Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr𓂀ce (G)REatEST ॐ Profile picture
Interior Way ॐ Philosopher King ☆ Alchemist 𓂀 Eternal Student ☆ Author of Piercing the Veil, God of Reflections, Cup of Hermes ⚚ & Apocalypse of Hidden AmuraKa

Apr 1, 2021, 9 tweets

The Harmonic Universe

The Ever-exPANding, Always Ch-ANGING (Aging), H+ARM=ONIC UNI-VerSe. The Cosmic W-AUM-B OR Egg (Eho) controlled by the Cosmic UNI-VERsA-l PendulAUM or Harp / Lyre (Liar/ Liar) of DestructION, PreservatION & RegeneratION.


ISIS means 'ThrONE' (AU+set/ Isis or S+S/ SS = 8 = 'OURA' (Aura)+BORAS = Divine 'Child' Horus/ Seasons/ Hours/ Cyclical Nature of Time), Mother of Time. Top of PAN-THEON
+ (47)
SUES / ZUES, Father of the Sky, Air, Thoughts/ King of Gods & Men

oSiriS (Anagram of Or Isis?) + apIS = 'SERapIS'. SERA, Zues's Wife & Sister's Name was Hera, Isis's Brother & Husband's Name = Osiris/ auSAR, riding on Zues/ Jupiter's Eagle, Aquila, the Eagle/ Phenoix, known as the 'MOM/AUMent of C-RHEA-tION'. Rhea being the Roman Earth Goddess

'Ancient' Greek & RHO+Man (Romans) are the SAME Entity. Rho, 17th (8) Greek Numeral, pronounced 'P' (CHI-RHO). Hide rh+ODES (RH= Blood) Island off Greece. Stolen From AEgytupus/ Khem, Horn of Africa, Meso-aMERI+CA/ PotaMIA, ECT. Mythology & Invented/ Inverted 'Gods' mONEtized.

In Ancient Egypt, Mythologies & the Personification of the Forces of NaTuRe known as Neters/ Neterus (Male/ Female) were used in the Mystery Schools (Missed Stories) to Help Expand One's Own Consciousness & REconnect with their Sol / Soul awakening the Anima Mundi or World Soul.

The Modern BA+Kongo COSMOgRAM, or 4 Moments of the 🌞, shows the 'Dikenga' (Prana/ AkASHa), ConTINuously sPHIraling, Life Force Energy of the UNIverse, creating a Cross in a Circle (Sphere) or Square (2D Tetrahedron). In Kemetic Tradition, shown as Khepera, Ra, Ra Atum & AMUM Ra.

The Ancients viewed the 🌞 as a Living Entity, the Bull of Heaven who circled the Houses of the Zodiac Wheel, Top Half = Heavenly Sphere, Tasett, the BottOM = UNDERworld, KAmta/ Earth. Each Night/ sunSET, the 🌞 would 'Die', Only to Be REborn (Osiris, Horus REborn) Each Morning.

The Ankh can be seen as the T.O.L., the Loop (of ⏳) w/ the Bindu/🎯/ Du'at in the Center.
1. Khepera🐌, Birth, Sun Rise, the Root or Seed of Consciousness Beginning to BlossOM Up the Djied Pillar (Spine)
2. Ra, Life, Midday
3. Ra Atum, sunSET, Death
4. Amun Ra, MidNight, REbirth

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