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Mar 26, 2021, 62 tweets

Thread 1 : #JavedAkhtar

Stands in SOLIDARITY with MF Husain, NEVER once condemns his portrayal of Hindu gods. But on Salman Rushdie, says: "You CANNOT speak in a derogatory manner; write DIRTY things about those who are REVERED by billions."

Thread- 2
says "You can't speak in a derogatory manner; write DIRTY things about those who are REVERED by billions."

But he accepts an award named on the man who speaks in a derogatory manner; writes DIRTY things about those who are REVERED by billions

Thread- 3 #JavedAkhtar #Atheism

Stands for Freedom of Expression of ALL the writers of the world, condemns ban on their work. But wants a writer SACKED because he sees her work as communal.

That's @Javedakhtarjadu style rationalism.

Thread- 4
#JavedAkhtar Atheism
Family of hypocrites

Majidi and AR (muslims themselves) cannot make movie that hurt the sentiments of muslim community -

But all and sundry can make inflammatory movies on Hindu gods.

FOE is valid as long as someone does'nt make movie Prophet.

Thread 5

Preaches the world on Misogyny, Fundamentalism,Bigotry, refers to Manusmriti,NEVER once condemns Iqbal, Sir Syed for their appalling views, NEVER quotes an egregious verse from the Holy Book

SNARES the fundamentalists, SPARES the fundamentals.

Thread- 6
Preaches the world on Misogyny, Fundamentalism, Bigotry, refers to Manusmriti, NEVER once condemns Holy Book.

SNARES the fundamentalists, SPARES the fundamentals.

Give lecture on Mamu smriti and Secularism but never talks about existence of Sharia law in India.

Thread- 7 #javedakhtar

Comes from Islamo-Marxist school of Thought Talks about poverty, calls it a SIN, condemns inequality then gifts a cake depicting a slum with icing detailing open sewage, to his wife amid fanfare and mocking of the poor.…

Thread- 8


An atheist preferred a fatwa over Indian govt's orders to shut down mosques during corona crisis...

Thread- 9
Javed akhtar's atheism, rationality, and freethought.

Tahir Hussain confesses of masterminding Delhi riots, says 'wanted to teach lessons to Hindus' #TahirHussain #DelhiRiots

Thread- 10

#JavedAkhtar #AllauddinKhilji

Javed akhtar never shy away from showing his love for Islamic fanatic rulers specially alauddin Khilji.
In fact his part time hobby is praising Fanatic muslim rulers and whitewash their criminal history
More 👇👇

Thread 11
Let's talk about his Econ policies

He sought to reduce the power of Hindu populace n as per Barani, he asked wise men to supply some rules n regulations for grinding down the Hindus, n for depriving them of that wealth n property which fosters disaffection n rebellion

Thread- 12

Alauddin imposed a 50% kharaj (Islamic tax on agri. land) in a substantial part of northern India. The cultivators were required to pay 1/2 of the agricultural produce as a tax

This was the maximum amount allowed by the Hanafi school of Islam.

Thread- 13

Apart from the kharaj, Alauddin's government levied a tax on residences (called ghari) and a tax on grazing (called chara'i).

Alauddin demanded four-fifths share of the spoils of war from his soldiers, instead of the traditional one-fifth share


He sought advice from Qazi Mughisuddin of Bayana on legal status of hindus as Dhimmi and imposed Jizya.

Thread- 15

Atheist javed never talks about prices of slaves in his favourite hero Alauddin khilji's rule.

Working girl- 5-12 Tankahs
Girl for concubinage- 20-40
Ghulam- 100-200
Handsome boy- 20-30
Child slave - 70-80

Thread- 16

Khilji saved India from Mongols.

Is he saved India or his own kingdom?

But the fact is that he was a foreigner (Turk) ruling over kafirs.

Both khilji and his subjects hated each other.

One such example of how he saved India from cruel mongol

Thread- 17
But the fact is that Alauddin Khilji was running a garrison state with constant military movements.

Basically he ran an economy like Stalin or Churchill in Bengal diverted resources & created misery to support the Army


The fallacy of this idiotic piece of The wire is it wants us to rely on mongol atrocity literature generated by the same Muslim historians whose accounts of Muslim atrocities in India are deemed “exaggerations”

Thread- 19
Billa no 786 Atheist think whoever does not agree with his propaganda that mughals were secular and made India rich is Jahil.
Says mughal brought secularism to India because nobody heard of economy roop akbar write down theory of Secularism.

