Rick Wilson Profile picture
Lincoln Project. Award-winning ad-maker. Writer. Instrument-rated pilot. NYT #1 best-seller. Still got the shovel. Writing: https://t.co/e04n749N5H

Mar 31, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ Still missing our dog Riley today, but I thought a couple more pictures of the old boy might amuse you. He loved the water and swimming in the pool.

2/ He was fearless. Witness this epic battle with a crayfish.

3/ Riley was hella photogenic.

4/ He was such a food hound he would steal wheels of brie, any grilled or uncooked meats, and anything else he could find at or above counter height.

So much so he became a family and friends meme.

5/ He loved Fanny, one of our Jack Russell Terriers. He would steal her bed.

6/ Any couch, any time, anywhere was better than any dog bed.

7/ Absurd yawn.

8/ His granddaughter Jilly rivals him in being a food thief, and is amazing in her own right.

9/ Damn, he loved a good run in the field.

10/ Also, agile.

11/ Thanks for all your kind words for the bestest boy.

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