Raam Beart 🥭 Profile picture
Martian internationalist who believes in equality, development & cooperation, & an end to imperialism, racism & bullying - known for original #RaamWTF series 😜
2 subscribers
Jun 3 5 tweets 2 min read
(1) New York University (NYU is demanding apologies from pro-Palestine student activists, assigning “moral” homework in a disciplinary process by forcing them to attend "Ethics Integrity Series" classes which include students would be assigned a “reflection paper" Image (2) the students are explicitly instructed not to “justify” their actions & were told to turn their papers in by May 29 in “12-point Times New Roman or similar font” Image
Apr 22 11 tweets 5 min read
(1) Welcome to the WTF Hong Kong Protest Series - "I am now a PROUD "rat expert at Westminster" in the UK" Special Edition #RaamWTF

The former assistant of former Hong Kong anti-govt legislator Claudio Mo proudly reviewed that he has migrated to the UK as a McBNO boner & become Image (2) an "expert at catching rats in the Westminster area" - Vincent Lam is also failed election candidate - well, failed Hong Kong, try London!

The video on Weibo shows he's might proud of his new job
Dec 26, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
(1) Giant pandas Ya Ya & Le Le can finally come home to China following recent allegations of mistreatment of the pandas by the Memphis Zoo by animal rights activists

scmp.com/news/people-cu… ImageImage (2) The 2 pandas suffering devastating mental & physical diseases:
Dec 14, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
(1) Today in Hong Kong, a teenager was jailed for 3 years over 29 offensive posts published on YouTube, Discord & the LIHKG forum in a span of 28 months, after pleading guilty to the charges #RaamWTF

scmp.com/news/hong-kong… (2) Chui Hoi-chun, an 18-year-old part-time waiter, was convicted of for parodying “March of the Volunteers” on social media in the 2nd conviction under the national anthem law, as well as for charges of insulting the flag & publishing seditious remarks
Dec 14, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
(1) More McBNO woes 😰: McBNO boners from Hong Kong who've moved to the UK share tips on how to stay warm during the current energy crisis in the UK in Facebook groups for exchanging tips on coping with new life there #RaamWTF

This one lamented that he got frostbites on his (2) foot soles & toes, & can't sleep, had to buy a heater to warm his feet.... according to him, it helps to put one's feet with frostbites in front of this heater for 30 mins

This one found out that sticking bubble wraps on windows makes the flat warmer
Dec 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
(1) FT interviewed 23 sex workers in Cardiff in the UK, incl a former civil servant who had to become a prostitute to feed her family, incl her husband - he even drove her to have sex with a customer in a hotel - she said: “I’m doing this for my family, my house, and my husband” (2) why the former British civil servant, who is her 30s, started to sell her body
Dec 14, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
(1) This Monday in Hong Kong, a 31-year-old paramedic was jailed for 2 yrs & 4 mo for rioting, during which he also took part in a vicious mob beating of a bystander from mainland China who refused to erase photos of the scene from his phone on 11/11/2019 #RaamWTF (2) Au Yeung Chun Fai pleaded guilty to taking part in the riot with 300 rioters & was jailed for that - he was initially accused of wounding Yang Xuezhi, a bystander from mainland China, with intent as well, but the court allowed that charge to be kept on file after his plea
Dec 14, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
(1) Yesterday in Hong Kong, former opposition legislators Helena Wong, Lam Cheuk-ting & Andrew Wan were jailed 3-7 weeks after pleading guilty to contempt & obstruction of other legislators during a filibustering fiasco in the LegCo Chamber in June 2018, May & #RaamWTF (2) Oct 2020 in violation of the Legislative Council Powers & Privileges Ordinance

立法會拉布抗爭 黃碧雲認藐視囚4星期 林卓廷尹兆堅囚3及7周
Dec 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
(1) In Hong Kong today, 9 riotere aged 23-32 were sentenced to between 4 yrs 7 mo & 5 years for rioting in Tsim Sha Tsui on National Day on 1/10/2019 #raamwtf

dimsumdaily.hk/9-defendants-s… ImageImage (2) you know the drill, cos if not, they would've fled to the UK, the paradise for criminal fugitives & suckers who can't wait to part with their money, to become McBNO boners
Dec 11, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
(1) More woes for McBNO boners from Hong Kong - Christian McBNO boners in Taiwan have figured out that Tsai's regime in Taiwan have sold them out - a pastor fm HK lamented that they "have fallen for [the Taiwanese regime’s] great scam of the century” #RaamWTF Image (2) the pastor told "Christianity Today" that his followers found out that Taiwan had changed residency requirements- an immigration official even asked if a visa applicant from HK if he'd won any awards to prove he contributed to Taiwan society & listed “the Nobel Prize” (!) as Image
Dec 4, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
(1) Welcome to the WTF Hong Kong Protest Series - "I've been duped & now I'm back in HK after moving to the UK" Special Edition #RaamWTF

