Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President Kennedy. https://t.co/qeiTtXyyE3
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Feb 12 • 32 tweets • 7 min read
I'll start with his guns. The Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was purchased by via mail order along with a .38 caliber handgun. Oswald also got a telescopic sight for his rifle. We know the mail order box the guns were shipped to and that Oswald obtained them using a fake name.
Dec 18, 2024 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Everything in the right wing is about selling you on a false hope and then luring you into a life of misery. Everything in the various subcultures they have created is designed to isolate you into that subculture and make the misery it inflicts on you your identity. 🧵
QAnon makes you hate everything. Movies, Music, TV, sports, it all sucks, it's all run by the Deep State. Your only enjoyment is seeing Trump on TV and consuming media as an ARG to see the hidden messages Trump is sending you.
Aug 1, 2024 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
The "Hamster wheel of outrage" is a term I use to describe how the right wing works tirelessly to keep their audience upset and angry at The Other. Yesterday Harris wasn't Black. Today a woman fighter is a man. Tomorrow will be something else to get upset over. 🧵
Before QAnon even existed there was this automated page on Facebook with some generic right wing name like "Patriot News" and it would post the same 50 or so articles with slightly different headlines every 4 hours and get so many ragebait clicks. It was low effort and effective.
Jul 30, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
We open with Outlaw reassuring his audience that the God Emperor isn’t scared of Harris, he will both engage her and defeat her when the time is right….but! 🧵
Well there is some pesky belief that the Dem Elites are going to replace Harris at the DNC. This belief is “widespread and credible” according to him.
Jun 30, 2024 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
The folks that bought into "JFK" and have spent decades screaming about how the CIA killed Kennedy have now shifted to blaming Israel for killing JFK. This shows you how unserious these people are.
The whole premise of "JFK" was that the government had to have killed Kennedy because the cover-up was so massive only the government could do it. Killing Oswald, the sham autopsy, the Warren Commission, ect ect. required resources that The Mob or Anti-Castro Cubans didn't have.
Apr 22, 2024 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
There are three Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theories that have traction in America today. The Illuminati, QAnon, and what I call MAGAnon. I will explain How these theories are all similar and what makes them different in this thread.
The Illuminati is the belief that the world is run by a shadowy group of bad people and that we're all basically screwed. Maybe God will step in and save us, but we can't count on it. This is what the guy who set himself on fire at the Trump Trial believed in.
Feb 1, 2024 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
With the gruesome beheading done by a man invested in conspiracy theories there has been a lot of talk about if the man was actually a QAnon believer or was he just invested in conspiracy theories and what exactly is the difference. In this thread I will try to explain things.
QAnon is a Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theory. It takes all conspiracy theories under it's umbrella and accepts them as legitimate. Q themselves discredited Flat Earth, Moon Landing Denialism, and JFK Jr being alive and yet QAnon still accepts people that believe these things.
Nov 10, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
I haven’t cherry picked anything. I don’t think anyone save maybe @QOrigins has gone over the early QDrops in as much detail as I have. I know the source material that’s why I can explain my position on the whole “who started Q” thing.
The idea that some Big Bad (Bannon, Flynn, Putin, all three?) posted “Hillary will be arrested in 2 days” and the followed it up with “She’s already in custody! We did it guys!” 90 minutes later is pretty clear to me it’s some dumb troll trying to get attention.
Oct 29, 2023 • 24 tweets • 8 min read
While QAnon celebrates the 6th year delta/anniversary of QDrop 1, let's dig into that first week of QDrops to see what exactly what got these people so excited.
QDrops 1 and 2 are both ridiculous for what they claim will happen and for Q screwing up his story. In QDrop 1 Q claims Hillary's passport will be flagged on 10/30 and the National Guard is being called up to quell riots stepping from Hillary's arrest on 10/30.
Oct 19, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
A term you'll often heard thrown around by conspiracy theorists is "Predictive Programming" which is the claim that the Illuminati like to condition us to accept their evil plans by giving us hints about what they plan to do in the future.
The whole concept of Predictive Programming is a reverse of Cold Reading. Cold Reading is when a mentalist or psychic uses a series of questions to get information from a mark. The Cold Reader will quickly ignore the questions that don't get reactions and focus on those that do.
