David Monis-Weston Profile picture
AI Lead @ Purposeful Ventures; Founder & Director of Innovation @TeacherDevTrust; former physics/maths teacher, Trustee @TeachingAwards. 🏳️‍🌈 (he/him, cis)
Doug Stroud Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 9, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Rob reminds us of the nonsensical pseudoscientific joys of Brain Gym. @profcoe #rED23 Image Rob still finds many teachers who believe this statement about Learning Styles is true. @profcoe #rED23 Image
Nov 11, 2022 24 tweets 14 min read
Looking forward to @leighhoath session here at @EducateNorfolk Annual Conference. Image Climate education needs a very sequenced approach, not a series of one off events @leighhoath Image
Jun 9, 2022 20 tweets 13 min read
Excited to listen to @olicav today here at @bryedusummit - I had the opportunity for a wonderful discussion with him at lunch 🤓 .@olicav is taking us through some of the ideas of @anniemurphypaul’s wonderful book The Extended Mind @bryedusummit
Feb 16, 2022 51 tweets 28 min read
We're kicking off here at the @TeacherDevTrust webinar on performance management, with @DamienRobertsIP @chadda_amit @Concettina_J1 and chaired by @GarethConyard #TDTConf .@GarethConyard: when things go wrong, performance management can be seen as a deficit model, about preparing for capability, rather than a positive system #TDTconf
Apr 11, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
Thanks to @ryandal for putting me onto this brilliant paper by @GerardSeijts et al. This absolutely nails why teacher performance goals aren't helpful if teachers don't *already* have all the skills/resources to achieve the performance. citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/downlo… A performance goal such as 'achieve these class results' is only helpful for a teacher if they already have all the perceptive understanding of students' challenges, the skill and resources to meet them. It encourages them to prioritise attention/time/effort to this goal.
Mar 28, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
This is a great paper by Joseph E. Mroz and colleagues on the science of workplace meetings. (short thread 🧵) - this area is absolutely core to @TeacherDevTrust's view on effective school leadership. Image They begin by summarising some key findings from three key areas of meeting science. Image
Feb 14, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
How have I been in this field so long and not come across this simply amazing 2010 paper by @KarenSeashore, Kenneth Leithwood and colleagues for the @WallaceFdn? conservancy.umn.edu/bitstream/hand… So many rich findings from a whole raft of quantitative and qualitative data. Here's a small sample at school-level
Apr 19, 2020 18 tweets 6 min read
A thread with some advice on videoconferencing - I'm focusing mainly on using Zoom. Firstly, why Zoom? Many of the safety worries have been resolved and the stability, resilience and breakout rooms features are great. (More on safety: tidbits.com/2020/04/03/eve…) When presenting to colleagues, look at the camera, not your screen!
Jul 6, 2019 16 tweets 6 min read
I've been reading Next Generation Performance Management today by @acolquitt - he reviews and summarises evidence on how to manage performance in ways that work, not based on "myth and superstition". (Thread) Key message 1: most efforts to base PM on performance ratings fail, across all industries. It's not clear that they're useful in raising performance in any case.
Jun 22, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
I'm having a bit of a Cognitive Load Theory day today. I want to highlight a few findings from this 2011 paper by Paas and Sweller (thread) link.springer.com/article/10.100… Pupils often learn better when teachers make gestures while explaining an idea, when compared to verbal-only explanations.
Jun 22, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Here now a few initial reflections on Collaborative Cognitive Load Theory as it applies to teacher professional development. (Thread) Firstly, this seems to underline why collaborative enquiry (eg Lesson Study) may be such an effective model for teachers, but also helps us understand the plausible boundary conditions.
Jun 22, 2019 21 tweets 8 min read
Reading through this now. Absolutely fascinating how set of ideas about how Cognitive Load Theory can predict when collaborative learning is beneficial. Collaborative learning is likely to be beneficial with the right types of dialogue, particularly peer critique, debate and seeking synthesis - this moves towards a shared mental model and helps distribute cognitive load
Nov 5, 2018 11 tweets 4 min read
Dynamite new @educationgovuk report from @profbeckyallen group. One of the most important things anyone in school, LA and MAT leadership should read right now. gov.uk/government/pub… And it's backed by *all* the major players assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…