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OpenParlyZW is a project of Magamba Network that seeks to open the Parliament of Zimbabwe to promote and enable engagement between decision-makers & Citizens

Mar 31, 2021, 8 tweets

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Oral Evidence from Zesa holdings executives on the Zesa forensic audit

Dr Gwata : Diesel power generation is common in Southern Africa #OpenParlyZW

All taxes when it comes to fuel were removed except carbon tax for Dema diesel plant #OpenParlyZW

The was no write-off but rather it was a reversal which has a board resolution #OpenParlyZW #OpenCovidContracts

Dr Gata : I can not break down the cost of fuel but rather the cost of power generation #OpenParlyZW #OpenCovidContracts

Directives came through the then Minister of Energy Samuel Undenge #OpenCovidContracts #OpenParlyZW

Dr Gata : Some of the fired engineers are struggling with their cases #OpenCovidContracts #OpenParlyZW

Hon Mushoriwa : Dr Gata your delegation must be properly dressed #OpenParlyZW #OpenCovidContracts

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