Sep 6, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Liz knows that she is lying about "Hillary Clinton & Foundation" being connected to "Crimes against children" and she doesn't care. Her supposed evidence of this connection is a list of things found in Anthony Weiner's E-mail.
This is the notes the FBI agent took. That Weiner had sexted a 15 year old. That a search warrant had been executed on a iPhone/IPAD/Laptop and that the laptop contained "Thousands emails" and then listed "Hillary Clinton & Foundation" and "Crime Against Children"
Aug 17, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Believe in a conspiracy theory doesn't mean you become divorced from reality. A majority of people think Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone in the assassination of JFK, yet a majority of Americans don't buy into QAnon. So what makes QAnon different?
QAnon is what I call a Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theory. It explains everything. It has an answer for why the weather is bad, why the government is corrupt, why mass shootings happen, and on and on and on. That answer is the Deep State.
Aug 1, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Why is Flynn talking up Pizzagate again? Why is now the thing Liz Crokin is screaming about? Because Q's no longer useful so it's time to pull it all back to the simpler time when we could talk about the Global Satanic Pedovore Ring without dealing with The Problem With Evil.
The Problem With Evil is a theological debate about the nature of God and the world. How can an all powerful, all loving God allow evil to exist? QAnon now has this problem because if "We have it all" and "Patriots in control" then why is Hillary still free?
Jul 15, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Tonight’s festivities are about to commence.
Swag purchased at the standard brutal concern mark-up.
Jul 14, 2023 • 44 tweets • 8 min read
The first thing I'm going to cover is that the movie being "Based on a True Story" is one of those dumb Hollywood lies that QAnon would normally hate but because it lets them pretend this is a serious movie they love citing this claim as proof the movie is honest.
Jun 29, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
QAnon's world view is incapable of handling nuance. Their core belief system is that a monolithic evil is fighting a monolithic good with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. This makes it so they have only a few possible reactions to world events.
If a Bad Person does a Bad Thing then that's the Deep State revealing itself and Satan trying to seize power over the world. Biden winning the election, Ukraine not falling in 3 days. This is all the Devil's fault.
May 14, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Anger is something only the right is allowed to have. Imagine if after 2016 we had hardcore Hillary fans disrupting baseball games with "Hillary Won!" flags and waving flags like this one.
Fox News would be in a 24/7 cycle of sad children crying cause their parents voted for Trump and those vile Libs are swearing at them. The New York Times would have an army of reporters in small town Middle America Diners talking to sobbing MAGA truckers who voted for Trump.
Feb 25, 2023 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
A thread for all my new followers about the nature of QAnon and why it's so toxic for the people who become a part of the group.
QAnon is a story where the main character is the antagonist. The Deep State is the focal point of the QAnon narrative. Trump, the protagonist, is a new character that was just introduced recently into the storyline.
Dec 29, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
QAnon, who claim to be all about protecting children from child trafficking, are here to tell us that Andrew Tate is being framed. #PizzaTate
Sather’s got a cowardly “who knows what is going on” post about Tate’s arrest. Following QAnon is supposed to sharpen one’s mind and give you a keen sense of discernment, yet this sort of reaction to breaking news they don’t like is very common. #PizzaTate
Dec 29, 2022 • 13 tweets • 12 min read
It's time for that most magical of events. It's the QAnon Year In Failure Review. We begin in January where Pepe said the bad guys were totally being exposed. Medic and Major Dad were sure DECERTIFICATION would happen and the inauguration truthers were still at it.
We open February with the prediction that this would be the month the Cabal would break. The Canadian Convoy was going to redpill the world, And Kash and the LeBron hater promised us DURHAM IS COMING.
Nov 10, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
If you have a loved one trapped in QAnon and you have the desire to help them leave the movement this is a moment to reach out to them to see how they feel. Being in QAnon is terrible, it is a community bound by collective misery.
The world is ruled by evil elites who worship Satan. They can find no joy in music, movies, TV, or sports. They center their lives around trying to prove that they'll defeat these evil people someday soon and complaining about their friends and family ignoring them.