Raam Beart 🥭 Profile picture
Martian internationalist who believes in equality, development & cooperation, & an end to imperialism, racism & bullying - known for original #RaamWTF series 😜

Apr 1, 2021, 7 tweets

(1) today in Hong Kong, Democratic Party's founding member & former chairman Martin Lee, media tycoon Jimmy Lai & former lawmakers Margaret Ng, Cyd Ho, Lee Cheuk-yan, Albert Ho & "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung were convicted of organising & taking part in an

(2) unlawful assembly on 18/8/2019, while former lawmakers Au Nok-hin & Leung Yiu-chung have earlier pleaded guilty to the same charges - they faced a female judge who didn't buy their bull - judge will hear mitigation pleas on 16 April before passing sentence

(3) their defense lawyers had argued that the activists were only taking part in the procession "to help disperse the crowd", but the judge noted that some of the defendants were among those carrying a huge banner at the front of the march (see pic below)


(4) Assembly in Victoria Park in HK that day - gotta love Epoch Times for loading tons of footage of Jimmy Lai's & his pals' action that day, which incriminated them in court today, proving that they were active leaders

(8) today's Hong Kong TVB Pearl's report: judge found opposition politicians guilty of illegal assembly & confirmed that HK police action was lawful & constitutional

(5) should be (5)

(6) The maximum penalty for each of the two charges (organizing & participating in an unauthorized assembly) is 5 years of imprisonment, & those convicted in a district court can be sentenced to up to 7 years in jail


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