Interior Way ॐ Prisca Theologia ☆ Alchemist𓂀 Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes, Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa & Esoteric Hollyweird
113 subscribers
Feb 26 • 22 tweets • 9 min read
The Language of the Birds🧵
"Signs and Symbols rule the World" is often stated like an occulted Hermetic Axiom. Yet, learning to innerstand these signs and symbols is an Unspoken Language. Symbolism IS the Language of the Higher Mysteries, the Secret Language of the Light.
The Key to unraveling the Greater Mysteries of Life and the Universe itself, lie in an understanding of the "Phonetic Law" of the "Spoken Caballa" or the "Language of the Birds", to Freemasons it is known as "Langue Verte" or the 'Green Language'.
Feb 25 • 21 tweets • 11 min read
Durga and Durga: The Secret of Kundalini 🧵
The Science of the Ancient Siddhas is the Art of Sexual Transmutation known as Brahmacharya. The Sages teach that the Sexual Reproductive Power (Prana ) can be transmuted into a Higher Form of Energy called OJAS (Spiritual Energy).
The MATERIAL ENERGY is transformed into SPIRITUAL ENERGY, just as heat is changed into light and electricity.
The Practitioner causes his SEED to RISE up to his CROWN CHAKRA (Sahasrara), where it becomes transformed into SOMA, the Nectar of Immortality.
Feb 23 • 22 tweets • 14 min read
From Egypt to USA: The Biblical Origins of Slavery 🧵
The name Egypt is of Greek origin, coming from the Greek 'Aegyptos', which is a Greek transliteration of the Kemetic phrase: Het-Ka-Ptah meaning 'The House of the Ka of P'tah'.
But, let's go further. Let's check our BIBLE.
The Hebrew word for Egypt is Mitzraim, which is a masculine plural noun in Hebrew. It stems from a Hebraic root which means 'To Bind' (shackle or imprison), to be bound or a boundary, and lastly it means bondage, servitude, or slavery.
Feb 22 • 25 tweets • 15 min read
Jay Z, Vodún & Basquiat: Where did WILSON the VOLLEYBALL originate? 🧵
Wilson is the Vollyball in Tom Hank's 2000 Film "Castaway". Wilson is depicted as a Bloodied Face, almost like a Vodun Shrunken Head.
Many people link WILSON to the Horrendeus Video known as "FRAZZLEDRIP".
Frazzledrip was found on Anthony Weiner's Labtop in a Folder called "Life Insurance".
It is a snuff film showing Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin sexually assaulting and murdering a young girl, drinking her blood and taking turns wearing the skin from her face as a mask.
Feb 21 • 20 tweets • 9 min read
Sexual Control is YOUR G-d Power.🧵
G.I. Gurdjieff explains, "SEX plays a tremendous role in maintaining the mechanicalness of life. Everything that people do is connected with (and by) 'SEX': politics, religion, music, cinema, (social media)... it's all 'SEX'.
Do you think people go to the theater or church to pray or see some new play? That is only for the sake of appearances. The principal thing is there will be a lot of women or men. This is the center of gravity of all gatherings. One thing only brings people to these places: SEX."
Feb 16 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
Fight Club & Starbucks: "The Occulted Project Mayhem" 🧵
John McAfee said, "If you don't question if you are mind controlled. You are most likely mind controlled."
The Subconscious is the invisible part of the brain which controls our behavior outside of conscious awareness.
The Subconscious represents 93 to 97% of all brain activity.
Sigmund Frued compared the Mind to an Iceberg. Freud broke the brain down into three "parts": the conscious mind (Tip of the Iceberg), the preconscious mind and the subconscious mind (Bottom of the Iceberg).
Feb 15 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
The Origin of VALENTINE'S DAY🧵
We begin with the Fesitval of Lupercalia, a Two Day Ritual Ectastic Orgy that took place in honor of the Great god PAN, the Oldest of the GREEK GODS.
Lupercalia was a Celebration of Lupa and the Mythological Founders of Rome, Remus and Romulus.
Make it make sense...?
A celebration in honor of Pan, Lupa, Remus and Romulus?
Let's break it down.
