHIN. The Secret Key to Opening the Vault of Heaven. Your BODY is a TEMPLE.

The Word 'Christ' is derived from the Greek Word 'Christos' which means 'Smeared or Anointed with Oil'. Image
May 26 12 tweets 7 min read
Solomon's World Order 🧵

Legend states King Solomon understood the Mysteries of the Qabbalah. He was, also, a Necromancer; able to summon demons. Solomon was considered the Master of All Dealings with the Underworld, & many of his 'original' texts circulated among Magicians.
The Bible states that Solomon fell into Apostasy and practiced Witchcraft. In most Esoteric Traditions, this is accepted as fact; a Grimoire known as The Key of Solomon remains a highly respected Magical Text, and it's authorship is attributed to Solomon.