This ex-McBNO boner lamented that he & some of his friends have returned to HK after moving to the UK, as they had not done enough financial (2) planning before the move- a fellow McBNO boner echoed his views, saying that he'd been duped by a Facebook influencer named Coco, & who attracted people to watch his videos with tons of catchy headlines as click baits, but his views about moving to the UK are "not fact-based"
Dec 4, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
(1) Former Hong Kong Cable News reporter, Sharon Cheung Po-Wah, in an attempt to get back at the late Chinese state leader Jiang Zemin, who has just passed away, for calling her "too simple, sometimes naïve" in 2000, instead of using the correct Chinese characters (2) to describe his words as "earnest & sincere words", she either deliberately used the character "intestine" instead of the correct character, or simply used the wrong character without meaning to, but the rest are sarcastic remarks to get back at Jiang
Dec 1, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
(1) Welcome to the WTF Hong Kong Protest Series - "HELP ME - I've lost my govt subsidized flat!" Special Edition #RaamWTF

Kwok Cheuk-kin, a retired HK civil servant known as the "Cheung Chau King of Judicial Review" has just lost the HK govt subsidized public housing unit he was (2) granted in 2019, after HK news outlets reported that he had actually been living in his self-owned flat on Cheung Chau for 13 years & illegally using the govt flat as a "spare home"

the media found out after his ex-girlfriend tipped off a reporter during an interview about
Dec 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
(1) Former New Zealand PM Sir John Key: US has attempted to use the 5 Eyes intelligence alliance to create a bloc which is "more aggressive toward China"

"I don't think NZ should just parrot things that are said by the Americans or anybody else. They should make its own mind (2) up & exercise its own judgment of what they think is right"

With China being New Zealand's largest trading partner and "very critical to the health of NZ's economy", Sir John also told the Global Times
Nov 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
(1) CIA & Western academics do what they do best - creating fifth column in targetted countries by grooming & brainwashing local people (esp young people who crave Western "education"), so that they develop into self-hating individuals who loathe/reject their own people & country (2) & yet are loyal to imperial West, in some cases to the extent that they will be willing to subvert their own states to serve US/Western interests These domestic actors who are groomed & trained, & are convinced that they should undermine their own national interest "for the
Nov 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
(1) Today in Hong Kong, 2 former student rioters aged 22 & 23 were jailed for 6 years for all charges related to their attempt to snatch a gun from an officer during a riot on 11/11/2019 - check out what the judge had to say #RaamWTF

hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/new… (2) More on the case:
Nov 28, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
(1) Amazing #Qatar #Qatar2022 (2) Amazing #Qatar #Qatar2022
Nov 28, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
(1) Current protests in mainland China coordinated by Western forces from overseas

Freedom House has set up this site monitoring Western colour revolution progress in mainland China, with some operation conducted by their Taipei-based staff

chinadissent.net (2) This related Reddit page is another one - some will claim to be posting from mainland China but who knows where they're really from - posting colour revolution manuals translated into Chinese - recycled from the 2019 Hong Kong riots
Oct 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
(1) Today in Hong Kong, the scum in the thread below, 黃鈞華, who stabbed a police officer on 1/7/2020 & then tried to escape to London that night but was caught on the plane 12 minutes before it was about to take off, was jailed for 5 years after pleading guilty to #RaamWTF (2) this, & rioting- the violent rioter who did the stabbing (he was 26 at that time, worked as a bartender) was jailed for 5 years, & a student aged 21 was jailed for 33 months for rioting in Causway Bay on the same day - a third defendant will be sentenced for riiting on 31 Oct
Oct 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
(1) The price of holding Canadian residency:

Hong Kong veteran actor Lawrence Cheng, aged 67, who migrated to Canada with his family in the 1990s for "a better life for his children", was recently sued by the Canadian tax authorities & his savings were almost wiped out (2) he still flew back to HK to act as a host to earn money, and even went to the mainland to film dramas - unexpectedly, a few years later, the Canada Revenue Agency went after him for earnings made in HK & around the world for several years after he

Sep 15, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
(1) Solid evidence of foreign interference by CIA channel - US National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - for propaganda, destabilization & even the plotting of outright subversion with local opposition in mainland China & Hong Kong - well documented in this blog with #RaamWTF (2) links to a wealth of material incl funding, videos of NED meetings with HK politicians