Lupercalia means "WOLF" in honor of the She-Wolf Lupa who raised the Mythological Founders of Rome, Remus and Romulus.
These Gemini Twins were literally "Raised by WOLVES".
Feb 9 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
The only piece she can not recover is his PHALLUS. A fish is believed to have swallowed Osiris's Phallus. Therefore, Isis must create a Magic Phallus to bring Osiris back to LIFE, which she successfully does.
Others believe Sacro comes from the Arabic ṣaqr meaning "Sacred".
This follows in line with the GreeK Root of Sarco which comes from the Os Sacrum or "Sacred Bone", this is the Sacrum Bone but, in this context, the Sacred Bone is Lost Phallus of Osiris. In Masonry, the Lost Phallus is the equivalent to Mason finding the Lost Master's Word.
Feb 7 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
The Matrix: "Simulacra and Simulation" 🧵
In the beginning of the first "Matrix" film, Neo conceals important computer files within a hollowed-out copy of the real life book titled "Simulacra and Simulation", a novel by Jean Baudrillard in 1981.
"Simulacra and Simulation" is a philosophical text exploring the idea of a simulated reality, essentially mirroring the Matrix itself where the characters live in a computer-generated world. Our reality mirroring the "reality" or program of the Matrix.
Feb 6 • 25 tweets • 12 min read
Willie Wonka and the SLAVE Factory 🧵🍫
In 1964, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was written by British Intelligence Agent (and Author) Roald Dahl. It has long been said Dahl worked at London's Tavistock Institute, the driving force behind The Beatles & 60's British Invasion.
The Tavistock Insititue is the Original Ministry of Progranda. Dahl was said to be an extremely talented Mk-Ultra Programmer in his own right and this is refected in his writings. The film was a Cinematic hit with children, especially children with repressed memories, and ADULTS.
Feb 1 • 22 tweets • 10 min read
The Matrix Trilogy: "The Game of Life" 🧵
The Gnostic Themes permeate throughout the Matrix Trilogy. But, the parallels between the entire concept of "The Matrix" and the precepts of the Sanātana Dharma Tradition (Hinduism) are, also, shocking, to say the least.
"The Matrix" is an Illusionary, Dream World, a Highly Sophisticated Program. In Hinduism, the Material World is considered to be an Illusion, known as Maya. The Material World is but a reflection of the Ultimate Reality, the true Spiritual Reality known to Hindoos as Parabraham.
Jan 26 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
The Norse All-Father Odin, or to the Teutonics Wotan, is the ONE-EYED King of the Gods.
In the Land of the Blind, the One Eyed Man is King.
Odin is the Ruler of the Aesir and his day is Wednesday.
Written as "один" in Russian, ODIN means "ONE".
Odin is UNITY. He is ONENESS.
In the Germanic Eddas, Buri is an Androgynous Being, a GIANT, who in turn generates Bör. Bör, joining the offspring of Imir, fathered three sons (Wotan, Wile, We) who killed the giant Imir, “they carried off his body into the EMPTY SPACE between Muspilheim e Reflheim”(FIRE & AIR)
Jan 25 • 19 tweets • 9 min read
Where did "MEDIA" originate? 🧵
MEDIA was an ancient country located in northern Iran, which corresponds to the modern regions of Azerbaijan. It was the HOME of the Royal Art of Mind Control.
It is not a coincidence that MEDIa and MEDIcal have the SAME first four letters.
"The Art of Mind controlling you to self-sabotage your own success and your own potential is very old, This is not new."
Our modern MEDIA is named after this ancient country because this is where the ancient mind control tactics on the masses originated.
Jan 24 • 14 tweets • 9 min read
"It's an open secret in Hollywood. These people have their own religious, spiritual, social and moral teachings and frameworks. They have their sacred texts - they are sick - and they couldn't be more at odds with what America stands for."
Hollywood is the New Ministry of Propaganda. The ideas made on Movie REELS become REAL.
The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Monster Inc. and Labriynth are all example of Children's Film that are presented as sweet, fun & wholesome but beneath the surface are about much darker concepts.
