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I’ve read the QDrops so you don’t have to. disinformation expert. Sex Bot Master.

Mar 31, 2021, 13 tweets

The Dumb Puppy of QAnon is back with one of his feeble attempts to be the Thomas Paine of QAnon. Today, as it every day, is the time that tries men's souls. This is the harsh winter of the digital soldier.

He starts us off by telling us that we have to keep believing. To not commit to QAnon is to condemn America to a long and bloody civil war which is the Deep State's dream. Far better to root for a military coup that will somehow not be long or bloody.

We then get one of the olive branches of QAnon. That the normies are not the enemy (Even though they are) and that we all gotta stand strong together to win this thing.

Then the Dumb Puppy gives us some red lines to know when we should be concerned things might not be going well. If they come for our guns, bad times. If Trump gets arrested, bad times. Till then you got nothing to complain about.

Then we get a couple paragraphs of "Do your own research!" and "Read the Drops". Biden won the election because not enough people read the Drops. The world would be a better place if everyone would read and understand the drops.

If you have a lack of faith in The Plan or Q that's your problem. You need to keep looking at the QProofs. You need to keep educating yourself on Q's wisdom. The Plan cannot fail, The Plan can only be failed. Do not fail The Plan.

We then get the mega guilt trip that IET has been at this for 4 whole years, so your burden is nothing compared to his. I've been following the Illuminati for decades. QAnon is but a blink of an eye to me.

This is followed by another demand to re-indoctrinate yourself into QAnon. Re-read the holy texts. Learn the sacred and secret messages and embrace your role as a digital soldier fighting for God against the Devil.

In case you didn't know. You have to do this. You have no choice. All other roads are closed to you. It's QAnon till the End of Days. So stop being negative and helping people leave the movement. IET needs attention and he doesn't like you hurting his engagement metrics.

He closes by saying you should be thankful you are suffering because the alternative is blissful ignorance which would be bad for reasons he doesn't explain. I think I'd much rather enjoy not suffering at all and then having the world saved for me.

Imagine having no idea about any of this stuff and then all the evidence comes out and all the bad people get carted off to jail. You would think "Wow, guess we dodged a bullet there" and go back to your life and have no idea about any of drama on social media.

So if you're doubting QAnon I have a idea for you. Just give up. Leave. Ignore all this nonsense. Forget IET, forget the promoters, forget the debunkers, forget all of us. Leave and live a happy life.

Let Shirley Manson help you wave goodbye to QAnon and all the rest of this nonsense.

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