Thread 20

First he is saying mughal brought Secularism to India when no one heard of Secularism

But don't want to acknowledge that secularism is a European concept means seperation of church nd state which dates back to the era of king Philip and edward

Thread- 21

He says all hindus should be proud of mughals for bringing secularism in India

India don't need lecture

Can @Javedakhtarjadu name any hindu state which passed anti-muslim legislation be it Marathas or Vijayanagar? but the fact is 95% Islamic rulers kafirs like dirt

Thread- 22

Pluralism goes back to 1500BC, when Bharata tribe led by Sudas defeated invading tribe from North West near Ravi and defeated alliances of 10 kings led by Vishwamitra and in East sudas defeated another tribe led by bheda on the banks of Yamuna.

Dashrajana battle 7:18

Thread- 23

As a result first big empire emerged, instead of imposing their own god on everybody, they asked the defeated tribes to send their wisest rishis to the banks of Saraswati to compile all their ideas even the ideas of defeated tribes, even Vishwamitra (Guru-of defeated)

Thread- 24


Rig-Veda is compilation of all the ideas of not just the Victors but also of the defeated.
It is the template on which hinduism ans Indian civilisation is based which means not of a imposition but assimilation

Thread- 25

If mughals were really secular why is that pakistan which sees itself as successor of Mughals, is not a secular country?

How come India where people never knew of Secularism before mughals is Secular country ?

Thread- 26

#JavedAkhtarAtheism at 1:05

Can @Javedakhtarjadu tell me where babur founder of mughal empire was born ?

Babur was born in  Fergana Valley,
the eldest son of Umar Sheikh Mirza (1456–1495 nd a great-great grandson of Timur (1336–1405)

Thread- 27
@Javedakhtarjadu If mughals were really secular why is that there is not even a single 500 years old of classic architecture from Afghanistan to Bengal?

For more info open the tweet blow 👇

Thread- 28

Famous Temples destroyed by Mughals:

1. Ram JanamBhumi (Ayodhya )
2. kashi-Vishwanath (Varanasi)
3. Keshav Rai Temple (Mathura )
4. Govind Dev Temple ( Mathura )
5. Vijay mandal Temple (Vidisha)
6. Bhima Devi Temple (Haryana )
7. Madan Mohan Temple (Vrindavan )

Thread- 29

8. Chausath Yogini Temple (Jabalpur)
9. Trimbakeshwar Temple (Nasik)
10. Somnath Temple (Gujarat )
11. parasnath Jain Temple (Karnavati)
12. Kailasa Temple
13. Farman to demolish Jagannath Temple (Puri )

Etc and Many more

Thread- 30

#ChausathYogini Temple destroyed by secular Mughals inspired design of Indian parliament.

Thread- 31


1. Farman for demolition of Somnath Temple

2. Farman for demolition of Somnath

3. Aurangzeb's farman for destruction of Jagannath Temple (Puri)

Thread- 32

On 7th April in 1685, #Aurangzeb issued the order to Convert the Hindus through out the Mughal Empire.
Rs. 4 to a Hindu male and Rs. 2 to a Hindu female on conversion.

*Original documents at the Rajasthan State Archives, Bikaner Museum.

Thread - 33


Aurangzeb orders cart loads of Hindu idols brought from Temples at Jodhpur to be cast under the steps of Jama Masjid 25May 1679.

Thread- 34

Idols of the Lord Krishna of Keshav Dev Rai Temple #KrishnaJanambhumi buried under the steps of Begum Masjid

Thread- 35

After demolition of temple of Keshav Dev at #KrishnaJanamBhumi. Aurangzeb renames Mathura as Islamabad. 12 feb 1670

Thread- 36

172 Temples demolished in Udaipur, order passed by #Aurangzeb 23 Dec1679.
Hasan Ali's confirmation letter/29 Jan1680.

Thread- 37

According to #Aurangzeb: "even to look at a Temple or Murti is a Sin (Paap) for a Musalman. 13 Oct 1666.

Thread- 38

11 March 1689:Sambhaji refused to convert to Islam. Aurangzeb ordered Sambhaji & Kavi Kalash to be tortured to death

Thread- 39
Sons of GuruGobind Singh refused to convert to Islam.
Wazir Khan authorized by #Aurangzeb buried them alive in wall.

