David Monis-Weston Profile picture
AI Lead @ Purposeful Ventures; Founder & Director of Innovation @TeacherDevTrust; former physics/maths teacher, Trustee @TeachingAwards. 🏳️‍🌈 (he/him, cis)

Mar 28, 2021, 7 tweets

This is a great paper by Joseph E. Mroz and colleagues on the science of workplace meetings. (short thread 🧵) - this area is absolutely core to @TeacherDevTrust's view on effective school leadership.

They begin by summarising some key findings from three key areas of meeting science.

And then go on with a helpful check-list of factors that promote good meetings.

They note that a good meeting can helpfully include a discussion of difficult areas but complaints that signal that problems are fixed/unmalleable begin 'complaining cycles' that are highly problematic.

They point out the multiple roles and responsibilities of the meeting Chair - a highly skilled role.

You really can't underestimate the importance of this. Meeting quality is directly associated with morale and job satisfaction - good meetings have positive effects and bad ones have negative effects.

The paper appears to be freely available here: core.ac.uk/download/pdf/2…

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