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Apr 1, 2021, 6 tweets

Statistics for COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, March 31st .

Sinovac: 5,100 people received 1st dose. Total 309.7k. 9,600 people received 2nd dose. Total 44.0k

BioNTech: 0 people received 1st dose. Total 151.3k.

1st dose of a vaccine: 461.0k
2nd dose of a vaccine: 44.0k

Age breakdown of those who have received their first vaccination.

Location breakdown of where people took their first dose of a vaccine.

Gender breakdown of those who have taken their first vaccination.

As of 8pm last night, about 2,900 persons have made booking online for receiving their first and second doses of Sinovac vaccine in the past 24 hours, while 0 persons had reserved their first and second doses of the BioNTech vaccine online.

3 cases were sent to hospital after vaccination on March 30th

Sinovac: 3 cases from 15,100 vaccinations: Hospitalisation rate 0.0199%

BioNTech: 0 cases from 0 vaccinations: Hospitalisation rate 0.0000%

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