Thread- 40
 Babur  September 1528 ordered both be destroyed.

Later, the Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb, tried to use heavy artillery to destroy the statues. The legs of the Buddhas were broken because of Aurangzeb's action

Thread- 41

On 9th April in 1669, #Aurangzeb issues the order for demolition of all Hindu Temples & Educational institutes throughout the Mughal Empire.

*Original documents preserved at the Rajasthan State Archives, Bikaner Museum.


Thread- 42

Aurangzeb responsible for GENOCIDE of 4.6 MILLION Hindus

Per @nytimes data & research.…

Thread- 43

Aurangzeb imposed ban on Music, Feb 1668.
Painting depicting ''Burial of music''.

Thread- 44

There is no trace left of Sun Temple at Multan.

Thread- 45

Aurangzeb destroyed 240 temples at mewar and 67 temple at Jaipur.

- Anecdotes of Aurangzeb by Jadunath Sarkar.

Thread- 46
RTI: NCERT says it has no information on sources for its textbook's claim that Aurangzeb and Shah Jahan gave grants to repair Hindu Temples which were destroyed during war.

Thread- 47


At 1:44 says mughals made India rich
British made India poor
But the fact is that per capita GDP of britain was double the per capita GDP during Akbar's so called golden age.

Per capita GDP of India was stuck at 500$

Thread- 48


Mughal made India rich
Despite data says that there was Constant decline of share of India in world GDP.

1AD - 32%
1000AD - 28%
1500AD -24.4%
1600 -22.4%
1700 - 24.4%
1820 - 16%

Thread- 49

Mughals made India rich ?

The fact is that mughals made themselves rich

- 587 people arrogated 61.5% of total revenue (Shah Jahan' time )

- Top 25 people took 30% revenue of whole empire (Akbar's time )


White Liar #JavedAkhtar

What Thomas roe wrote

"The people of India live as fishes do in the sea. the great ones eat up the little, for farmer robes the peasant, gentleman robes the farmers the greater robs the lesser and King robs all

Thread 51

Although this empire of the mughals is such abyss for gold and silver.The inhabitants have less the appearances of moneyed people than those of many other parts of the globe

- Francois bernier
Who lived for 12 yrs in India

Thread- 52

When I was travelling in India...
I wondered when such large sums ( As accumulated by rulers) could be obtained, for the people are very poor and live miserably.

---Pieter van den Broecke
(Dutch cloth Merchant )

Thread- 53

JN Sarkar -
The mughals lived by pillage ans aggression.
There was no sustained nourishing of economy
They only relentless arrogated fruits of other people's labour

WH Moreland -

Mughals were as it were pulling the out the tree by its roots to gather it's fruits

Thread- 54

British Imperialism - Bad

Turkic-Islamic Imperialism - Good

Mughals made India rich British made India poo

Thread- 55


Kr Narayanan told audience in Turkey that most 'amazing fact' about his homeland before it was defiled by 'European intrusion' was that the interaction between old Islamic Civilisation and Hindu Civilisation was a friendly experience

Thread- 56

Condemns bigotry, religious fanaticism. But calls Tipu Sultan - who DESTROYED thousands of temples, churches, FORCIBLY CONVERTED lacs of Hindus and Christians, demanded ANNIHILATION of infidels - calls Tipu secular, courageous.

Thread- 57

#JavedAkhtar says Tipu supported american freedom fighters.

As far as the money sent by Tipu to Americans was for being his ally in both fighting against the British. For Tipu, US was enemy of his Tipu's enemy;hence his friend.

Thread- 58

#JavedAkhtar doesn't tell what was written on the sword.

"My victorious sabre is lightning for the destruction of the unbelievers.Ali the amir of faithful, is Victorious, he destroyed the wicked race of unbelievers.

Thread- 59
#JavedAkhtar makes fun of Savarkar for writing tactical mercy petition but calls his Great Grand father fazal-e-haq-khairabadi freedom-Fighter who issued fatwa against british in 1857

If you live you can fight a new battle another day

Thread- 60
#JavedAkhtar calls Jai chandra n Mir Zafar traitors
but never calls SHAH waliullah traitor, who Invited Afghan king Ahmed Shah Abdali to wage Jihad against Sikh,Jat, Marathas.

Calls Tipu Sultan is hero who invited also Afghan king for Jihad

Thread- 61


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