Raam Beart 🥭 Profile picture
Martian internationalist who believes in equality, development & cooperation, & an end to imperialism, racism & bullying - known for original #RaamWTF series 😜

Mar 31, 2021, 13 tweets

(1) Basic facts about Hong Kong - a unique city like no other in the world- a part of the great nation of China after 156 years of British colonial rule

Hong Kong (the past) - 1842 ceded to Britain after signing of the unequal Treaty of Nanjing that ended the 1st Opium War

(2) In 1840, Britain went to war with China over trade & drug trafficking - while British officials tried to play down the illicit origins of the conflict, opponents gave it a name that made the link quite clear: the Opium War

(3) Hong Kong (the turning point): 1997 China resumed sovereignty over HK- upon reunification, despite the practice of socialism in mainland China, HK (& Macau), which were colonies of Britain (& Portugal), retained established systems under a high degree of autonomy for 50 years

(4) Hong Kong (the maverick): China's paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping, formulated the unprecedented constitutional principle of "One Country Two Systems" during negotiations with Britain over HK's handover - the late Deng explained the principle in 1984:

(5) Hong Kong (the present): HK is now governed as a Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China under the "One Country Two Systems" principle

(6) Hong Kong (the turmoil): rise of anti-China forces seeking to destabilise HK- 2012 “anti-national education” incident - 2014 illegal “Occupy- 2016 Mongkok riot- 2016 surfacing of pro-independence “HK National Party”- 2016 onwards chaos as some public officers obstructed

(7) Govt's & legislature's operation with non-stop filibustering, backed by Western politicians & funding by NED - The Event Book of Chaos involving anti-China opposition in HK's Legislative Council - Oct 2016-Nov2020

(8) Hong Kong (attempts to topple the HK Govt & economy 2019-2020)



(9) Hong Kong (the solution): Beijing enacted the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in HK + full realisation of the rule of law by the HK law enforcement agencies & the Judiciary


(10) Hong Kong (securing a stable future as a part of the motherland): Beijing initiated electoral reforms for HK to weed out traitors, seditionists, separatists & terrorists


(11) Hong Kong (the future): HK is now governed as a Special Administrative Region of The People's Republic of China under the "One Country Two Systems" principle & its future as such will be guaranteed, as we continue to be a city known for our status as a free trade port, a

(12) stable city governed by the rule of law with a government supported by an efficient civil service that is now protected against subversion, free market economy with a highly efficient workforce, boundless business opportunities as we integrate with mainland China as a part

(13)of the Greater Bay Area while HK remains a international financial market characterised by a low tax regime, a stable currency, as it hosts the largest offshore renminbi bond market with issuers- HK remains the best place to capture China opportunities

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