Jan 23 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
The Lunar Influence on the Sacred Secretion🌙 🧵
The term Sacred Secretion is commonly used to describe a Pyscho-Active SEED, an Endogenous Essence or Sacred Oil, that is produced in the human body, influenced by shifts in the magnetic lunar energies.
This SEED is likened to DMT, the Spirit Molecule.
This Holy SEED is produced in the Human Body MOONthly.
The Moon circles one full turn around the Earth in approximately Twenty Eight days. As it does, it passes through each Zodiac House for about to two to two and half days.
Jan 18 • 25 tweets • 10 min read
The Matrix: Fiction or Documentary?
(An Exclusive Preview)
What if our Reality is an AI Generated Simulation, an Energetic Prison, that has been built, manipulated and controlled since the BEGINNING of TIME?
What if the goal of our Human Farmers is to hide this HARSH TRUTH?
BUT, even if someone did tell YOU: would YOU even beLIEve THEM?
It was Aristole who said, "The worst thing about Slavery is that eventually the Slaves begin to ENJOY it."
In the 1999 Classic "The Matrix", Thomas Anderson has a feeling that something isn’t right with his world.
Jan 17 • 25 tweets • 14 min read
The Matrix: Movie or Documentary? (1)🧵
What if our Reality is an Energetic Prison, an AI Generated Simulation, that has been built, manipulated and controlled since the START of TIME?
The Goal of our Human Farmers is to hide this HARSH TRUTH. BUT, would YOU even beLIEve THIS?
"The worst thing about Slavery is that eventually the Slaves begin to ENJOY it."
In the 1999 Classic "The Matrix",
Thomas Anderson (later dubbed NEO) has the feeling that something isn’t right with the world.
His Computer glitches: "The Matrix has you. Follow the White Rabbit"
Jan 15 • 21 tweets • 10 min read
Light = Truth = GOD🧵
Albert Pike writes, "To conceive of GOD... the Kabbalah imagined Him to be a 'MOST OCCULT LIGHT'."
"Mithra had his Seven Rays. Moses his Seven Days. The other SEVEN planets circle the Sun, the King of Heaven, receiving from him the LIGHT and their powers."
In the Bible, there was Seven Days of Creation.
Seven is the token of Union between God, who is Triune, and Man, who is Quaternary. 3+4=7
Samuel Fales Dunlap wrote that the idea of spirit as the ultimate or first cause is present in all of the great religions of the East.
Jan 15 • 25 tweets • 17 min read
The Mystery of the Great Sphinx of Giza and Ezekiel's Vision 🧵
The Mystery of the Sphinx and Ezekiel's Vision of the Burning Wheel has mystified people for ages. The Sphinx symbolizes the resistance of the Material World, a Celestial Embodiment of Man's Lower Nature.
The Sphinx symbolizes the Classical Four Elements along with the Alchemist's Salt, Sulfur, Mercury and Azoth which were known to the Ancient Greeks as Fire, Water, Air and Earth. These Four Elements became forever personified as the Four Gospels of the Holy Bible.
Jan 11 • 18 tweets • 9 min read
Is Human Hunting THE Royal Sport?
Many Survivors have told the same frightening story of Human Hunting Parties in the Royal Forests of France, Belgium and Netherlands. This Barbaric Practice is known as THE HUNT.
Think "The Hunger Games" or "The Most Dangerous Game".
A Survivor said, "I was taken to a hunting party in Belgium close to Brussels where I saw two boys & a girl ages 14-16, hunted and killed by global elites. The human hunting party was heavily guarded by the Netherlands Royal Guards. I was told King Albert of Belgium was present."
Jan 11 • 25 tweets • 12 min read
The Ancient Cult of the Pepe the Frog🧵
"The Cult of the Frog (Kek) is the oldest in Egypt. Frog Deities were believed to have helped in the creation of the World. According to Horapollo, the frog typified an imperfectly formed man as it was generated from the slime of the Nile"
In Egypt, Greece and Rome, the frog was a symbol of fertility, especially in Egypt, because millions were born after the annual flooding of the Nile. Frogs were, actually, the object of worship.
In the Heliopolis Creation Myth, the Ogdoad were the original great gods of Iunu.